OCR 25 CEXT COLUMN. .'!idw"'sement3 8UCh as To Rent. For Sale fiJT' not e,xceelng three Unes, caá tL I lnserted three vreeks lor 85 cents. IfOR SALE-Surface Dirt and Gravel ialarge BrolSwnay"eS' KüqUlre f 8PaüleIf. N(?4 UOK SALE-Oneof the best "grade Jersey co vrs" ii J tie„tate. Fresh türee neelcs, gentle and klud. J. B. Wneeloclc, 26 East WiUiam %t L-"pR 8ALE-28 Acres of the "Elm Fruit Farm " includuiE buildings. 20 acres of tlie above i'u 5TïaaLSSfflS?fcJ& telorP i ??,K SAALE--House and lot No. 44 Wsehington1 st Apply of N. W. Cheever, Xo. 10 "TT'OR SALE- My house of 8 rooms, and 65 lods X' of land on Miiler-ave, at a sacriflce.-House isgood. Time glyen. O. L. Matthews j etrong s planmg mlll. ÍNToOfHauDr e "OrSe W Fftin A ?" phaiton in 0013 Price i o.OO. Also a canopy top two seated phatou p()R SALE-Buildlng Lote, frontín west sida Mannst. Extra view; Sizes to Ion time for paymeuts. J, D. Dunenn, 70 Mlller Ave LfOR SALE ÜR EXCHANGE-For City jesld?f)í h' Vity Or wlU sel1 or echance 15 acrra with buildings. Enqiiire at Ï6 South Ith St. 8 AM?R122l____ 656-tC lTfRQSALE OR RENT-No 7 Wilmot-st, house I of 9 rooms, i alcoves, and 5 dosets and elty I water. Inquire at 17 Wllmot st. S T? „RENT-La?e barn corner División anj InqmofTM:ciaSrkbCen """""""r rep.lwd. nro RENT- House on Washtcnaw-ave. now I Kvató.S'eUo.1'0580881011 Í Si EENT- tew house. cor. Monroe-st and E. pniverslty ave. Two suites on second floor will nearly pay the rent, Water upstaire and tul"1 ' furuaee; nou extra warm and cheerLYiTlJ"A ld chaln and pendant on Main-st. i Muder will pleaseleave atWines & Wordea's I _?_?od store au1 reeelve reward. T OJT-On Tuesday, July 3d,either on Main, I XU Hurón orMostier-st, Aun Arbor, a chlld's silver watch. ehain andcharm. Wat-h marked 6n iui-lde 'Immi Orant, Marquette, Mich." (f ube íinUer wil] return to ine at Uov. Felch's hoiite ttv wlll be auitably rewarded. C'. B. Grant. pUPS FOESALK-AfiuebitchandafewtDir: tfa?#N? sÍabteU"tPUP8 f"r "" C"eap ha"U!re REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR REST.-Honses and lotsvalued from to JS.uoú nd I conwluli g from one-fltth oí an acre to vwntv acrea-al, ia the city limitó. Housea rei.ted „n I reasouable tenns m central localities Farmex I changed lor city property. Enquireof tM(. J. Q. A.SESSION3, 5?' „ Attorney and Real Estáte AeenL I OLeTCrJExpLes8j)(to. MaintAATbor J.tl4th,willhavearaffle Monrlay, at 7:30 p m I .wh'cl "me li valuable anieles wiU be raffled1 SCREEN DOORSand Windows made to order berry CTatgndjxes. 8t. ülair 33 S. Fourth I Dlrorwm "■'"FTur-, WANTED-Board. with rooms, for family of I Ï 5V?: for one mo. or would rent a furOfficl 6' Addreas J Nelson. c7 Post ANTED-A flrei clss glrl at the City I dry t'i learn to starch. I 1 ANTED- A situatlon as housekeeptr to H htT" UpOn f W la-ly or to help wuh light house work, children. or sewinit by a auod pp'y VI7ALKS.-TAR WALKS m&ie and repaired I f 411 work warraüttid. By J. P. Judión, 81 E üniverslty ave. T liable C'oat-mukers and one Vest-maker Good pnces. Plenty of work. Solid irons. Pleasant fhop. (:ash every week. N. H. Winans, Batüe orefit, micü. qj2 tf i TS RMKI-We have about 100 Ibs. stout 1 Twlne, good lor bag eirings, and handy to OANINd- Mouey to loan on flret cl&sa real iJi T11 mortK" ai vurrent rates of Interest, iatlsfuttory arranXemeutg made wlth capitalista le-ariiig such Invtment. Every couveyance in i transaction ín alwtraets of tltie carefuüy exA?b'rM"htó legai ana ■ %■ I
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