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A Diamond Horse

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There are a great many kinds and very valuable horses in the worid, but there is only one diamond horse and Prof. George Bartholomew is the happy possessor of it. In BoatoD, March 10, 1883, two old and weakhy California friendg presented Prof. Bartholomew with an original design and rery costly gent's pin. It is an outline of a horse, the body of which is bestndded with diamonds, it requiring ninety-nine stones varying in sze to aceommodate the shape of the horse. Attacbed to the pin is a magnificent horse shoe and whip, also set with diamonds, which serves as a safety pin. Monday evening, June 16th, 1884, in the immense Boston Theatre, in the presence of an audience of over 3000 persorfs, under the auspioes of the Society for the Prerention of Cruelty to Animáis of the State of Massachusetts, Professor Bartholomew was presented on the stage with a beautiful sohd gold medal adorned with a single large diamond and suitably inscnbed and also an engrossed certifícate of honorary membership heavily framed. Professor Bartholomew is the only educator in the world that has ever receivad the unqualified endorsement of the humane societie, because he is the only man tbat every developed remarkable horse intelligeDce tbrough kindness, patience and perseverance. This extraordinary man and his 24 handsome and intelligent horses will r.ppear at the Ann Arbor opera house for six evenings and Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, commencing Monday, Aug. 20th. They travel in two cars costing $30,000 and will arrive here Sunday afternoon, Aug. 19, from Chicago.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register