Had A Bag Of Gold
Livixgstoí, M. T., Aug. 8. - Tvvoprospectors have come in from the Boulder country bringing with them a buckslfin bag containinjr over f2,000 in gold which they bad pounded out with sledge-hammers on flat rocks. They also brought the richest specimen ol quartz probably ever een in the Territory. The specimen was about the rjf.e oí an ordinary cocoanut, so soft that it could fee pounded with a hammer, and was full of fine wire gold plainly visible to the Daked eye. The Boulder district has, until within a comparativly recent time, been a part of the Crow Indian reservation, but it is now open to tettlement. The prospectorê say it promises to be one of the richest mineral districts ín thi part of the country.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register