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Purify Your Blood. Bodily and mental health depend upon healthy condition of the blood. f be blood parUcularly in the spring and ■ummer months, become closrged with lmpurities, whicb poison it and genérate disease. A harmlcss blood puriüar Is necessary to restore a healthy tone. The best purifler and tonio known is Bwlft' Spcinc (S. S. 8.). Of it wonderful purifying and tonio power WO sive a few testimoniáis : Mr. Wm. A. Siebold, with GeorRe P. Rowell & Co., 10 Spruce Street, New York, write: "I feel it my duty, for the benefit of others who may be afflicted as I was, to write you this letter, which you can use in any way you choose. I suffered great pain trom boils, all over my neck; I eould not turn my head without acute pain. Af ter trying all the usual remedies, nd flndIng no relief, I used one bottle 8. S. 8., and very toon I was eutirely relieved of my 'Job's Comforters.' Now not a lign of my affl ction can be seen." Mr. M. S. Hamlin, Winston, N. C, writes: "I use it every spring. It alway builds me up, givlng me appetita and digestión, and enablnsc me to stand th hot nummer days. On usinx it I soon become strong of body and easy of mind." Mr C. E. Mitchell, West 33d 8t. Ferry, New "Xork. writes: "I weighed 116 pounds when I began taking your medicine, and now 152 pounJs. I would not be without S. S. S. for sevoral time lt weight in eoM." Treatise on Blood and Skin Disease mailed f ree. Th e Swift Bpecific Co. , Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga, "Where are you gohig this snmraer. Mr. Cashbox?" "To Cunada." "Why so far?" "It i- co )ler there than Rt Sng Sing." A Blood Tonic. - Hibbrd's Rhenmntic Syrup is the greatest blond purifier in (he world. Reagan teacheg the lesbon. Read thcir fotraula, Tound in their medical pam phlet ___________ When a woman is trying to write a letter on half-sheet of paper tnuch may be said on both sides Habitual oontipaiion can be entirely cured bv the use of Hibbnrd's Rheumntc Sytu i hf;er ali O'hiT ieiadifts have faüed. To you' giren: Tr. is bciter to be fast aüleep ihnn aivult".- Washington Critic. DYSPBPSIA, CONSTIPATION, SICK HBADAOHÏÏ, BIL1OUSNESS. These disenz-es constitute three-foutihs of Ihe alimenta of humanity. Is thcrc a i) t-itive iurc ? :feg "I suflercd wi!h Dyspepsia nd disordered Liver, and would frequently throw np bile, I procured a bottlc of Slmmons Livcr Regulator, and after using hall of it was completely cured. One of my lady customers told me ïhe Regulator completely cured her of Sick Headache.- D. Olds, Cedar Rapids, lowa.' BHH Who is WEAK. XERTOrS. DEBIMTATED.wbo in his FOLLT and I (1JÍOB A N E has TRIFLED &way his VIOOR oí BODY, MIN D and MANHOOIKcausing exhaustins; drains upon the FOCÏÏTAINS of EIFE, HEADACBE. BACKACHE, Dreadful Dreams, WEAKBÍESS of Memory, BASHFl'LNCÜH in SOCIETY, PIMPLES upon the RACE, and all the EFFECTS leading to EARE.Y DECAT and perhaps CONSCMPTIOX ot INSANITT, Bhould conmilt at once the CEIjEBRATED Dr. Clarke, Established 1851. Dr. Clarke ha made NERVOUS BEH1I.ITY, HBOSflC and all Diseases of the OENITO IIRINART Orans a Life Study. It makes JÍO difference WHAT you have taken or WHO has failed to cure you. 49-FEM ALESsuSering from dlseases peculiar to their sex can consult with the assurance of apeedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents poetage for works on your diseases. a-8end i cents postage for Celebrated Works on Cbronic, Hervona and Delicate Diseases. Consul tation, personally or by letter, free. Consult the oíd Doctor. Ttaoasands cnred. Offices and parlors private. 49-Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr. Clarke'B celebrated guide Male and Female, each 15c., both 25c. (stamps). Before confiding your case, coniult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or cali may lave future suffering and shame. and add golden years to life. srBook " iafe's (Secret) Errors," 50c. (stamps). Medicine and writings sent everywhere, secure from emposure. Hours, 8 to 8 ; Sundays, 9 to 12. Address, F. D. CLARKE, M. D. Merrill Block, Detroit, Mich. Health is Wealth I Db. E. V. West'I Nervs axd Brain Trkatment, a guarantoed ppci'ific for Hytteria, Dizzineas, Convulsions, Kits, Xervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervons Proctntton caufcd by thc use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wokcmlncss, Mental Depresslon, Softeniiig of the Braiii reiUhins in insanity and leading tt mis ry. decay and death, I'remature Oíd Age, Barrcnne, Ixrs of power lu either sex, Invnluntary Isses and Spcrmatorrhcea caused hy ovcr-exertion of Ihe bralu. selfabuse or ovcr-iuduigencc. Kaoh box contains one month's troatmcnt. íl.W a bnx, or six boxes fr$.CO, Bout by mail prepald on rcceipt of price. WE G1AKAXTEE SIX MXH To cure any case. YVith earh ordcr roceived by U8 for sil boxes, accompinied with 85.00, we will nend the puichaser our writteu guarautce to refund thc money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guáranteos issued only by KBERBACH A SON, DruggisLs. Solé Agts., Ánn Arbor, Mich. ffe PENNYROYAL WAFERS IF5 Are auccessfully used mjr.Uily bv over 10.CW1 2 LaiHos. Are iae, hfieclv-a! and I'lt-aw.t. $1 ■Jper box hy mail, or at druggtsts. Sealcd Purr J iiculart 2 jtostaiie etamps. Addrcss F Thk Ei'keka Chemical I'ompant. Fisher Block, lal Woodward ave., Dtroit, iiich. Sold by 11. J. BHOWN CO. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS ! The Orent EnicllKh Pretierlption wlll restore that loxt Vitality and a Ruggcd, Healthy Ceudition follow its usc. Buy at your rtrugKlst's, one package, 81 ; six for $6. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.. Dctkoit, Mich. Sold by H. J. Broten Sc Co.


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