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l'ni Tircd luí. "I do not think I can stand this terrible suffering from the Rheumatism much longer. The pain has not left me for one minute during the past week." 'lam sorry for you, but itis yourown fault. You ehouid use one of Pomeroy's Piasters, lts effect is quick and sure." Such was the state ment and answer made by two partios in the writer's presence, and It is the truth. No other remedy has cured so many cases of itheumatiim, Backache, Neuralgia. Lumbago, etc., as Pomeroy's Petroline Piasteis. But In order that you may not be deceived by an imitation, always insist üpon having F'omerry's Petroline Piasters, in envelopes. For Sale by H. J. Brown, District Agent for Ann Arb':T. Edison is repo.ted to have sold his phonopraph p.-.teGts lo an Engli.-h fynd:cata for $250,000. DON'T SCOLD s man for groaning when he has Rheumatism or Neuralgia. The pain is simply_ awfiil. No torture in the ancient times was more painful than these twin diseases. But - oughtn't a man to be blamed if, haring Kheutnatism or Neuralgia, he wont use Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured thousands who have suffered in the same way ? It has cured hundreds after physicians have pronounced them incurable. "The skill of five physician could not cure me of Rhetunatism which had settled Ín ti hipa, neck and shoulders. 8o intense wj the pain that sleep was almoet impoeaible. The finrt doee of Athlophoroe gare me relief, and tne third enabled me to sleep lorlour and a half honrs without waking I continned ite ase, and am now well n Rkv. 8. H. TROYËR, New Albany, Ind. S-Send 6 cents for the beautiful colored pieture, "Moorish Maiden." THE ATMLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall Si. H. Y. PlSO'S RlJIEDY TOB CATAEBH I I glv6 fmmediate relief. Catarrriat I I virus is soon expelled from the sysI I tem, and the diseased aot ion of the I I mucous membrane is replaced by I I healthy secretioHB. The dose is small. One package __ I contains a sufficient quautiiy fbr a I I long treatment. A Cold in the Head Is relleved by I I an application of Piso's reruedy íbi I I taríh'. "I comfort to be got I I from it Ín this way ia worth many I I times ita cost Easy and pleasant to use. Price, 50 cents. Sold by druinrfste I I or sent by malL E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. I YOU CAN GET IT AT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. PLEASE NOTICE ! WMiTthftjTict co. ! Will furnish Ice, delivered to any part of the city for season of 1888 : 25 Ibs. daily, exceptSundays,$2 permonth. 25 " 4 times per week, $1.75 per month. 25 "3 ' 1.50 " 25 "2 " " " t.00 " Hotels, Restaurants, Butchers, etc., will be furnished by ton or hundred. E. 7. HAÑQSTEEFEP., Maaagor. EffiSEY & SBABOM 6 JHTJD 8 Washington Street, Ana Arbor Michigan. Have always ün hand a complete Stock of tw? thlnirli tiio GRÖCERY MIE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Anieles bought for Cash and canee!. atlow figures. Onr frequent large inTOieea s Teas Is a sure sign that we f?ive bargaius In QTJALITT AND PRIOE. We roast our own coffees every week, iwt; i fresh and good. Our bakery turns out theTerj best of Bread, Cake and crackers. Cali anc seeHS. D. W. AMSDBN Of the late Flrm of COLLINS & AMSDEN is doing busiDess alone at the Old Stand, NO. 33 EA8T HURON STREET, Where he will be pleased to reeeive calis from all old customers and as many new ones as want FKED, BALKD HAT AND STKAW, COAL AND WOOD. Henry Richards, NO 9 DETROIT ST. Dealer In all kinds of HARD WOOD, LXJMBER, FENOE POSTS, etc, also all kinds of STONE and CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the celebrated CHAMPION BINDER: ÁND X0WE&S, And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for tb e Same. ORCTS. Relble drugoiits seh &W ■ ■ IT ON POSITIVI GlMRAHTEC PTTTQ T A DtiTï mar De ronnrt on nie at gol XiUO riUTLÜ P. oweU Co'.New.ppe AdTsrtlsljigBureaailOSpnioeSt. v whera adrertluna latncti majr t nuda to H UI HBW XQBJÜZ


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