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A giil tuirteen years oíd dipd recently at Ilickory Uornerp, trom inflammation caused by swallowing cherry pits. My Wlfe Bald to me last night: How muoh do you sup pose we have paid out for doctors and medicine in the last year? I told her T did not know. To doctors I have paid nothing, and five dollars' worthof Sulpbur Bitters has kept health in our fainily. L. Andrews, 12 B wdion street, Boston. A noted scientist asserts that a cubic inch of air in an ordinary room contains 30,318,000 partirles of rtuit. SiiiMiioii-. Lu-er Regulator is what the name dicates a "Kgulator" of that most important organ, the Liver. Is your liver out of order? Then is your whole system deranged, the breath ofFeneive, you have headache, feel languid, dispirited, and nervous, no sppetiie, sleep is troubled and unrefreshmg. Simmons Liver Regulator restores the heallh action of the Liver. Floor-Walker (pigeon-toed) -"Walk thia way, madame." Customer, Irisb woman) - "Walk that way, is it: arrah. be off wid ycz, now, ghure me fate wud trow me down ff I (ried it." To Tourlsts mili Travelers. A mcchanic never goes to work without his tools. Neither ehould you start on a journ. y without being fully equtpped by alays having a I ox of Pomeroy'8 Petroline Plattere in your knapsack. In canes of Rheum&tixm. Neuralgia, Backache, etc, wben you are probably far from a doctor, the importance of having a piaster at hand cannot be over-esümated. Feaestrians, oarsmen, baseballers, cricketers, gymiiasts, anó all atbletes will find it a true Iriend. For relievinu and curing Backache, Surener-8 of Chest, allpains and achee, it is Bimply invaluable. For Sale by H. J. Brown, District Agent for Ann Arbiir. The time comes on apace when the dear brother who has been loo delicate to ventme cut in the night air to prayer meeting, will march in the torch-light protill midnight and shout himselt hoarse over his presidential candidntp Pilen! Piles! Piles! Dr. William's Indian Pile Omtment is the only sure cure for Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever Diacovered. Ic never fsils to curo oíd chronic cases of long standing. Williams Mfg Oo , Cleveland O. A game rooster in Litile Rock, Ark., attacked a four-years-old boy not long eince and pecked and spurred him bo Beverely that he died in cntiviil-úma. Cathartio. - Hibbard'u Rneumatic Syrup is one of the finest laxaiives in the world, movir.g the bowels eGFectively as well as mildly, w.tbout pain, griping or weakness. e,xwx ws 'o? thousands BufEering from Asthina, Consumption, Couglis, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, Bold on a positiva guaran too at 10c. , 50c. John Moobe, Druggist.


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Ann Arbor Register