The Mills Bill
EXPLANATORY. The followiug is all of tba Milla billwbich makes any chanse of the Tart ff Dutten. The sectlons making certaln modifioations of tho mode or coileetion are oniltted. As reportod frotn the Committee on Ways and Means, the bill conta ned the clauses that are inclosed in tbrackets,] but not those that are prlnted In Italië. As passed by the House, it contains the latter, but not the foriner. These changes are the amendments mada to the original bill in the House.- Editor Chicago Globe. THE FREE IJST. Be it tvacted, flr. Sec. 1. That on and after the flrst day of [July] Oef ober, eighteen hundred and etghty-oight, the following artioles mentioned in thís sectlon, when imponed, shall le exempted f rom duty: Timtier, hewn and sawed, and timber used for spars and in building wharvei. Timber, squared or sided. Wood unmanufactured, not especially enumerated or provided for. Sawed boards, pianks, deals and all other artieles of sawed lumber. Hubs for wheels, posts, last-blocks, wagonblooks, oar-locks, gun Dlocks, headlng-blocks and all like blocks or sticks, rough, hewn or eawed only. Staves of wood. Ploltets and p:Uings. Tjtï Shingles. Clapboards, pine or spruca. ÏMgSProvided, That if any export duty is laid upon the above-mentioned artieles or either of them, loy any country whence imponed, all said articles imported from said country shall be subject to duty as now providod by law. Salt, in bags, sacks, barrels or other packages, or in bulk, when imported from any country which does not charge an import duty upon lalt exponed from the United States. Flax straw. Max, not hackled or dressed. [Flax, hackled, known as dressed line.] Tow, of flax or bemp. Hemp, manila, and other like substitutes for liemp. Jute butts. Jute. Sun, sisal-grass and other vegetable fibers. Burlaps, not exoeeding sixty Inchcs in width, of flax, jute or hemp, or of which fltix, Jute or hemp, or either of them, sball be the component material of chief value. Bags of jute for grain. Machinery designed for the conversión of jute or jute butts into cotton bagging, to-wit, cards, roving trames, winding frames und softeners. Iron or steel sheete, or plates, or taggers iron, coated with tin or lead, or with a mixture of which these metáis Is a component part, by the dipping or any other process, and comtnercially known as tin plates, terne plates and taggers tin. Beeswax. [Qlue.] [Qelatine and all sim'lar prepaiations.] Glycerine, crude, browu or yellow, of the tpeciflc gravity of 1.S5 or less at a temperature of 60degrees i'uurenheit, not purifled by reflnDig or distllüng. [Fish-glue, or isinglass.] Phosphorus. Soap stocks, (it only for use as such. Soap, hard and soft, all of which are not otherwise speoially enumera ted or provided for. Bheep-dip. Extract of hemlock and other bark used for tannlng. Indigo, extract or, and earmlned. Iodine, resublimed. [Ltconoe juice.l Oil, crotón. Hemp seed and rape-seed oil. Oil, cotton-seed. Petroleum. Alumina- alum, patent alum, alum substituto, sulphate of alumina, and alumínous cake, and alums In crystals or ground. All imitations of natural minera', waters, and all artificial mineral waters. Baryta, sulphate of, or barytes, manufactured. Boracic acid, borat2ofl:me and bórax. Copper, sulphate of, or blue vitriol. Iron, sulphate of, or copperas. Potash, crude, carbonate of, or fused and caustic potash. Chlorate of potash and nitrate of potasb, or naltpeter crude. Sulphate of potash. Sulphate of soda, known as salt cake, crude er refl&ed, or niter cake, crudo or retined, and Ulauber's salt. Nitrite ofsoiji. Sulphur, reflned, in rolls. Wood tar. Ooal-tar, crudp. Aniline oil and its homologues. Coal-tar.products of.such as naphtha, benzine, tenzole, dead oil, and pitch. All preparations of coai-tar, not colors or öyes, and not acids of colors and dyes. Logwood and other dyewoods, extracts and flecoctions of. Alizarine, natural or artificial. Spirits of turpentlne. [Bone-bluck, ivory, drop-black, and bonechar]. Ocher, aHd oehery earths, umber and umber earths, sienna and sienna earths, when dry. [All preparations known as essential oils, expressedoils, distilled oiis, rendered oils, alkalies, alkaloiüs, and all comblnations of any of the foregoing and Chemical eompouads and palts by whatever name known, and not tpecially enumerated or provided for]. Olive oil, salad oil, cotton-setd oil, u-hals oil, teal oil, and aeats-foot oil. AU barks, boans, berries, bulsams, buds, bulbous roots. and excrescences, such as nutgalls, fruits, flowera, dried fibers, grains, gums, and gum resins, herbs, leares, lichens, mosses, nuts, roots and sterns, vegetables, seeds and fceeds of morbid growth, weeds. woods used expreesly for dyelng, and drled lnsects, any of the foregoing which are not edible and not üpecially enumerated or provided for. All non-dutiable crude mlnerals, but which have been advanced in value or condltlon by rellningor grinding, or by other process of manuiaoture, not speclally enuoienueJ or provided lor. All earths or clays unwrought or unmanufactured. [China clay or kaoline.] Glas plute or disc, unwrotiyht, for in the manufacture of optical tnitrvmenlë, spectacles und eye-Qlasses. Opium, crudo, and nat adultérale,, containing nine per centum and over of morphia, for medicinal purposes. Iron and steel [cotton ties or] cotton tier or hoops for baling or other purposes [for baling purposes] not thinner than number twenty wire gauge. Needies, sewlng, darnlng, knltting, and all others not speciully enumerated or provided lor in this aot. Copper, imported in the form of ores, regulus of, and black or coarse copper and copper cement, old copper üt only for re-manufacture. Antiraony, as regulus or meta!. Quicksilver. Chromate of iron or chromic ore. Mineral substance9 in a crude state and met als unwrought, not specially enumerated or provided for. Brick, other than flre-brick. O'frman looHng-gluss plata made of blown gliim and atlvered. Vegetables in their natural stilte or in salt or brine, not specially enumerated or provided for. Chicory root, ground or unground, burnt or prepared. Acorns and dandelion root, raw or prepared, and all other artieles usod, or intended tobe used, as coiïee or substitutes therefor, not upecially enumerated or provided for. Cocoa, preparea or manufacture. Bates [plums and prunes], Currant3, 55ante or other. Figs. Meats, game ai:d roultry. Milk, fresh. !".„'; yelks. Boans, peas and spilt poase. IPulp, for paper-ctakei-s' usf.l Bibles, books and pamphlets, printed In other laiiguages taan English, and books and pamphlets and all publcallons of forelgn gov ernments. and publicatlons of foreign sooieties historica! or selentiüo, printed for gratultoui distribution. Bristles. Bulba and bulbous roots, not medicinal. Featliers of all kinds, crudo or not dressed eolored or manufactured. Finishing powdor. Orease. Urindstones. finished or unflnished. Curled hair, for beds or mattresses. Human hair, ruw, unclcaned and not druwn [Hattors' furs, not on the skin.] Horap and rape seod, and other oit-seefls o ike eharacter. [Lime.l Garden seeds. ILInseed or flaxseed.] [Marhle of all kinds, in block, rough o squared.l O3ier or willow, prepared Tor basket makers' use. Broom-corn. Brush-wood. [Piaster of paris, when gr ound or oalolucd. Rags, of whatver material composed. Rattans and reeds, manufactured but no made up into flnished anieles. [Palntings, in oil or water colors, and statu ary not otherwise provided for. But tke term .■statuary" shall be understood to lnclude pro fessional productions of a statuary or a seulptor only.] Stones, unmanufactured or undressed, free 9tone, granite, sandstone, aud all building o monumental stonet. AU 8trings of gut or any other Uke material TaUow. Waste, all not speclally enumerated or pro vlded for. DUTIABLE LIST, GESERAL. Seo. 3. Tbat on and aftcr the lst day o LJulyl October, elghteen hundred and eighty eight, in lieu of the duties heretofore mposed on the articles hereinafter mentioned, there shall be levied, colleoted and paid the follow ing rates of duty on satd anieles sererally: Glycerine, reflned, three cents per pound. Acid, acetic, acetous, or pyrollgenous aeld exeeeding the specitio gravity of 1.047, flve cents per pound. Castor beans or seeds, twenty-rlve cents pe bushei oí üfty pounds. Castor oil, forty cents per ga'.lon. Flaxseed or linseed oil [ten] fil'teen cents per pound. Licoric", paste or rolls [four] fict cents per pound. Licorice jutec, tMrty-Jlve per eenfum ad valorem Baryta, sulphaie of, baryt-s, manutaotured one-eighth of one cent per pound. [Cement, Roman, Portland and all othi rs ten per centuin ad valorem.] [Whiting and Paris white twenty per een tum ad valorem.] Chromate of potash, two and onehalf cents per pound. Bichromate of potash, two and onehalf cents per pound. Acétate of lead, brown, two cents per pound. Aoetate of lead, white, three cents per pound. White lead, when dry or ;n pulp, or when ground or mixed in oil, two cents per pound. Orange, mineral and red lead, ouo and onehalf cent per pound. Litharge, one and onehalf cents per pound Nútrate of lead, two cents psr pound. Magnesia, medicinal, carbonate of, three cents per pound. Magnesia, calcined, seven cents per pound. Magnesia, sulphate of, or Epsom salta, one fourth of one cent per pound. Prussiate of potash, red, seven cents per pound. Prussiate of potash, yellojv, three cents per pound. Nitrate of potash, retlued, or reflned saltpeter, one cent per pound. Sal soda, or soda crystuls, one-eighth of ona cent per pound. Bicarbonato of super-carbonate of soda, and saleratus, caloined or i earl ash, three-fourths of one cent per pound. Hydrate or caustic soda, onehalf of one cent per pound. Soda silicate or other alkaline silicate, onefourth of one cent per pound. Sulphur, sublimed, or flowers of, twelve dollars per ton. Ultramarine, three cents per pound. Paris green, twelve ani om-half per ctntum ad valorem. Colors and paints, lnoluAing lakes, whether dry or mixed or ground with water or oil, not specially enumerated or provided for, twenty per centura ad valorem. Zinc, oxide of, when dry, one cent per pound; when ground in oil, one and one-ualf cents per pound. All medicinal preparations known as cerates, conserves, decoctions, emuJsions, ezlracts, sol d or fluid, lnfusions, Juices, liniments, lozenges, mixtures, mucilages, ointments, oleoresins, pllls, piasters, powders, rebins, suppositones, sirups, vinegars, and waters, of any of which alcohol is not a component part, which are not specially enumerated or provided for, twenty per oentum ad valorem. All ground or powdered spices not specially finumerated or provided for, three cents per pound. Proprietary preparations, to-wit: All cosmetics, pills, powders, troches or lozenges, sirups, cordlals, bitters, anodynes, touics, piasters, linlrnents, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, essences, spirits, oils, or preparations, or compositions, recommended to the pu'ol c as propr.etary articles or prepared accordiag to some private formula as remedies or specifica for any disease or dlseases or affect ons affectIng the human or animal body, includlng all toilet pre anuions whatever used as applications to the h;iir, mouth, teeth or skin, not spftcially enumerated or provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem. Morphia or morphine and all salts thereof, flfty cents per ounce. Acid, tannic or tannin, fifty cents per pound. China, porcelaln, par an and b.sque, earthen stone or crockeryware componed of earihy or mineral substances, includlng plaques, oinaments, cbarms, vases and statuettes, painted, printed, enamoled, or gilded, or otherwise decorated in auy manner, Lforty-live] fifty per centum ad valorem. China, porcelain, parlan, and bisque ware not decorated in any manner, forty per centum ad valorem. White granite, comtnon ware, plaln white or creatn-colored, lustered or printed under glaze in a single color: sponged, rü, ped, or edged ware thirty-flve per centum a 1 valorem. Brown earthenware, common stoneware, gasretorts and rooüng tiles, not specially enumerated or provided for, and not decorated in any manner, twenty per centum ad valorem. All other earthen, stone and croclteryware, white, colored or bisque, composed of eanhy or mineral substauces, not enumerated or provided for in this act, and not decorated In any manner, thirty-Bvo per centum ad valorem. Paving tiles, not enoaustic, twenty per centum ad valorem. Encaustic tiles, not glazed or enameled, thirty per centum ad valorem. All glazed or enameled tiles [öfty], fortii-flvt por centum ad valorem. Slates, slate penoils, slato chimney-pieoes, mantels, slabs for tables, and all other manufactures of slate, twenty per centum ad valorem. Green and colored glass, bottles, vials, demljohns and carboys (coverod or uncovered), pickle or preserve jars, and other plain, molded or pressed green or colored bottle-glass, not cut, engraved, or painted, and notspeoially enumeratod or provided for [three-fourths of] one cent per pound; ïf fllled and not otherwise provided for, and if the coutcjns are subject to an ad valorem duty, or to a raje of duty based on their value, the value of such bottles, vials, or other vessels shall be added to the value of the contonts for the asoertainment of the dutiable value of the latter; but if nlled and not otherwise prov.ded for, and the contents are not subject to an ad valorem duty or to a rata of duty based on their value, they shall pay a duty of [threa-fourths of] one cent per pound n additlon to the duty, if any, on thefr contents. [Fllnt and Urne glass bottles and vials, and other plaln, molded, or pressed flint or limo glassware, not speclally enumerated or provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem, if Uled, and not otherwise provided for, and tho contents are subject to an aa valorem duty, or to a rate ot duty based on thefr value, ths value of such flint or lime glass boltles o víais, or other resuela uf :i e maural above prov.dcJ for, símil be aüu. 1 to the valué of the contents forths asoertainment of the dutiabla valué of the lader; bu r illled, and not otuerwise provlded, and tlie contents are not subjeot lo un urt valorem duty, or to a rale oí duty based on tUoir valué, they shall pay a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty, it any, on their contents.] Cylinüer and crowa glass, pol shed, above tweniy-fon' hy thtrty Inches square and not exceeding twenty-four by sixty inches square [tlfteen] ttv nty cents per squ re foot; al] above that Ltwenty-flve] Viirly cents per square foot. Unpolíshed cylir.íle , c.roWn, and comraon window-glas3, not exee Itng leu by fltteen inches square, one í.t (hree-eighfitá cents per pounil; above th.vt, and not exceeding sixteea by twenty-four inchi'S square, one aad [onefourth] five-tvjhth cents per pound; above that, and not exceeding twenty four by thirty inches squure, [one anü one-halí] Vxo cents per pound: all above that, [one and threefourths] tmo and one-half cents per pouad; Provid d, 'Jh't vupolished cyliníffr, croícn, and common wíndow-ulasé, imported in boxts containing Jifty square f eet as ntnrly as sizes will permit, now kntnía and comnterdalbj dtsionate i as jifty feetof glusi, sin le thick, and wei'jhlnq not to exc&d ftfly-flve pounds of alass per box, shall be enterra and computed as jifty pounda of glas on!y; and that said kinds of glust imported ín boxeé contain ng as nearly as xizes wiU permil, tiflv feetof glass, now known and , commercially designated as Jifty f eet of glas, doublí-'hici, and nol exceediig ninety pounils in wrtqltl, thallbs entend and comptited as eighty pound-s of glass only; bul in all other cases the duty shall be coin■putrd according to the actual weight of glosa. [Casi, polished plate-glass, uns lvered, above twenty-four by thirty inches square and not exceediuK tweuty-four by s xty luches square, twenty cents per square fooi; all above that, forty oenls per square foot.] Cast polished plate-glass, silvered, or looking-glass piales, ubove twenty-four by thlrty mches square and not exceedin? twenty-four by sixty lncbes square, twenty-üve cents per square foot; all above that, forty-tive cents per square toot. Porcelain and Bohemian gluss, chemical glffsfeware, pa ted glassware, stained glass, aad all other manufactures of glass, or of which glass Bhall be the component material of chief valué, not specially enumerated or provided for, forty per centum ad valorem. Irou in pigs, iron kentlodge, six dollars per ton Iron railway bars, weighlng more than twenty-flve pounds to the yard, eleven dollars per ton. Steel ranway bars and railway bars made in part of steel, we ghing more than tweuty-five poumls to the yard [and slabs and billets of steel], eleven dollars per ton. Bar iron, rolled or hammered, comprislng flats not less ihan one inch wuie nor less than three-elghths of one inch thick, suven-tenihs ol one cent per pound ; comprising round iron not less than three-fourths of one inch in diameter, and square iron not less than three fourtbs of one inch square, and flats lcss than one inch wide or less than three-eightns of one inch thick, round iron less than three-fourths of one inch and not less than seven-sixteenths of one inch in diameter, and square non leu than three-fourths of one inch square, one cent per pound: Froxided, That all iron in, blooms, loops, or other forms less ünished than iron in bars, and more advanced than pig-iron, excepi castings, shall be rated as iron in bars, and pay a duty accord ngly; aud none of the above iron sh.ill pay a less rate of duty than thirty flve per centum ad valorem: Provideit, further, That all iron bars, blooms, billets, or slzes ol shapes of any kind in the manufacture of which charcoal is used as fuel, shall be subject to duty of not less than twenty dollars per ton. Iron or steel tee-rails, weighin? not over twenty-üve pounds to the yard, fourteen dollars per ton; iron or steel flat rails, punched, Ufteen dollars per ton. Round iron, in coils or rods, less than sevenslxteenths of one inch in diameter, and bars or shapes of rolled iron, not specially enuraerated or provided for. one cent per pound. Iron or steel Jlat, ivith. longitudinal ribs, for thé manufacture of fencing,fow-letthi of a cent per pound. Sheet iron, common or black, thinner thïin one inch and not thinner than number twenty wire gauge, one cent per pound; ih nner than number twenty wlre gauge and not thinner than number twenty-Iive wire gauge ono and one-tenth of one per cent. per pound; thinner than number twenty-flve wire gatigc and not thinner than number twenty-niue wire gauge, one and one-fourta ot one per cent. per pound; thinner than number twenty-nlue w re gauge, and all Iron, commercial ly known as oommon or black tajigers iron, whether put up in boxes or bundies or not. thirty rer centum ad valorem: Prnvided, That on all such iron and steel sheets or plates aforesaid excepting on what are kndwn commercially as tin plates, terne plates, and taggers tin, when galvanized or coatcú zinc or spelter, or other metáis, or any alloy of tliose metáis, one-fourth of one cent per pound add tional when not thinner than number twertv wire gaue; thinner than number twenty wiro gauge and not thinner than number twenty-flve wire gauge, one-half cent per pound additional, and when thinner than twenty-fivo w re gauge, three-fourths of one oent per pound addit.onaL Hoop, or band, or scroll, or other iron, eight inches or less in width, and not thinner than number ten wire gauge, one cent per pound: thinner than number ten wira sauge and not thinner than number twenty v,ire gauge, one and one-tenth cents per pound; thinner than number twenty wire gaugo, one and tenth cents per pound; Providéd, Thnt all articles not specially enumerated or provided for, whether wholly or partly manufactured, made trom sheet, píate, hoop, band or scroll iron herein provided for, or of which such sheet, plate, hoop, band or scroll iron shall be the material of chief value. shall pay onefourth of one cent per pound more duty than that ïmposed on the iron from which they are made, or woicb sball be such material of cnieí value. Cast iron pipe of every description, 9ix-tenth3 of one cent per pound. Cut nails andsp.kes, of Iron or steel, one cent per pound. Cut Ufcoka, brads, or sprigs, thirty-flve per centum ad valorem. Iron or steel rail way flsh-platesorspïice-bara, eighttentbs of one cent per pound. Wrought iron or steel spikes, nuts and washers, and horse, mule, or ox shoes, one and onehulf cents per pound. AnVils, unciiors, or parts theroof. mül-irons, and mill-crans, of wrought iron, and wrought iron for ships, and forgings of iron and steel, for vessols, steam-engines and locomotivos, or parts tbereof, weighiiigeach twenty-nve pounds or more, one and one-half cents per pound. iron or steel rivets, bolts, with or without threads or nuts, or bolt blunks, and tinished binges or hinge blank3, one and one-half cents per pound. Iron or stoel blacksmittas' nummers and sledges, traek-tools, wedges and crowburs, one and one-half of one cent per pound. Iron or steel uxlea, parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks, orforgings foraxles, w thoutreference to the stae or style of manufacture, one and one-half cents per pound. Horseshoe nails, bob-nails, and wire nails, and all other wrought-iron or stoel nail3, not specially enumerated or povided for, two and one-half cents per pound. Boiler-tubes, or other tubes, or flues or stays, of wrought non or steel, one and one-half cenU per pound. Chain or chains, of all kinds, made of Iron or steel, loss than ihree-fourihs of one inch ia diameter, one and onefounh cents per pound; ess than three-fourtha of one inch and not less -han ihree-eighths of one inch in diumeter, one and one-half cents per pound, les1 than threee ghths of one inch Ir. diameter, two cents per ound. Hand, back, and all other saws, not specially enumerated or provided lor, thirty per centum ad valorem. Files, flle-blanks, rasps and floats of all cuts and kinds, thirty-flve per centum ai valorem. Iron or steel boums, girders, joists, angles, channels, car-truck channels, T T columns and posts, or parts ot sections of columns and )osts, deck and bulb boums, and building orms, together wfth all other structural shapes of iron or steel, sixtenths of one cent ter pound. Steel wheels and tired wheels for railway purposos, whether wholly or partly fin■bed, and iron or steel locomotive, car and other milway tire3, or paris thereof, wholly or nrtly manufactured, two cents per pound; irori or steel ingots, coggod ingots. blooms or blanlis for the same, without regard :o the degree of manufacture, one uni one-hali cent pr pound. IScrews commonly called wooi screws, flve per centum ad valorem.] Iron and iteöj wlre and iron and steel galvanized, and all manufactures of iro:i and steel wlre and of Iron and steel wire galvanized, shall pay the duties now provided by law: Irovided, That no such duty shall be in mcms of sisty per centura ad valorem. Cllppings froni new oopper fit on'.y tor manufacture, one cent pf-r pouuJ. Copper, in platea, bars, Ingots, Chili or other piUS and in other form, not manufacturad, two cents per pound; ta rolled plates, called braz:ers' copper, sheets, rods, pipes, and copper bottoms, thirly yzc ocntuai ud valorem. Lead ore anJ dro-;-;. Utree-fourüM of one cent pur pound. Lead, in pig und bar-., inolten and old rofusö lead run into btoeks, anü ban and olJ sorap lead íit only to btí remjniif.ietured, one and onequarter cents por pound. Lead in aeets,plpes, or shot, two and ono-quurier cents per pound. Sheathing or yeUoit metal, thirty per centum ad valorem. Nickel, in ore or natte, ten cent per pound on the nickel contalned therein. Zinc ores, tweuty per centum ad valorem. Zinc, spelter, or tutenesrun, in blocks or pigs, and old worn-out zino rit onïy to be re-manufactured, one and one-quarter cents per pouod; zinc, spelter or tutenegus ia sheets, two cants per pound. Hollow-ware. coated, glazed, or tinnetl, two and one-bá!f cents per pound. Needies for knitting and sewin.j machines, tweuty per centum ad valorem. LPen-knives, poo ;et knives, of all kinds, ancl razors, thirty-flve per centum ad valorem. Pens, metallic, th rty-tlve per centum ad valorem. New typt for printing, Aftten per centum ad valorem. Type metal, flfteen per centum ad vulorem. Manufactures, articles, or wares, not specially enumeratsd or provided for, composed wholly or in part of copper, thirty -flve per centum ad valorem; manufactures, articles, or wares, not specially enumerated or prov.ded for, composed of iron, steal, lead, nicke!, pewter, tin, zinc, gold, silver, plutinum, or any other metal, or of whieh anv of the foregoing metáis may be the component material of chief value, and whether partly or wholly manufacturad, forty per centum ad vuiorem. Cabinet and house furniturs of wood, flnlshed, thirty per centum ad valorem. Manufactures of cedar wood, granadilla, ebony, mahogany, rosewood and satinwood, thirty per centum ad valorem. Manufactures of wood, or of which wood Is the chief component part, not specially enumerated or provided for, thirty por centum ad valorem. All sugars not above numuar thirteen Dutch Standard in color shnll pay duty on their polarlscopic test as follows- namely : All sugars not above number thirteen Dutch Standard In color, all tank bottoms, sirups of canejuice or of beet juice. melado, concentrated melada, concrete and concentrated molasses, testing by the polariscope not above seventy-flve dogrees, shall pay a duty of ono and flfteen hundredths cents per pound, and lor every additional degree or fraction of a degree shown by the polariscoplo tet they shall pay thirty-two rhousandth.s of a oent per pound additional. All sugars above number thirteen Dutch standard in color shall be classlfled by the Dutch Standard of color, and pay duty as follows - namely : All sugars above number thirteen and not above number sixteen Dutch standard, two end twenty-hundredths cents per pound. All sugars above number sixteen and not above number twenty Dutch Standard, uvo and fortyhundredths ceuts per pound. All sugars a'oove number twenty Dutch standard, two and eighty-hundredths cents per ponan. Molasses testing not above flfty-six degrees by tho polartscope, shall pay a duty of [four] two and three-quarUr cents per gallon ; molasses testing above flfty-six degrees ahall pay a duty of six cents par gallon: Provided, That If an export duty shall hereafter be laid upon sugar or molasses by any country from whence the same may be imported, such sugar or molasses SD imported shall be subject to duty as prescrlbed by law at tus d;ite of the passage of this aot. Sugar candy, not coloree!, fivo cents per pound. AUother confectionery. forty per centum ad valoren, [All tobáceo Inleaf, unmauuíaetuivd, and not stemmed, thlrty-tlvo cents per pjund.j Potato or corn starch, rice starch and other starch, one cent per pound. Rice, cleaned, two cents per pound; uncleaned, or rice free of the outer huil, and still haring the inner cuticle on, one a:icl one-quarter cents per pound. Rice Jtoiir and rice mtal, Jlflen i'r cent 'miad valorem. [Rice flour, rice meal, anibrolten rice which will pass through a sieve unown commerclally as number ten brass-wire sieve. ten to the running inch or one hundred meahea to th a square inch, the space with n the wires shall uot exceed in length or width seven uundred and eighty-seven ten-.thousandtli5 of an inch, twenty' per centum ad valorem] Paddy, or rice buvrng the oulcr uuU on, one cent per pounrt. Raisins, one and ono half cents per pound. Peanuts or sround beans. three-fuurths of one cent per pouud; shelled, ono coat per pound, Mustard, ground or preseived, in bottles or otherwise, six cents per pound. Cotton thread, yarn, warps. or warp yarn, whether single or atïvanced üeyond the condttlon of single by twisting two or more single yarns together, whether oa baams or in bundies, skeins, or cops, or in any othftr form, valued at not exceedlng forty cents per pouud, thirty-flve per centum ad valorem; vulued at over forty cents per pound, forty per ceutum ad valorem. On all cotton cloth, forty per centum ad valorem. Spool-thread of cotton, forty per centum ad valorem Flax, hackif-l, known as di-esseJ Uní, (en dollar per ton. Brown and bleached linens, ducks, canvas, paddings. cot bottoms, diapers, crash, huckabaüks, hundkerchiefs, lawns, or other manufactures of flux, jute or hemp, or of which fiaz, jute or hemp shall be the component material of chief value, not specially enumerated or provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That cuffs, collars, shirts and other manufactures of wearing apparel, made ín whole or in part of lmen, and not otherwise provided for, and hydraulio hose, thirty-flve per centum ad valorem. Flax, hemp and jute jarns, and all twinei of hemp, jute, jute-butts, suun, sisal-grass, ramie and China grass, ñfteen per centum ad valorem. Flax or Unen thread, twine and pack thread and all manufactures of flax, or of which fiar shall be the component material of chief value, nol specialiy enumerated or provided for, twenty-flve per centum ad valorem. Oil-cloth foundations or flooroloth canvas, or burlaps, exceedlng sixty inches in width, made of flax, jute r hemp, or of which flax, jute or hemp, or either of them, shall be the component material of chief value Iwenty-flve per centum ad valorem. Oil-cloths for floors, itampad, painted or printed, and on all other oil-cloth (except silk oll-clotb), and on water-proof cloth, not otherwise provided for, twenty five per centum ad valorem. Gunny-cloth, not bagging, fifteen per centum ad valorem. Bags and bagging, and Uke manufactures, not specialiy enumerated or prov.dud for, including bagging for cotton composed wholly or la part oï flax, hemp, jute, gunny-cloth, gunny bags or other material ífifieen per centum ad valorem], three-eighths cení pep pound. Tarred cables or cordage, twenty-flve per centum ad valorem. Untarred manila cordage, twenty-five por centum ad valorem. All other untarred cordage, twenty-flve per centum ad valorem. Selnes and seine and gilling twine,twenty-flve per centum ad valorem. Sail duck, or canvas for sniK twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Russta and other sheetings of flax or hemp, Drown or white, twenty-flve per centum ad vulorem. I All other manufacturas hemporof manüa, or of which hemp or manila shall be a cumponent material of cbief valué, not spee:ally enumerted or provided íor, twenty-üve t er centum kd valore m. Grass-cloth and ether manufactures ot Jute, rumie, China and sisal-grass, not speoially enumeratod or provided for, twenty-flve percantum d valorem : proviled, That as to jute, Jutehutts, sunn and sisal-grass, and manufactures thereof, except barlaps. not exceeding sixty Inohes in wicUb, thls act 3hall take effect Jatiuary first, eijhteen hundred and eighty-nine ; and ai lo flax, hemp, manila and other like substitutos for hemp, and the manufactures thereof upon July tirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-n nt THE WOOI AND WOOI.ENS I.IST. Sec. 3. On and after IJulyl October first, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, there shall be admttted, when imported, free ol duty: All wools, huir of the alpuca, goat and other like animáis. Wools on the skin. Woolen rags, sboddy.muago, waste and floeks. And on and after [Ootober] January nrst, eighteen hundred and eighty [efpht] nin', Ín lleu of the duties heretofore imposed on the anieles hereinafter mentioned in this section, there shall be levled, collected and paid the following rutes of duty on said anieles severally: Woolen aud worsted cloths, shawls and all manufactures of wooi of every description, made wholly or in part of wool or worsted, not specially enumerated or provided for, forty per centum ad valorem. Flannels, blankets, hats of wool, knlt goodí, and all goods made on knitting-frames, balmorals, woolen and worsted yarns, and all manufactures oí every description composed wholly or in part, of wool or worsted, the hatr of the alpaca, goat, or other animáis, not specially enumerated or providd for, forty per centum ad valorem : Protittui, That from and after the passage of this act and until the fint day of October, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. the Secretary of the Treasury be, and h is hereby authorized and directed to classlfy as waolen cloth all imports of worsted cloth. whether knawn under the name of worsted cloth or under the name of "worsted" or 'diagonals," or otherwise. Buntin, forty per centum ad valorem. Women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, and goods of like description, composed in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat, or otlier animáis, forty per oentum ad valorem. Clotbing, ready-made, and wearlng apparel of every description, not specially enumerated or provided for, and balmoral sktrts and sklrting and goods of similar description or used for like purposes, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the -hair of the alpaca, goat, or other animáis, made up or m:inufactured wholly or in part Dy the tailor, suamstress, or manufacturer, except knit goods, forty-five per centum ad valorem. Cloaks, dolman;, jackets, taimas, ulsters, or other outside garments for ladies1 and childrens' apparel, and goods of sln-.üar description or used for like purposes, oompoied wholls or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat, or other animáis, made up or manufacturad wholly or in purt by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer (except knit goods,) forty-üve per centum ad valorem. Webbings, gonngs, suspenders, braoes, beltings, bindiuirs, uraids, galloons, fringes, gimps, cords and tasaels, dress trimmings. head nets buttons, or barrel buttons, or buttons of other forms ior tassels or ornament wrought by band or braideJ by machinery, made of wool, worsted, the huir of the alpaca, goat or other animáis, or in whlch wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat, or other animáis I a component material, flfty per centum ad valorem. Hernp and jute carpeting, six cent per nquart yard. Floor matting and fioor mats, excluttively of vegetable ntbstance, twen' y per centum ad valorem. All other cárpete and carpetings, dmggets, boeting, mats, ruga, tcreeni, covei's, hassock, bedtide of wool, flox, eotton, or parís of ellher, or olher material, for'y per centum ad valorem. [All carpets and carpetings, druggets, bockIngs, mals, rugs, screens, covers, hassocks, bed-sldes of wool, flax, eotton, hemp, jute, or parts of elther, or other material, thirty per centum ad valorem.] Endless belts or felts for paper or printlng machines, thirty per centum ad valorem. DUTIABLE LIST. SPECIAL. Sec. 4. That ou and after the flrst day of [July] October, eighteen hundred and eightyeignt, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed on the artioles hereinafter mentloned, tnere shall be levied, collected, nd paid the followiCK rates of duty on said artitlea severally: Paper, sized or glued, suitable only for print in? paper, flfteen per centum act valorem. Printing paper, unslzed, used for boolts and newspapers exoluslvely, twelve yer centum ad valorem. Paper boxos, and all otner f:mcy boxes, not otherwise prov.ded ior, Iwenty-llve per centum ad valorem. Paper envelopes, twanty :er cenium ad valorem. Paper hangiug, and p:iper for screens or fireboard-s surfaee-couted paper, and a.l manufactures of which surface-eoat'Hi paper is a componet materiul not othsrwlse provided for, and card-bo&rd, paper antlquarian, demy, drawíns, elephant, foolscap, imperial, letter, note, and all othiir paper not specially meratedorprovidiíd íor, twenty-Qve pereeatum ad valoivm. Beads, and beau ornaments of atl Kinds, ercept amber, forty per ccntutn ud valorem. Blackingof all kinds, twenty per centum ad valorem. Bonnets, hats and hooils for men, omen and children, composed of halr, whaleboue or any vegetable material, and not especian? enumerated op provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem. Broom3 of all kinds, twenty per centum ad valorem. lirushes o' all kinds, twenty per centum ad valorem. Canes and stie'üs, for walkinj, flnished, twenty per centum ad valorem. Card clotliiug Lflrteen] twenty cents per square foot; when manufactured from tempered steel wire, [twenty-flve] forty cents per square foot. Carriages, and parts of, not especlally enumerated or provided for, thirty per centum ad valore in. Dolls and toys, thirty per centum ad valorom. Fans of all kinds, except pulm-leaf í&ms of whatever material oomposeti, thirty per centum ad valorem. ï'eatfcers of all kinds, when dreased, colored or manufactured, including dressed and finisbed birds and artificial and ornamental feathers and fiowers, or parts thereof, of whatever material composed, uot specially enumerated or provided for, thirty-Uve per centum ad valorem. Frictlon and lucifer matches of all descrlptlons, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Üloves of all descrlptlous, wholly or partially manufaotured, forty per centum ad valorem: ProoiiUd, TTiat glovcs made of silk taffeta shall be taxed nity per centum ad valorem. Gun-wads, of all descrlptlons, twenty-flve per centum ad valorom. Guita-percha, manufaotured, aud all articlei of hard rubber not specially enumerated or provided for, thirty-flve per centum ad valorem. Hair, human, if clean or drawn, but not manufactured, twenty per centum ad valorem. Bracelets, braids, chaias, rings, curls and ringlets composed of hair, or of which hair Is tbe material of ohief value, and all manufactures of human hair, twonty flva per centum ad valorem. Bats, matcrials for: Braids, plnits, flats, willow sheets and squares, fit only for uso in making or ornamenting bats, bonnets, and hoods, composed of straw, chip, grass, palmleaf, willow, hair, whalebone, or any vegetable material, not specially enumerated or provided íor, twenty per ceutuin ad valoreui. Hat bodies of couon, thirly per centum ad valorem. Hatter's plush, composod of silk or of silk and cotton, niteen per centum ad valorem. [India rubber fabricks, and anieles oomposed wholly or in part of ind a-rubber, and indta-rubber boots and shoes, fifleeu per centum ad valorum.J Inks of all kinds, and ink-rowders, twenty per centum ad valorem. Japanneü wa-e of all kinds not iparlslly onrmerated or provided for, thirty (?r fftnutn ad rglorem. A'i.' dollar ptr ton. ' ' China clíiy, or wrougít kaolín, two dolían per ton. Marble of a'l kiuf?s,in block, ro't-gh or aquarel forty cate per cubicfoot." Marble, sawed, dressa-l, or otherwise, includUg marble alaba and marble paving Ules, eighty-five cents per cublc foot. All manufactures of marble not speciallj enumeratd or provided for, thirty per centum ad vulorem. Papier mache, manufactures, articles and wares of, twenty-flve peí centum ad valorem. Percussion caps, ihirty per centum ad valorem. Philosophlool apporatns and Instrumentó, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. [Pipes, pipe-bowU, and all smokers' articles whatsoever. not esrecially emitnerated or provided for, Dfty per eontum :d valorem; all common pipes of clay, tvreuty-flve per centum. a& valorem.] Umbrella and parasol ril, and stretcner framss, tips, runners, bandles, or other parta thereof, when made ín whole or chiet part íron, steel, or any other metal, thirty per cíntum ad valorem: umbrella, paxasola, and shactes, whea covered with or alpaca, fifty per centum ad valorem; all other umbrelias. thirty'per centum ad valorem. Watchee, watch-cases, watoh-movements. parta of watt:íic&, watcta-glasses. and watchkeys, whether separatoly packed or otherwise, and watch materials not especially onumerated or provided for in th s act, twenty-flv per centum ad valorem. Webbinjf composed of cotton, flai, or a mixture of these mataríais, not especially enumerftted or provided for in this act, tbírty per centum ad valorem. Sec. 41. Tais act is intcnded and shall t construeu ai an act sup;.icmentary and amendatory to existing laws, and the ratas ot duiy and niodiíicatton oí clauscs, provisión and sections us hereln specitically madd are intended and shall be construed as a repeal ot all clauSRS, provlsíons and sections In conflict therowith; but as to all clauses, provisions, and sectlons in existin laws not speciflcally changed, modified. or amended, the rate9 ol duty now ex sting shail be and rematn Ín fuU forcé and effect.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register