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Highest Awards, London, New York, Boston, New Orleans, "THE HAMMO.M TYPE -WRITER ! UNEXCXLLED FOK SPEED, PERFECT Alignment and Durability ! The Edison Rflineograpb for dupllcating copies, superior to all other methods. Type-Writer rapplies etc.; for Catalogue and PriceLlut, Addrees W. A. CAMPBELL; Agt., Ann Arbor, Mich. "CHICAGO TRUSS." New Splrai JkKMgy pproved by Sprtnfl Trias. -VMWgHBaf aie highesi Hord Kuöber g=- S Medical AuPad; Clean, fc tborlty. Worn Dnrable.Cbeap. SV day and night by an Infant a week uia ur an Adult 80 years. Easüy adiuêted. It meet all forma of Scrotal Fermoral Inguinal and Umbilical Hernia, inboth Infants and Adulta. Ratisfaction guarantced in all cases Any desirable pressure obtained. If yoor drugrist does not keep thle Trust, endose etamps and address, CHICAGO TBCSS CO., t'htraiio, 111 OFFICE AND FITTING ROOM, 132 E. Itandolph 8t., T. Y. KAYNE, Makager. Sold by Ann Arbor Drugglsle. NEW LHMBSR YARD All kinds of lumber, lath and shingles now in stock. Before purchasing give us a cali. Yard on South Main Street at T. & A. A. croselng. W. J. JUST. WALL PAPER Don't fail to attend Wahr's great Sale of WALL PAPER. We are offering our immense stook at prloes to please all. Best quality gllts at 10, 12, 15, 18 and 20 cents per Boll. Common papers at 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10 cents per Roll. WINDOW SHADES AT RBDUOED PRIOES, GEO.WAHR Book-Seller & Stationer, Masonic Bilt. WE ARE HERE At the Same Oíd Stand IL BiniIHBL Firsi rocerj East of Post-Offlce, WHERE YOU ARE INV1TED TO CALL For Sugara that are Stricüy Pure, For Coffeea that are Perfect in Flavor, Por Teas that neyer tarn Red. For 8pices that are not Adulterated, For Flour that Beate them All, For Kerosene that ives the Bert Lleht For Goods of the Higheet Quality ' For the Lowest Living Prices. Also a full line of Crockery, Glassware and Lamps. Binumbor the placo, Wo. 5 Aun-i„ Ann Arbor. J. D. STIMSON & SON. Money to I.oan On firgt-class and first mortgagre Real Estste. Apply to S. H. Doüqlass. S. H. DOUGLABS, ) _ I. W. Hunt, Trastees. Ann Arbor, April, 1888.


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