The Newspaper Revolution
From the Rockford (.) Register.] "The era of cumbrous blanket-sheets seems coming to an end, and newspaptrs like the A'ew York Sun and Th Chicago Daily News are the prominent journalistic successes of the period. The papers that give enough reading matter to fill a good volume in each daily issue are going out of favor with many people wno have some other employment for their time than the search through mountains of söaw for kernels of news. The sheets that give the news systematieally and amply, and without unnecessary padding, are taking the lead in the great cities." Forty years ago the chief duty of an editor, in considerably more than the circulations of all other view of his limited facilities, was to gather all the Chicago dailies combined. It is hardly necessary news he could and print it. Intelligence was to say that such a circulation could not be attained, transmitted slowly ; raany occurrences of interest much less maintained, except by a paper of high were never heard of beyond their immediate grade of excellence, as well as onesold at a populocality; ocean mails were long in transi and the lar price. To win such recognition the cheap overthrow of an European dynasty was not known paper must be as good a newspaper as the best of here until long after the event Suddenly there of its higher-priced competitors. And this The came a change. The railroad and the telegraph Daily News certainly is. It is a member of the superseded old methods, and the newspaper was Associated Press, and is the only paper in Chicago literally flooded with news. The death of a petty which possesses a franchise which -secures to it ward politician in San Francisco, the result of a both the day and night dispatches of the AssociaPresidential election, the accession of a sovereign, tion. In the general field of news-gathering it rethe outbreak of a war, and notice that a shanty had presents in thehighestdegreethe progressive enterbeenburdeninTexas.allwerehurriedoverthewires prise of American journalism : as a w-paper into the newspaper offices, and there being-ioUW ■ƒƒƒ. Jt challenges comparison with any in the land. noideaofdiscrimination.all wereprinted. SwxWlf vHWÉ3-n ts editorial columns The Daily News Thus originated the "blanket sheet." speaks írom the standpoint of the indeThe publisher who could send out ;pendent newspaper, and thereby escapes thebiggest blanket for a nickel was theWthe temptation of impairing honest and most enterprising; the biggest paper sïM#fiïil,Mhonorable influence by condoning or was the best; itwasaperiodofbigness.gtdefending the questionable under the 13ut after a time the very excess of thepressure of party allegiance. It is not evil brought the remedy, and there be-'Bffiïgran organ, neither is it a neutral in gan an era of discrimination, during which JIWiaquestions of principie. It has the courarose such journals as the New York Sun'fj age of its convictions. The organ of and The Chicago Daily News. That the public no party, sect or interest, it voices the united deappreciated the new departure is best evidenced in mand of all those better elements of society in the fact that the Sun reached a circulation of behalf of purity, honesty and decency in all the 000 a day, and The Daily News 175,000. The relations of life. By just so much as it thus comwonderfulandconstantlygrowingpopularityofthe mends itself to the regard of thetruly "best peocondensed, low-priced papers has sofarbrought the ple " of the community does it voluntarily recumbrous and high-priced blanket-sheets to their nounce any community of interest with all others. senses, that they have now somewhat reformed So conspicious a success must have its imiboth as to size and price, but they are still too far tators, and The Daily News has the endorsement removed from the true ideal of American such imitation always bestows. Howeverasitisthe nalism to meet the needs of the great majority. only one-cent paper in Chicago or the West which In the west The Chicago Daily News has is amember of the Associated Press - all other Chibeen the first to appreciate and meet the situation, cago Associated Press papers cost 3 cents - all and it now enjoys the results of its twelve years of imitation must continue, so far as newsgiting zalue pioneer work in a daily circulation avcraging over is concerned, to be but imitation. The Chicago three times that of any of its contemporaries, and Daily News is " the original," " the best." Sold by all newsdealers at one cent per copy, six cents per week. Mailed, postage paid, for #3.00 per year, or 25 cents per month. Evéry farmer can now have his daily paper at nttle more than the cost of the old time weekly. Address VÍCTOR F. I.AWSON, Publisher The Daily News, Chicago
Old News
Ann Arbor Register