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EÊÉ CENTRAL GOUÍG EAST. . II 1 II Sf LI a o_2_S5 o S.B JS A. M. A. M. P. M A. M !p. M.'p. M. Chicago.Lv 5 00 9 00 3 10 110 50! 9 10 Kalamaioo 10 22 1 35 6 58 7 10; 4 06 2 27 BaitleCreek 11 15 1 15 7 33! 7 55 4 57 3 18 Jackon 1 20 4 15 8 49 9 3=' 6 35 4 50 Chelsea 2 01 10 12 7 28 5 35 Dexter 2 17 10 21, 7 45 5 50 Delhi Mills 2 32 ! 7 55 ....... Ann Arbor 2 43 5 30; 9 41110 40; 8 08 6 08 Ypsilanti 8 00 5 451 9 53 10 53 8 25 6 24 WayneJun 3 25 6 05] 1111 8 48 6 47 Detroit 4 10 6 4510 45Í11 50 9 30 7 30 Niágara Falls 2 51 5 31 1 4 15 7 20 Buffalo - 3 35 1 6 11 6 25! 4 55 8 Oo P.M A. M. A. M.'P. M.!P.M.;P. M GOIHQ WEST. STATIONS. ï jog js_ a 8 i_ f P. K A. M. A. M A. M. P. M. Buffalo l 11 30 5 36 6 05 900 1C0 A.M. NiagaraFalls 12 15 6 I 1 45 A. M.: lp. M. P. M. P. M Detroit, Lv 7 30 9 ir 120 4 00 8 00 10 15 Wayne Jun 8 11 ! 9 53 1 54 4 45 8 3e 10 55 Ypsilanti 8 33 10 17 2 12 5 12 9 00:il 18 Ann Arbor 8 5010 40 2 24 5 30 9 15; 11 35 Delhi Mills 9 00 5 42 1 Dexter 9 08 5 60 9 44' Chelsea 9 22 6 06 10 00 Jackson 10 13 11 45 3 27 7 10 10 55 12 54 BattleCreek 1209! 1 23 4 38 8 52 12 27; 2 23 Kalamazoo 12 50 2 01 S 15 9 45 1 20; 8 07 Chicago, Ar 6 10, 6 40 9 80 10 20 7 00 7 45 ;P H.lp. M. P. M A. M. A. M. O. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arlior & Nortn MicMgas R'y Time Table Roing into effect Sunday, July 22, '88 Going North. Going South. STATIOKS. rtk etk. Mail Standard Time. jj p P. M. f. M. A. M. LV'E] [ArB P. M. P. M.!p. M. 11 O 3 25 9 15 Toledo 1 10! 5 00 10 45 11 20 4 0.' 9 Monroe Junct'n 12 24: 4 18,10 00 12 35 4 10 10 07 Dundee 12 18 4 10 9 57 1 05 4 31 10 2; Milán 12 00 3 50; 9 40 1 40 4 52 10 4' Pittsfleld 11 40 3 'II 9 18 2 00 5 07 lü 5S ..Aun Arbor... 11 27 ■ S 07 9 08 2 2 5 27 11 10 Leland's 11 10! 2 60 8 50 2 47 5 4fc 11 24 Whitmore Lake 10 56 2 361 8 34 2 6Í 5 52 11 30 Hamburg 10 50! 2 30 8 27 3 56 6 28 12 C0 Howel' 10 15: 1 55 7 55 5 1; 7 lí 1 00 Durand 9 271 1 OOi 7 15 5 47 7 4! 1 21 Corunna 9 08 12 37 6 42 6 00 7 55 1 30 Owosso 9 03 12 80 6 35 7 52 9 lí3 55 Ithaca : 7 52:11 05 S 33 8 10 9 35 4 15 St. Louis 7 30 10 EO1 5 16 8 16 9 41 4 21 Alma 7 23 10 451 5 12 8 58 10 2( 5 12 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 40 10 071 4 35 11 45 p. M 8 4f Cadillac A. M 7 201 1 50 A. M P. M A. M.lP. M. All passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Connectlous at Toledo wlth railroedsdivergmg, At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling&LakeKr.e R. X. At Alexis Junctdon witb Ï. O S. R.. L h. ti.'y and F & P. M R R A' Monroe Junction with L. 8. & M. Ö. K'y. At Dundee with L. 8 M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry . At Milán with W., 8t. L. & P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. 8. A M. 8. R'y. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., anL at South Lyon with Detroit, iAnsing and North em R. R.,and a. T. Ry. H. W. A8HLEY. W. H.BENNETT. Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Aun Arbor. At Ashley with the Toledo, Saginaw & Muskgon railway. REPORT OF THJü uuNDITION OF THE Ann A rbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, July 2d, A. D. 1888, MADE I ii witn Scrliwiiü 18.19 amt 67 of li' fleneral Biniki: I.a as Auiended in 1871. RESOURCES. Loansaud Discounts S 804,983 TG Bonds and Mortgages 218,091 59 Overdrafts 358 06 Furmture anJ Fixtures 1,930 85 Due from National and State Banks.... 71,049 79 CashonhMid 59,340 35 ï 628,554 40 LIABILITIE8. Capita! Stock ï 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 50.000 00 tïndivided Proflts 41,995 99 July Dividend 2,755 00 üue Depositors 483,803 41 8 618,564 40 I do solcmnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day of July., 1888. ADAM D. SEYLER, Notary Public. TIMA nanmlsonflleinPhiladelpM I HIS PArtnatth0 Newspaper ASverI O LÏLÜïti8ingAf;ency of Messrs. N. W. AVER SON. our aiithorized agente. n in T yñpAHTWM&l MONEy ? UU I U U lf so. wo ciin help ou to doit. We ■i m makc nd sell s. laree line of honscWAllT hold specialties that are sold by II HUI Acent. consisting of Rocllning Tft Chairs.Sprini; Beds.f lothcs WringI U Clocks, Photgraph Albums, ■ ■ ■ ir Bibles, Koks, Sinvrna Rug, Lce MAKF Curtains. Ktc. e Largcst and IIIHIXL BeRt jae of Agpnt' goods offered linilCV y auy house in this country. lïlURtl Senifor Ciu'cgoe. Address LOVELL Mr&. Co. Soz 562,_Srie, ?a. Mention thia Paper when you write. Uew Advertisements f6N. Languor, &3fPjfQ(fi Headache, Removed by i ,'iLi, JWM! Tarrnnl' ■jfëfègJÊmJ Seltzer Aperient. i kflaiaiP' Sold to Tarrant & Co., N.Y., ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. 17 Professors and Teachers. Nearly 200 STUDENTS GRADUATINti COURSES IN Literature, I ansiiasf s. tttisW. Fine Arts, Commercial Science Kloont ion. New Building, $20,000, Ready in Sept. Sixty-page Calender free. Address 3 P Principal ACSTIN, B. I. yj DIGESTIÓN WSU3JaE3g Tarrant' 3HR' Seltzer Aperient. SSHSp?' Soldby Tarrant&Co.,N.T., IBi' and Pfuggl&tB everywbere. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Blook. Partles desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll find Uto their advantage to cali on me. I repreent the following flret-class Fire Insurance Conpañíes, having an aggregate capital of over 88,000.000 : ThO pnrt Raplds Fire Ins. Co., The Ohlo Fariner's Iiis. Co., (iusnres only Iwellings). 'I'íic ornuiíi Fire Ins. Co., Tj j The ('oucordin Fire Ins. ('o., 'J The CHlzens' Fire Ins. Co., The Wertchester Fire Ins. Co., The Milwankee Mechanic's Mntual Fire Ins. Co., The New llnmpshlre FIrc Ins. Co., The Amazon Fire Ins. Co. Rites Low. Loases llberally adjusted n oromptly pald. I also Issue Life and Investment Pollciee In the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A íets 155,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insurance, can have yearly Policles wrltten for them oí Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued at Low Rates In the Standard Accident Insurance Companj of North America. Money to Loan at Curreni Rates. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 12M. and 2 to . M. , ALBX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block ËBEEBACH & S0Ï, DRUGGISTS kd Pharraacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keeponhandalarge and well seleeted stock oí W Druqs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Slufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet ArticleVTrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS etí;hyRlciíins' FreseriptioRS carefu'ly prepaied at all boure. x LÏÏMBER LUMBER! LÜMBEK! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON unir Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEK We manufacture our own Lumbei and -ïuarantee , VERY LOW PRIOES 49-Give lis i ciiilxiMl we wlll make li (O vour interest, as oiir lnrge nI wet) irrálel stoelt fully sustains oor asser . tiou. JAMES TOJLBERT, Prop. I . .1 . K HECH. Sopt. ■■■ Soa WoniliT exist in thousands of TiPPPiorms, butare surpassed by the marvels üflÜIof invention. Those who are in need of ■■■■ profltable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallet & Co., Portland, Main, and receive free, full informatiou how either sex, of dll ages, can earn from 85 to $-5 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over tiO in a single day at tuis work. All succeed. ■UIIHUMIAIIhas revolutionized the work dur, TH WPWTIflWing the last half century. No' IH lail liUHleast arnong the wondera of ini ■■■ ■ ■""ventive progress is a method and fyBtem of work that can De performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal ; auy one can do the work ; either sex. young or old ; no special abllity required. Capital not needed ; you are started free. Cutthis out and return to us and we will send you free, something of great value and importanceto you, that wlll start you in business, which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in the world. Grandoutfltfree. Address Tri'E & Co.. Augusta, Maine. THE CREAK of all BQ0K5 of ADVENTURE Condeneed into One Volume. PIONEER .in DARING, HÉROES í m DEEDS. The thrllling advcntures of all the hero explorers and frontier fighters with Indians, outfaws and wild beasts, over our whole couctry, from the earliest times to the present. Lives and famous exploits of DeSoto, LaSalle, Standish, Boone. Kenton, Brady, Crockett. Bowie. Houston, Carson, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Generáis Miles and Crook, great Indian Chiefs, aud scores of others. Splendirtly IIliislrall with 220 fine engraving?. AUEKTS WAXTED. Low-priced,and beats anything to sell. Time for payments allowed Agents short of funds. PLANET PUB. CO., Box 6881, St. Loois.Mo $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward for any case'', liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, ' gestión, constipation or constiveness we c eure with West s Vegetable Liver Pilis, when . . dircctions are strietly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satiifaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 26c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeitsand imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., S62 W; Madison-st., Chicago, 111. MUM M Kcwnrded are those wlio read tbis uTPUT Vand then act; they will flnd honorable 1UUUU lemplovmeiit that will nottake them ■■ fromtheir homes and families. The profits are large and sure for every iudustri ousperson.many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. it ís easy for any one to make 85 and upwards per day, who is willing to work. Eittafcr sex, young or old ; capital uot needed ; we start you. Everything new. No special ability required; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particnlars, which we mail free. Addrcss Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. ' 4ook'i C'olton Root Componnd.- ComM&Sï posed of Cotton Root, Tausy and PennymSÊBÊu roval. Sitrctssfullv w.'fd monthly. Safe, I Tñf Enectual, Pleasant. 1 by mail, or drugllR f frists. Sealert particulars 2 stamps. aa'e Vy TÍ rtdrPM PONO LILY COMPANVi J 131 Woodwsrd aTe., Detroit, Mich. ScM ::i A::n Arbcr by all drugglsts,


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Ann Arbor Register