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Wm. Baxter is the last appointed mail carrier. Miss Nellie Childs is visiting friends in Toledo. Mrs. E. J. Knowlton is visiting friends in Adrián. Mrs. Jes. Donelly is visiting her daughter in Chicago. Deputy Register Dick Kearus spent Sunday in Dexter. Mr. O. F. Webster, ot Owosao, spent Sundsy in tnis city. A. H. Ingrham, of Bay city, law 79, is here visiting friends. Miss Ida Beutier, of New Buffalo, Mica., is visiting at Rev. S'.angers. Ecnory Townsend, of Saginaw, is visiting nis pareats near this city. J. J. Stevenson and family, of Ypsilanti, have gone to California to live. Mrs. A. B. Wood and daughter returned from Europe last Thursday. Prof. Henry Wade Rogers is making a trip through the eastern 6tates. Mrs. Minnie Treadwell, of Chicago, is visiting her father, James Osborn. Mrs. J. Q. A. Sessions and son Frank are visiting friends at Akron, Ohio. City attorney Zina P. King was in Chicago, Tuesday, on legal business. Mrs. C. H. Devlin, of Bay city, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Hatch, Airs. Schlesinger, of Saline, is visiting her parents here, Rev. and Mrs. Stanger. Prof. Perry goes to WiHiamston, Monday, to take charge of the teachers1 institute. Katie and Alice Cromer have returned from their trip to Whitmore Lake and Hamburg. Wanen Wadhams, with Joe. T. Jacobs & Co., has been on the sick list for the past week. James Booth and famüy, formerly of Ypsilanti, are now residents of this city, at 25 William-st. Mrs. D. Cramer has been qnite ill with fever at Chicago and wil! not be home as soon as expected. Charles Foster, of Clifton Springs, is visiting his niece, Mrs. E. D. Fletcher, at the Cook House. C. Traub, of Traub Bros. Detroit, with his son Robert, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bross, S. Main-st. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schairer ieft last Saturday for an extended trip to Chicago and Graüd Haven. L. D. White, a prominent citizen of Eaton Rapids, was a caller at The Register office Friday last. Miss Millie Cimp, of Lansing, and Miss Jessie Camp, of Ypsilanti, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Wahr. Dr. E. L. Worden, wife and son, of Des Moines, Iowa, are visiting Mr. Worden's parents on William-st. Mrs. Nettie Worley, of Nashville, Tennesse, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Alexander, near Delhi milis. Fred Maynard and family, of Grand Ripide, visited his parents, Mr. and M's. J. W. Maynard, last week. Jonathan Schmid is spending a few days at Sand Lake in company with h;s brother Nate, of Manchester. Miss Jennie M. Polhemua started Monday for severa! weeks' visit with friends in Toledo and Zanesville, O. Rev. R. L. Williams and family, from Au Sable on Lake Huron, reached their home on Madison-st, last week. Herbert Bissell, of Summi'-st, Toledo, was the guest of D. B. Chpever, Wsshington-st, last Thu'sday and Friday. Major Harry Soule, wite and daughter, are visiting in Minneapolia, and will go to the Pacifio coast bef ore re turning. Mrs. O. E. Jones and daughter, Miss Edith Atkins, have removed from 39 Thompson-st to 106 South Main-st. Wm. Stol!, Chas. Schlimmer, Theodore Wesch, Wm. Bischoff, lefl Tuesdny morning for a few days' sport at Whitmore. Prof. Jerry Knowlton who has been confined to the house for some days by sickness, is again able to attend to business. Tom Kearney, John and James Duffy, J. Slatterly, Fred M. MoOmbfr and T. O'Hearn are getting tanned at Whitmore Lake. Prof. Wm. E. Robinson, a former Saline boy, has been re-elected superintendent of schools at Deiroit, at a salary of $4000. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hawks, who have been visiting . D. Stimson and family, on W. Huron-st., Ieft for tneir home at Birmingham, (oday. Mrs. Howard and ttvo daughters, Miss Allie and Raby, returned Aug. 1. from a four weeks' visit with friends in Romulus and West Sumpter, Mich. Miss Gracie Jennelle is visiting her aunt, Mr. R. C. Fuller, at Monroe. M ba L;zzie Kirk, of Ypsilanti, wül j in them there tor a week's visit, and return with them to Ann Arbor. Cards are out annouacing the wedding of Miss Clara Hangsterfi-r, cf this city, and Mr. W. J. Luyckx, of Detroit, t the reeidence of Mr3. J. Hangsterfer, 28 S. Mainst. Aug. 22. David Decker, law '88, who has been here in the Uuiversity for the past four years, from the S'ate of Mnine, has decided to lócate at Kewaune, Wis., and Ieft for there this week. Martin Senbolt and family, Jaob Seabolt, Willie Wigend, Miss Sarah O'Brien, Miss Anna Oaborne, Gforge and Miss Bridget Greening Ieft VYednesday for a a two weeks' stay at Oak Grove, Hamburg Junction. Register cf Deeds Jas. Kearns made a trip to Port Huron, last Thursday, returning Friday aceonipanied by hi daughter, Theresa, and Miss Mamie Rinsev, whó had beea visiting friends atPomt EJward. Mrs. Kearns will remain there a week longer. Dr. E. P. Anderson, U. of M. '79, ia in town today. The doctor hag been en gaged during ihe past translating frnm the French several volumes of A. C. MuClurg & Co.'s new series ualled "Gret Frenci Writers." He remaius over night at 79 E. Ann-st, and lenves in the morning tor his new field ol labor as professor ot English literature and histoiy in the Ohio University at Athene, Ohio.


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