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The Political Campaign

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Ti-üRE Haute, Ind., Aug. 3.-Thc Republican Congressional convention of the Eighth district unanimously renomtnated James T. Johnston for Congress. Clay Cextfr, Kan., Au.?. 3.- The Democrats of the Fifth di9tnct nominatod Dr. N D. Tobey for Congress. Des Moisés, Ia., Aug. 3.- The Unfon Labor prty of the Ninth district aemluatedJ. L. Sovereign for Congres. Ocala, Fla , Aug. 8.- Tbo Repúblicas Congressional couvention of the Seeood district nomlnated Fred 8. Gkiodriolt, oí De Land. Marshall, Jio., Aug. 8.- The Democrats liave renoininatcd Congressman John ï. Seard. Indiaxapolis, Ind., Aug. 3.- The Scvenüi fiistrict Republicans of Indiana have nominated Thomas E. Chandler, of Marión County, for Congress. Hahtford, Conn., Aug. 3.- The Prohltritio Btate convention has plaoed a fttll ticket in the field, headed by Riram Camp, of Kcw Haven, for Govornor. Coixmbcs, O., Aug. 8.- The Republicans of tlie Sixteenth Ohio distriot have nomiivated E. L. Tybarker for Cougross. MoRrnTSBOiio, 111., Aug. 8.- Toe Democrats of the Tv.-cntieth distriet have nominated A. T. Robinson for Conpress. Hastikgs, Neb., Aug 3.- The Prohibitionists have norainated Rey. Georjce Scott for Consress from the Second district. Baltimore. Md.. Aug. 3.- Prohibitlon nominations were mude for Congress yesterday as follows: Becond district, Joseph L. Benson; Third, J. D. Downing; Fourth, Rev. N. H. Reed. Chicago, Auc. T.- The etters of anee from the Presidential and Vice-Presldentlal nominees of the Prohibition party, Clinton B. Fisk and John A. Brook, were ipade public yesterday írom the b.eadquarters oí the Prohibition National Committee. Mostgomert, Ala., Aupf. Ï.- TUe election yesterday was for Governor and 6tate officers and members oí the Legislature. The Republicana had candidato in only a few counties and made but littls effort in the canvass. Nearly every candidate for thc Legislature was a Democrat. Governor íáeay's majority will be large. Cincinnatj, Aug. 7- Tho Union and United Labor parties of Ohio consolidated yesterday with the National Union Labor party. Raleigh. N. C. Ang. 7.- Hamilton Ö. Evart, of Hendersonville, was nominated by the Republ caus yesterday for Congres (rom the Ninth district. Manistee, Mieh., Aug. 7.- The Ropublicans of tbc Ninth district yesterday rnominated Byron JtcCuteheon, of this city,1 for Conpress. HjiBTINGB, Neb., Aug. 8.- G. Vf. HaB'„ings was uomir.atod for Congress yesterday by the Demócrata of the Second district. Ottu.mwa, la., Aug. 8.- The Sixth district Republicans yesterday nominated Mayor John F. Lally, oí this place, for Congress.


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Ann Arbor Register