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MCHftAIEL To attract busine3S during the inonth of July we shall offer bargains in all summer goods. To commence with, we offer 50 doz. Ladies' Gauze Veste at 25c each, better goods than most merchants buy at the same prioe. We also have all of the better grades Jersey Lisie Thread, Balbriggan and India Gauze in Ladies' Children's and Gent's. For the next two months Fans will be used more than the balance of the year and we have a great variety to select from. Japanese Fans in 100 different styles, ranging in price from ten cents up. In Satins we have a beautiful assortment of plain, carved stick, hand painted and feathertrimmed, pretty and cheap. We are offering rare, new and popular styles in Corsets, the Model D. D. at one dollar, and the A 1 at 50 cents are the best articles at the prices ever offered in this market, also, 20 other good styles to select from. Many people wait until this time to buy Parasols, and to attract late buyers we are offering our Satin Coaching, Pongees and Fancy Parasols at cost, also big reductions in price of Silk Umbrellas. For the people who are late in getting their nummer dresses, we would say that we have just received 50 pieces of India Linens, which we shall sell at 18, 20 and 25c per yard and they are much better than could be bought at those prices earlier in the seaso.n. Embroidered flouncing to go with them, very cheap. Our stock of Wash Goods can't be beat, and if in want of anything of this kind take a look at our line of Satteens, Lawns, Corded Jaconets Gingliams, Batiste and Seersuckers. Gloves and Mkts in complete assortment of Kid, Silk and Lisie, in colors Mutable for the season. To close our line of Jackets we offer them at exact cost. The best value for One Dollar to be found in this City is the celebrated Pearl Shirts, made from Wamsutta Cotton with three ply Linen Fronts and patent Sleeve and Back, also reinforced front and back, only $1.00. We are eole agents. BACH & ABEL. BARGAINS! i %k Wehavepurehased JÍ l a stock East from a M (jj % faotory that wanted ift a to close, which % "P B amounts to 81,560. %, 1 E Wei bought these I P5 f goods at about 50c íi a on the dollar, vre will B 3 sell them Ijl 60c QathoDOLLAR IN THEM ARE Gents' Shoes for $1,50 WORTH $3.00. LADIES' KID SHOE, $1.00. Ladies Kid Oxfords at One Dollar etc In addition to this Sale we will sell our entire Stock at 10 per cent. Discount. Cali and examine. We will be glad to show your our goods if you buy or not. Samuel Erause.


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