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Our resdera have doubtless often noticed thtit Hood's Sarsaparilla ia weil spoken of in the newsppers.' The press is quick to KOORD! ment, and does not r;eitate to give praif-e whete it is due. The followinf; is fromtbe üaptist Weekly, a leading religious pnper: "Advertisingmay bringanarticle prcminen'ly betore the public, but no advertising cn long hrlp it it it has not real merit. Hood's Sarsaparil'a is well advenised ; but the best proof of its vtlae is that so many persons use it on the rccommendations of of friend8 who have proved its peculiar virtue?." _________ MrB. Cleveland always confines herself to Appollmaria water at diuner and wears no busfle when she trnes to church. A Favor te Witli Tbe Fair Sr v. Papillon (extract of ftx) Skin Cure is supeiior to ail the much adverti;-ed skin beautifiers with the advantage of being beneficial, and not like the mineral preparatione usualy sold which are very poieonous It will remove all kfl-immation, chafïng and roughness of the skin, sunburn, freckles and uoseernly blotches, and leave the cuticle lair and soft as an infant's. An actual neoessity for the corat.lete toilet table. Large bottles on!y $1.00, for sale by Eberbach & Son. The senate has passed the bill to place John C. Fremont on the retired list of the army as mjrr-general. Wirs:- Let's try Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrop. Bverywhere I go I hear it spoken of in great praise as a tonic and opetizer. A Los Angeles policeraan carrieg a lasso with which he ropps in any culprit who altemptsto evade his c!utche8. üelping tbe Riicbt Sidc. To help the right side is not only commendable ia a general point of view, but is judicious and prudent when that help is enÜRted in bebelf ol the rifcht side of the body, just over tbe lower ribs in the regionot theliver. The tnost efficiënt help is hfForded by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, an anti-bilious medicine of incomparable efficacy. Inaotion of the liver is accotnpanied by constipa; ion, sick-headache, furríd tongue, nausea, oocasioual vértigo, an unpleasant breath, yellowness of the fkin and ball ol the eye. The author of these symptoms, liver complaint, routed by the Bitters is accompanied by them in its flight. Ftver and ague, whioh always invulves the liver, dyepepsia, rheumatism, debility and kidney iroubles are all maladies to the early relief and final cure ot which thís standard mediciue ia adapted. Don't use it by fita and tarts, but systemütically, that itg full tfifects may result in a perfect restoration of healih. When moving day comes ia ihe city of New York fnlfy fifty thousand families change quarter8 in one dy. 'Xlt rv wv of üle ed things of this Y%% WkVV life are sorrowfully let alone on account oí Dyspepsia. Acker'e Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Constroation; sold on a positivo guarantee at 25 and 60 cents, by Johh Moobb. OruggisL The population of Canada is less than that of New York; and vet while New York has a debt of oMy $7,000 000, Canada has a dept of nerlv $240 OdO.000. Dybpepsia or ind-gefrtion alwnys yielrls to the cumtive properties of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup, containing, aa it does, nature's sopcifi" fnr the s'nmach. Tbe first cotton was raised in the United States in 1621. % Jake is 101 years old. He has seen lots of horse blankets, but never saw any which would wear like 54 Horse Blankets. 5A Five Mile. Eu Flve Milu of Warp ïhretdk f 5A Boss Stable. JK B atroagest Hors Blanitet Mids. A mik 5A Electric. jUk 5A Extra Test. Ë K & Sometlllng New, Very Strong. 30 other styles At prieel to inlt tvorybodj. See your dealer before cold weather, and if he hasn't 5 Horse Blankets don't get stuck with poor imitations, but ask him to order some for you. _- -s None genuine without this 54 Trade Mark sawed inside. [Ccpyrighted 1888, by Wm. Avkes & Sons.J


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