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■'JVICHÏ6AN GOINO EA8T. II at 1 HS I STATIONS. i03 SB 3 3 ,3 _ 'S. j ■ai g L a qS S5 O i 55 A. M. A. M. P. H. A. M P. M. P. M. Chicago.Lv 5 00 9 00 8 10 10 50 9 10 Kalamazoo .10 22 135 658 7 10 406 227 Battle Creek 11 15 2 15 7 33 7 55 4 57 8 18 Jackson.. 120 4 15 8 49 9 35 635 450 Chelsea 2 01 10 12 7 28 5 35 Dexter 2 17 _ 10 24 7 45 5 50 Delhi Mills 2 82 7 55 Aun Arbor 2 48 5 30 9 41 10 40 8 08 6 08 Ypsilanti 8 00 5 45 9 53 10 53 8 25 6 24 WayneJun 3 25 6 05 1111 8 48 6 47 Detroit 4 10 6 45 10 45 11 50 9 30 7 30 Niágara Falls 2 51 5 31 4 15 7 20 Buffalo _ 3 35 6 ÍS 6 25 4 55 8 05 P. M. A. M.Ia. M. P.M. P. M GOMO WEST. fca t -rt t+ iM a, a, - o, a. & stations. 5 S I'S Sw -üí ÍL'LiíLL P. M . A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. Buffalo 11 80 5 35 6 05 9 00 1 Ü0 A.M. NiagaraFalls 12 15 6 20 1 45 A. H. p. M. F. M. P. M Detroit, Lv 730 9 10 120 400 800 10 15 Wayue Jun 8 11 953 154 445 838 10 55 Ypsilanti 8 8310 17 2 12 6 12 9 00 1118 Ann Arbor 8 50 10 40 2 24 5 80 9 15 11 85 Delhi MillB 9 00 6 42 _ Deiter _ 9 08 5 60 9 44 _ Chelsea. 9 22 6 06 10 00 Jackson 10 13 U 45 8 27 7 10 10 55 12 54 Batüe Oreek. 12 09 1 23 4 88 8 52 12 27 2 23 Kalamaroo 12 50 2 04 5 15 9 45 1 20 8 07 Chicago, Ar 6 10 6 40 980 10 20 700 745 P M P. M P. M A. M. A. M. O. W. RÜGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Agt, Ann Arbor. Toleío.Ann Arlior & Nortñ fficMgan R'y Time Table going into effect 8unday, July 22, '88 Going North. Going Sonth. STATIONS. A. A. M8al) Standard Time. fr P. M. P. M. A. M. LV'El [ABR P. M. P. M. P. M. 11 0 3 26 9 15 .Toledo 1 10 5 OOilO 45 12 20 4 9 5 Monroe JuDCfD;12 24 4 18lO 06 12 & 4 10 10 07 Dundee 12 18 4 10 9 57 1 05 4 31 10 25 Mllan 12 00 3 50 9 40 140 4 52 10 4: Plttsfleld 1140 3 22 9 18 2 00 5 07 10 85 ..Alm Arl.or 11 27 3 07 9 08 2 2) 5 27 11 10 Leland'e U 10 2 50 8 50 2 47 6 46 11 2-i Whitmore LakelO 56 2 36 8 84 2 58 5 52 11 30 ...„.Hamburg llO 50 2 30 8 27 S 55 6 28 12 CO Howcl' Il9 15 1 55 7 55 5 1: 7 15 1 00 Durand ! 9 27 1 00 7 15 5 47 7 it 1 21 Corunna 9 08 12 37 6 42 6 00 7 55 1 30 Owosso 9 03 12 30 6 35 7 52 9 lb 3 56 Ithaca 7 52 11 05 fi 83 8 10 9 35 4 15 St Louis 7 30 10 tO 5 16 8 16 9 41 4 21 ..Alma. 7 23 10 45 5 12 8 58 10 21 5 15 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 40 10 07 4 85 11 45 p. u 8 4? Cadillac a. x 7 20 1 50 A. M P. M, A. M. P. M. All passenger trains run daily ezcept Sunday. Counectiouf. at Toledo with rallroads divereiiig, At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling 4 LtkeEne E. R. At Alexis Junction with V. C R. R.. L. b. K'y and F. & P. M R R A Monroe Jnnctlon wiin L. 8. s. M. B. H'y. At Dundee with L. fl 4 M. fi.. and M. & O. Ry. At Müan with W., 8U t. t P. Ry. At Pittsfield with L. S. A M. 8. R'y. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central B. K., and at Sonth Lyon with Detroit, iAnslng and Nonb ern R. K., and G. T. Ry. EL W. A8HLBTV. W. H.BKNNETT. Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. A. J. PAI8LEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Aehley with the Toledo, Baginaw & Muskegon railway. REPORT OP THJS UONDITION OFTHK Ann Árbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, July 2d, A. D. 1888, MADE In Accnralnnce wil h Kcolton 18, 19 and 7 oí tbe Onernl lliinkinc as Ameaded in 1871. RESOURCES. Loansand Discounte „. J 304,983 76 Bonds and Mortgagee 218,091 59 Orerdrafts 158 06 Furmture and Fixtures. 1,930 85 Due from National and State Bank.... 74,049 79 Cash on hand 29,340 35 f 628,554 40 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock f 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 50,000 00 Undivided Profits 41,995 99 July Dividend „ 2,755 00 Due Depositors 483,803 41 t 618,554 40 I do soleranly swcar that the above statementli triie, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. CHA8. E. HISCOCK, Cashiei. Subscribed and sworu to before me, this 2d day of July., 1888. ADAM D. 8EYLHR, Notary Public, Xotice ! Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I COUNTY OP WASHTENAW. j Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Pronate Court lor the Connty of Washtenaw, made on the Sth day of July. A. D., 18Í8, six months fromthat date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Oliver Kimberly. late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceated are required to present their claims to said Probate Court. at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinaUon and allowance, on or beforetheüth day of Jannary next and that fiich claims will bc heard before said Court, on Friday the Sth day ofOctoberand on Satnrday the 5th day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said dayR. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Albor, July 6th, A. D., 1888. ïew Advertisements {fírmfa Hoadache, (PS Tarrant's IQïiflKf Sclizer AperUat. A SE}m3SSr Eold by Tamnt êc Co., N.T.. f9Br nl ErugglK eTerywbtre. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. 17 Professors and Teachers, Nearlj 200 STUDENTS GRADÜATING COURSES IN l.idriitiirp. 1 niiKunxra. Moalc, Fine Art, ('ominerelal Seience Elocntlon New Building, $20,000, Ready in Sept. Sixty-pase Calender trr. Address Principal Al!TI ir, B. I). HÜW Regular & Perfect idfi & DIGESTIÓN ÉR Mpbomoteo by tjse of BgfÊmmmaqgmmm Turran t ISanw Srltzer Aperieot. ' Sold bj Tarran t Co., N.T.. ir aal Prugglrt Twjwber. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Farties desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte will nd Uto thelr advantage to cali on me. I represent the following first-clats Fire Insurance Compañíes, having an aggregate capital of over 8,000.000: The Orand Rápida Fire Ins. o.. The Oblo farmer Ins. "., (insures only I wollíiiss . The Merman Fire Ins. Co., Tbe Concordia Fire Ins. Co., The Cltixens' Fire Ins. Co., The Wertcheter Fire Ins. Co., The Mllwankee Mcchanlc's Mutnal Fire Ins. Co., The New Hamnshire Fire Ins. Co., Tbe Amaioii Fire Iiim. Co. Rates Low. Loases liberally adjusted an4 orompUy paid. I also lssne Life and Invcstment Polldes In the Conn. Mutual Life Inrarance Company. A tets 156,000,000. Persons deolrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly Polldes wrltten for them or avelert Coupon Insurance Ticket issued at LowJKates Ín ice Standard Accident Insurance Companj of North America. Money to Loan at Curren i Rate. Office hours from 8 X. M. to 12m. nd 2 lo , v. ALBX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block EBERBACH & SOI, DRUGGISTS And Pharraacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selected stock ol Druqs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet ArticIes.Trusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS ica.) and Chemical Ai.prtus. Bohcmian Chemical ware, Porcel&iu War, Pure Reagenw, Ctï:liyslcianï' Frescriptioss c&refu'ly prepared at fü! boura. LUMBÊR LUMBER! LUMBEB! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON llïlil Comer Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEB We manufacture our own Lumbex and sruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES ns a rnllnml we wlll ranke tl vonr interest, as unr largre and reli Kraded stock fally snstalns enr aser tion. JANES TOLBEBT, Prop. f. M. HKECH. Nnpt. ■■ Sea Wondcrs exist In thousands ef nppüorms, butare surpassed by the marvels UUUiof invention. Thosewho are in necd of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send thelr address to Hallet & Co., Portland, Main, and receive free, full information how either sex, of 11 ages, can eam from $6 to 125 per day and upwards wherever they live. Yon are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over Í60 in a single dayatthiswork. All rocceed. f HWIHIif RHhas rcvolutionized the work dur" TH UpJUTTniBiriK the last half century. No' in lijn 1 lUJIleast among the wonden of inventlve progresa is a method and fystem of work that can De performed all over the country without scparating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal ; any one can do the work; either sex, youngorold; no special ability required. Capital not needed ; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we wlll send you free, something of great value and importance to you, ihat wlll start you in business, which will bring you in more money right away than anythingclse in the world. Orañdoutfilfree. Addre8 True & Co., Augusta, Maine. Kottce to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN,) COUNTY OF WA8HTENAW, f Notice is hereby given, that by an order c f the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw , made on the llth day of July, A. D. 1888, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Norman Dwight, late of aid county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceascd are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. for examination and allowance, on or before the llth day of January next and that such claims will be heard betore said Court, on Thursday the llth day of October and on Friday the llth day of January next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each ol said days. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, July llth, A. D. 1888. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestión, constipation or constiveness we cannot cure with West s Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are stricüy complied with. They are Íiurely vegetable, and never fail to give satisaction. Large boxes containlng 30 eugar coated pllls, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeit and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST & CO.,! 862 W, Madison-st., Chicago, 111. ■ ■■■I n Rewardrd are thoce who read this HTrHT Yand then act ; they will find honorable iliUÜlJlemplovmeiit that will not take thcm from their homes and families. The profil are large and sure for every industrious person, man y have made and are now making several hundred dollars a montb. It Is easy for any one to make $5 and upwarda per day, who is willing to work. E} sex, young or old ; capital uot needed ; we start you. EverythiuR new. No special auility required-, you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particular!, which we mail free. Address Stinson fc Co., Portland, Malne. Voek"i Cottem Rot CemMjQetwf poeed of Cotton Root, Tansy nd PewiyffiBft forL SMOXXtfuUy Mi monthlv. Safe, ■ VS. Effrctual, Plcuant. 1 by msll.ordraglF f girt. Pealed partlculars2tmp. LdlM 7 YiaddreM POND LILV OOMfANV, J 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Klch. _ Fold in Ann Arbcr by 11 druggists,


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Ann Arbor Register