Pomological Society
At the August meeting of the society ' only eix fruit growers appeared to make arrangement for transportation. C. C. Clark presented a paper which represented that the fruit growers of Delaware and Maryland had the experience and the carriers and commission men the money, that is in peaches. Pennywise and pound-foolish, they finally met and inaugurated a fruit growere' bureau, which arranged transportation and sales of fruit. They expect ten million baskets of peaches this sea8on. Some of the Ann Arbor fruit growers like Sumner, Allen, Hitchcock, Schenk, J. J. Parshall and others ezpect a heavy erop of peaches, while others report a total failure. E. Baur reports a heavy erop cf piara. J. Ganzhorn ezhibited the finest specimens oí Waterloo poaches. He thinks it is more a freestone than the Alexander. Donald Molntyre exhibited a last year's apple of a beautiful shape and color.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register