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BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney Ht l.a. Will practlcein both State and United State I Courts Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor oí me new brick block. comer of Hurón and Fourth Btreets, Ann Albor, Michigan. (Office over First National Bank.) Hoüks : 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. Can be reached atresidence, West Huron-st., a the " Prof. Nichol place " ; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. -t R. WILLIAMS, Attorncy at, Milán, Mich. Money loaned for outside partiea. All legal business given prompt attention. PEERLESS TRUSS lf given on trial and warranted to give satisfaction or mjney refunded. CHRONIC CASES A SPECIALITY. Office, No. 6 Wasüngtoa-st. Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Masonk Block, ROOM i. ïelrplione Connectlons, Ann Arbor. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. SRXTPTXJBE ! EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜBS. 8pina Spring wlth graded pre sure 1 tt 6 pounds. Worn day and nlght by an Infant a week old 01 adultofSO yeare. Ladles' Trasw a specialty. Encloee stomp to TKÜS8 CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor , Micb . WM. BIGQS. Contractor 1 Bier And all kind or work In connectlon f tli the boye promptly HMÉMi Shop C!or. of Church-st and Oniyersity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. CHARLES L. ALLEN, Contractor and Euilder! 46 E. Catberlne-st.. Ann Arbor. Plans and Spedflcations neatly and promptly made. tfXLLXAlC AENOLD, SELLS 1847 EOSERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS AND KKIVK8, At bottom prices, engravln lnclodid. full Une of the justiy celebra ttd BOCKFORD WALTHAM and ELGIN WATOHBS. open face, Key and Stem-windlng always on hand and regultted, ready tor a man f pocket. If you cannotreadthls get one of Johnston & Co'.s eye-glaBses or epectacles for sale by WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. II II FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY, AT OSCAR O. SORfi'S, DEiLEK IS All Painter's Supplies 70 8. Main St. Plans for Krescoing furnlshed on applicatlon. STEKETEE'S DryBjtters BEST TONIC KNOWN. Mak Your Own Bitters. Why pay a dollar for a bottle of Stomach Bitters, contalning more poor whisky than mediciné, when the undersigned will eend you by mail one 4-oz package of Importe Germen Koots,' Herbit and Berries, which will make Óne Gallon of the best TOS1 any one evertued. The use of this .Tonic has cured Intlltc-HjIoo. Dyiipepsla, Blllonne, Fever and Ane ; as an appetizer none better. acts on tbe Kidneys and general debihty, and eivesToneto the 8tomach;in fact, I challenge all other Tonics. It is far the cneapest Tonlc known. One package will equal one dozen or ordinary bottles of bHtera sold for one dollar ner bottle. FuU dlrections on every package. Aek your druggist for "Steketee's ry Bitter." If yor druggist doe not keep them on Bale, then send to the nnderaigned. I wlUsend one package toany address within theU.S on recelpt or30c, or two packages for 50c. Ü.S. stómps taken in payment. Each doublé Package eent by mail contains a sample of Steketiïs Neuk algia Deops. Trial botüe of the Drops, 12c. P. s.- I am the only inventor of a sure cure for 'S-iUyouiïruggist for "Steketee's Pin Worm Destróyer.1' '25c by mail. Address. GEO. G. STEKETEE, Grand Rapids, Micb. Mentlon this paper wïen ro order.


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