The Base-ball Record
In the following tables are shown the standing of the clubs in the lcading baseball organizations in the race for the pennant s : n. Loêt. Per League. cent. New York 5J 28 .8 0 Chicago 4H 3 .600 Dotroit 4: : .594 Phlladelphia .r.3fl 4') .49.1 Boston Sï 45 .451 Pittsburfh : 33 41 .445 ïndianapolis 31 4S .89d Washington 29 50 .867 WBSTERS. . 1 è g AMERICAN, o Siï St Paul 4284 .686 St Louis 52 .66 DesMoines... 88 35 (ug Brooklyn ....52 80 .63 Omaha '&-3 . 5S1 Athletio '49 30 . 6J0 Sioux City... J314 .481i Cincinnati.. .148(8] .607 Kansas City.. 3J : .47c! Baltimore. ... !87 .451 Chicago 31I37 .45.V Cleveland 8148 .3W MilwauUee. . . 1 82 S0I.45OJ Louisville. . . . 30152 .se M;nceapolt3..i 4Oi.384;Kansas C.xy. . iHñü .254
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Ann Arbor Register