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The Register Looks It Over

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Yesterday, in company with Supt. Hamilton of the Water Co., a Iíeqister repórter visited the scène of complaints made by the board of health, concerning the water on Mr. Allen's farm north of the city. The I etream referred to as receiving the washíngs lrom che barn-yards ;s nut used at all and was only used once, Mr. Hamiliou' says, last summer, during a dry ípell. The main stream has beeo teuoed in where it empties into the pipe, and above the feuce tbe etream which tías been coufiued to a eort of narrow duch by spadiug out the I bed and bauks of the stream, is being filled wiih stoneto prevent the tattle trom standing therem, which will greatly lessen, ïf not wholly prevent, all possioility of the stream being fouled. Caitie are permnted to run in the field, a thing the c mpany claim ihey cannot prevent, and M. Hamilton thmks that he is doiug all he can to keep the water pure.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register