Hl EL ■ FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY, AT OSCAR O. 8OB6'8, DE i LEE IN All Painter's Supplies ., 70 8. Mullí St. Plans for Frescoing furnúshed on applic&lion. I i i Piso'a Cure for ConG3 suniption is also the best Ea Cough Medicine, g , If you have a Cough I ( without disease of the C! Pj Lungs, a few doses are all 3 you need. But if you neJSl glect this easy means cf Hl B eafety, the slight Cough IjH Rl may become a serious 3 matter, and several bottles will be required. YOU CAN GET IT AT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. PLEASE NOTIOE ! THE uWtlittli icé co. Will furnish Ice, delivered to any part of the city for season of 1888 : . 25 Ibs, daily, except Sundays, $2 per month. 25 " 4 times per week, $1.75 per month. 25 " 3 ' 1.50 " " 25 " 2 " " " 1.00 " " Hotels, Restaurants, Butchers, etc, will be furnished by ton or hundred. B. V. EANGSTEBFEE, Managor. vasn & siabolt 3STS. S .A-ICNTX) S Washington Street, Ann Arbov Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of eri thine In the GRÖCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime Articles bought for Cash and cane:. atlow figures. Our frequent large invoioe o' Teas Is a sure sign that we glve bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOE. Weroaetour own coffees every week.alwa) fresh and good. Our bakery turns ont theveij best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali anc seeas. D. W. AMSDBN Of the late Flrm of COLLINS & AMSDEN ís doing business alone at the Old Stand, NO. 33 E AST HT7RON STREET, Where he will be pleased to rf ceive calis from alï old customers and as mauy new ones as want FKKD, B1LED HAT AND ISTR.1W COAL A.M WOOD. Henry Richards, NO 9 DETROIT ST. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBEE, FENOE POSTS, etc, also all kinds of STONE m CORD WOOB I am also Agent for the celebrated CHAHPION BINDERS AND HQWERS, Ánd Keep a Full Line of Repairs for tbe Same. tfk% i i q p n IIP C fTCTS. RetiAntc druggists sel. L- W ■ ■ ITONA PoSlTIVE GüARAHTC j
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Ann Arbor Register