Wouldn't Heed Advice
" How about young Baldwin, who cama down herei" askud a friend from out of tha city oí a deacon in a prominent New York cluiroh. " I ara extremely sorry to say that Baldwin failed to make a success of it here, replied the deacon. "Is that sol" "O, yes. He lost a!l his property and is dow peddling shoe-strings at the corner oX Vesey street and Broadway." " Indeed ! I am sorry to hear it." " Very sad, certainly - he comes of a good family. But he got drawn iuto Wall street speculation and lost his all." " Ah, the maelstroin of Wall street, waa it? Too bad." "Yes, that's what I say. I tried my best to save him from it, not only becauae ha was the son of au old sihoolmate of mine, but also because I msidered it my duty any how. My oonnection with the churoh would not permit me to look at it otherwise." " O, I know of course that you would do what you could in such a case to Kiiide & young man in the right path." " O, certainly, certalnly," replied the deacon in a modest tone. "I dld what I could in my weak way. I went to him," continued the ood man as he wiped hii spectacles and looked out of the window thoughtfully; "I went to him and saya I: 'See here, Oeorge, you don't want to put jour money in that Western Wiud stock - the bnttom is going to fall out of the whole thing iuside of twenty four hours. Just come in with me on this Consolidated stock and if you don't elear up $50,000 on it inside of a week, why, thea I'm a liar I' But he wouldn't listen to good counsel and went into Western Wind and dropped his pile. I suppose," went on the deacon, musingly, as he acijusted his glasses, "that 1 might add by way of proof tbat I was rifjht, that I put ïö.OOÜ in the Consolidated myself and unloaded it oa Brother Douhs for iilT,50ü tfaree days after. You well said, my friend, that U'all street is a terrib'.e
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