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Mrs. Langtry says she will not appear on the stage after this season. Europcans erops have been gwtly dam] as?de by excessive rains. A cy clone in the vicinity of Eau Claire, Wis., damaged crops considerably. Six persons were killed in a raiiway col lision on Tuesday at Teddington, Eng. The fifty-seventh annual camp-meeting at Sing Sing, N. Y., began on Tuesday. AtHampton, Va., an incendinry fire on Tuesday destroyed tevaral fine buildings. The Austriau Government has suspended for one year jury trials for Anarchiits. A brick residence at Galena, 111., was blown up by the explosión of gas in the cellar. John Mackay lias been eiecied president of the Paoiflo -Postal Telegri;)!i and Cable Cotnpany. The stcamer Alameda lias been ehartered to takc the American liall playera to Ausiralia. A romet has been discovered by Trof. TV. R. Brooks, of Bmith Observatory, Genova, N. Y. Engiish and French wheelmen will take part in the eyclirg tournament at Buffalo in September. Eighty thousand Engüsh weavers threatened on Tuesday to strike mle3s wages were increased. Mrs. Joscph Koczorowki died on Friday in Chicago, aged 103 years. She was a native of Poland. An incendiary fire on Sunday at berne, Teer.., destroyed the entirc eastern part oí the town. White, Joselyn & Co., Wholesale lace and ribbon dealers at Toronto, Ont., iailed on Friday for 1500,000. Captain John H. Strain, a veteran of the Mexican war, died Monday night at Rockville, Md., aged 70 years. The condition of the corn erop of Illinois is promisinir and the wheat yield is better than the average. Pleuro-pneumonia has been iliscovered among cattle in the vicinity of New York, and 200 cattle have been killed. There were four fatal cuses of sunstroke in Chicago on Friday, the thermometer rejistering 'M degrees in the shade. By the fall of a trestle over a river near Mapleton, Pa., two men were killed and three others were crtppled for life. Crops in a large section of Eastern Ontario will be a failure. Farmers will have to buy fodder or saciifice their stock. Manley Harrls and George Hayes were fatally burned on IMesday in a fire at tho Argand oil works near Parkersburg, TV. Va. Four of the finest buildinps in Macon, Mc, were deptroyed bj' flre, causinír a loss of $100.000. The property was insured for föO.OOlt. Mrs. Harlpy. of Washinpton, died in a dentisfs chair from nervous shock on Tuesday iftcr having s;ven teeth extract ed. A mectina of railway employés at Minneapolis, Minn., Smiday, íeeided to form a unión of the several brotlierhoods in the Northwest. Frisouers in the Louisville jail who had planned a general revolt were quickly cowed wheu tlie ffuards shot dead one of their leaders. A detaehment oí the Balvation Anny has arrived at Quobee from the East Indies to raise assistance and recruit offlcers íor work in India. Colonel George Gibson, Fifth Infantry, V. 8. A., Commandant at Fort Bliss, died on Monda.v at Las Vepas, N. M. , where he had gone for reBt. Blackstonc, Va . a thrivins town oí 1,500 inhabitants on tho Norfolk & Western railroad, was almost completely destroyed by flre on Monday. Treasurer (corge L. Perkins, oí the Norwich & Worcter railroad, celebrated hls lOOth Wrthday nn Bunday at bis home in Worcester, M ,ss. Attorne.y-(ioncral Hogp, of Texas, pronounoes Sunday base-ball playing, where n admiRsion fee is oharped. a violation oí the Hevised Statutes. Willlam H. Moore, the cashier of a New Mexico bank who defaulted for $10,000 and abscondcd. f?ave himself into custody at Sansas City, Mo., on Monday. While on their way to a camp meeting on Bunday near Montgomery, Ala., lightning stmck three negroes and a mulé, instantly ldlling the entire party. Mrs. Julia Woodflll, of Goaport, Ind., was arrested on Monday on a warrant írom Xenia, O., her former home, whcre, it was charged, she killed her own child. Thieves robbed the oorner-stone oí a church at Columbras, Ind. securing some gold coin whteh had been Iniried whcuthe stone was laid forty-nine years ago. At Evansville, Ind., thrpe coca died from the heat on I'tiday; foor rases wero reported at Burlington, la., four at Indianapolis, Ind., and two at Du'ouque, la. The vcteran showman, John Robinson. died at Cineínnati on Saturday, aged 80 year. He leaves an estáte va'.ued at $1,boO,000 He was the oldest showman in the world. A fire at Birchton, Out., destroyed E. H. Kddy's lumber mili, togethor with the entire season's ciit, valueti at (430,000. Total lobs, íñ'JO.OÜO. A man and boy perished in the fiamos. The wife of Captain Brfcs died at their homc near Wud&worth, O., on Monday. They were the largest marriod couple in the world the captain beinj plglit feet tall and h:s wifc seven feet nine inchcs.


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