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2v nrn vO es. Blood Elixir ia the only -TVY.%O T uiood Remedy guaranteed. It is a positive cure for Ulcere, EruptionsorSyphiliticPoisoning. Itpurifiesthe whole system, and banishes all Bheumatic And Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. John Moore, Druggist. At the sale of war relica in Boston n - cently, a complete file of a Richroond paper for the entire period of the war brougbt $184. A Blood Tonio. - Hibbard's Rheuraatic Syrup is the greatest blood purifier in the world. Rason teaches thr legson. Read their formula, found in tbeir raedical pi in phlet. Washington has a woman's bevele club, and if the club evr goes ou' on dress parade there will be puco n adjournment of congress as wili mak (he lation's head swim. For Cods. For Croup. For Neuralgia. For Rheumatism. Docior Thomas' Eclectric OU. 12 " Spent Flftjr Dollar In doctorïnjj for rheumatism, before I trica Thomas' Ecltctric Oil. Used a so-cent botlle of íhis medicine, and gol out in one week. For burnft and sprains it is excellent." Jas, Durhajn. East Pembroke, N. Y. C4 Yon Can Depend On It. M For severe Toothache and Neuralgia of the head, I used Tktmas' Ecltctric Oil. ThU is certainly the best thing I ever knew for the relief of pain of any kind. The house is never without It. Mrs. A. M. Ftank, 17; Tuppcr Street, BuSalo, N. Y. IOS Speaka Kls'it Up. " Have tried 'nmai' Eclectric Oil tor croup and colds, and 6nd it t!ie best remedy I have ever used in my fati-ily." VVra. Kay, 510 Ptymoatb Ave., Buffaio, N. V. 30 Worked Wonder. My ciauglitcr was vry 'dik oti 011 account o a cold,and pain in her Uuigfr. Dr. Thotna? ieciric Oil cured hár in . nty-foM honr. ( k: o Of the boys was cutí', ufsore i.:ro.v. cine has worked rondere i.i our fiuü;..1' . . . Tth Pinckney, Lake ía.opa■, N. V. Detroit rii-id.. stdvHi are in domand in Sp8n. Au order iijit bpen recievid from Malaga a t;u Dumber. - -- - -ni-i gmsücn II PAÍNT I tjj nytnCOITCO1SOK-COATBrw.TPlI'n1 1A UT Paint Friday. run it to aiurch Sundny. Eight f 2 3L HaJiiMuible riack, Maroon, VertiiUion „_3 r.luc, YcUow, Olive Late. Ilrewster and Wagon o eg fÉ Orcens. No Varnichjü? nccessary. Bripa liLpd oS Uk "ihine." One Coit and job is done. nQ L YOUR BUGGY 18 fc Tip tnp for Chai, Lawn Scats, Sasïi. FIowct % f.ft m Pots, Baby CarrUges, Curt;ún Polcs, hurnlture, -SO UU Front Doors, Store-fronts, Screen Doors. Boats, y g Mantk-s Iron Fenccs. ia fatt everytliir.j. Just c" the thinjj for the ladies to use about tle bouie SS . g FOR ONE DOLLAR SCOITSHONESTp (A Are you jroing to Paint thls ycart If so, dont ï d . buy pawt coDtainint water or benziae vrhen g H forthe same money (or ucariy so) procure -,'i MT A COS rCUK AI9iT that ís wrrntod to l? c - bean HONKST, ORKLINK UNSEED-OIL FA1ST ï J 3 anS free trota water and btr.zine. lotunjwi tbU -j .r ' TT brand and take o ollicr. MerchanM hamttmg ' , ■ C It are our nsvnts nsid d by u-., m wrilia, s ■ t to warrant ft o wfar & ÏKARS wftli COATÖ or ï Í1 #A 9 YUA&a wHh 2 tOATS. Oi:r Shad are the f= E Ltest SQies usd a the East bow bf coming r."_n UU so poptilar in tue Ve?t, and up wiih the times t ,., y m0% Try ÜiLs brand of IICSÏSÏ PAlT and you will % .3 W never regret h. This to the fril is suiücient . ; HOUSE PA8RST coit's FLooo ?mm, %i " Palnt tóat ner drled bevond tiie stichy po nt, . ! mm waste a week, aoii Iho [ob. and il a ïweart ,-' 3C Nest titos uÜ forOI7 COS R IB ' I ■ ST-, ■S 4 popuiar ar:d lultabla shades, wr.rroniI to !r? a,- Mg hard u a rnck cir alght, No troubta N .; - g3W0f(T DRY STi


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