Board Of School Inspectors
The Board of School Inspectora for tbis county met in the court room Tuei-day morning, for the purpose of electing a tuember of the board of school examinen. The townshipg were represented as follows: Ann Arbor, Richard Bilbie; Augusta, John K. Cdtnpbell : Bridgewater, Frank Johnson ; Dexter, Thos. McQuillan; Freedom, John G. Schnirring; Lima, Thos. F. Morse; Lodi, Michael Sage; Lyndon, A. J. Boyee ; Manchester, Arthur J. Walters; Northfield, Anthony Burke, Jr.; Pittsfield, A. D. Crittenden ; Salem, James Boyle ; Saline, E. E. Russel ; Scio, Dan E. Hoy ; Sharon, George Wedmayer ; Superior, George McDougal ; Sylvan, Stephen L. Gage ; Webster, Chas. Wheeler; York, Wm. McMillen ; Ypsilanti, John Veunter. A. D. Cnttendeu was called to tbechair. Deputy clerk Brown aoted as secretary. The board then proceeded to nominale candidatos for the member of the board of examiners to be elected. Trof. August Lodeman, of Ypsilanti, and Michael J. Lehman, of Chelsea, were nominated. On the first formal balot Mr. Lehman received 13 votes and Prof. Lodeman 7. The former was declared elected. The board then adjourned. Mr, Lehman was elected to the same office last year 'out was deniod the office on some legal technicality. The secretary of the board - an office worth $1800 per year- will be sppointed the laat of the month. The result insures the election of Martin Cavanaugh, of Ann Arbor, as secretary, in place of E. C. Warner, of Ypsilanti, the present eecretary. The secretaryship is considered one of the "fattest" offices in the county, henee there has been some httle scrambling for it.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register