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Ready For The Fray

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Mr. Kittredge, of The Register, who is at Old Orohard Beach, Me., sends The Registeb a copy of the "Old Orchard Summer Rembler," with the followiog verses marked. He does not say that he wrote the verses while watching the sea-side bathers : Let'6 see, now- my feathere and fans, My ribbons and jewe and laces. My handkercbitf, clippers and gloves all iu ttieir several placts. My lingerie, boiim-is and liose, My dresses ol silk and of satin, All packed ; but O me. there'8 my rouge ! For mercy's sake, muther, get that iu ! There Isn't an inch more of room, Aud 1 muit hnvt; those novéis from Paris. W hal a nuisauce I can't someihmg come out To mKku opace? Oh. yes, im-kiiy there is That Bible ! Whatever pussesscd Yuu lo put it üt, anywny, moiher? Who ever Kets time at the beach Wiih buuh things as religiun to bother. There, thank goodness, I think that is all ! This (H'SiikMii packiiig i over. But, u stay. there s my Uoom of Youth yet; bquetzu that iu, and tr en slam down the cover - And wit just a minute - you might Find space lor this uiamuud louket ; My haitiiLg buh'b all tlmt's leit irow, And I eau put that la mv pucket. Earriet E Roes has cooimeDced a suit ajaiast Eugene Ross for divorce.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register