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Roehm & Son, jaweler, Gmnd C:rou Park, Detroit, carry a larga as-ortmnt o open lace and hunting case silver watches with all grades of movemBn(.s, from the chepest rdiable Swis and Aim-rican makes to the finest Vaoheron and Cnstantin celebrated Geneva pocket timepieces. The prices ou these are vcry reas onable. A mi Arhor Fruit Farm. Peara and grapes a specinlty. Sem' your orders early and get oaly rirstclass nursery stock forfall planting. Kasnberrv syrup and shrub. See or address Emu Baür, West Huron st. Pupil anteU. Professor Livington's school of French dressmaking bas reopened Ladine, young or old, may learn the art of perfeoily cutting, msking, draping and finishing a garment in the best city styln. Special inducements to those whn come eariy. L. M. Folet, 95 E. Huronst, Ar.n Arbor, Mch. tor fíale. Having moved from the city I i!l offer my house, No. 45 Thompson st, Ann Arbor, for ssle cheap. House ia good con dition ar;d well arranged for renting rooms. Good 1-Jt of fiuit, oonsisting cf cherrii'8, pears and grapes. E qu're of C. Spoor or fiddress O. F. Wkbster, Owosso Gas Lt. Co , O wosso, Micli. For Sale. - HouehoM furniture, coa' store, study tables, bureaus, chairs, rockers, bediteads, carpets, Ac , ai 21 S. State, for a few days oaly. Mrs E A. Johnso. Andrews & Company's special clearing sale of Wall paper lemnantri begins Monday, July 23rd. F. Rettich, jr.. has 27G empty c.isks for sale. "Doe" Simonds' barber shop is the oldest in the city, aud (he best place for any thing in our line. We a-e a'.way? "on deck." THE NEW 9IiLL CEHS14L1 TÏÏI-WBl THE PERFECT TYPE-WRITING MACHINE. The Writinsr is in plnin s j;lil. -ven to tbe lust letter, a feature that no olber mnchlne povsosses. It has the fewest parts of any stindard Typewriter, mating it lese Hable to get out of order Alignment is perfect, and the type all beiug on one piece of metal, it can never change. Will manlfold three to six copies. 8ee this one before buying any other. Cali on or ad.1re.-s, J. B. WUULftlK, AKent, 26 East Willum St. Ann aebok, Mich. Ihe most Marveloua, Interest ing;, Inttruot.vo and Befined Exhlbition of tbe age and tbe only oue of tbe kind in the world. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ANN ARBOR, MICH. OIsriB WEEK 8 Performances, Cominenclng. MONDAY, AUGUST 20, '88 Manager John D. Mishler has the honor to present PROF. GEO. BARTH0L0MEW8 EQUINE PARAD0X, 24 - EDÜCATED HORSES - 24 DO EVERYTHING BUT TALK Kvery Evening at O'clock. TWO AFTSBVOOIT PERFORKANCES. Wednesday- Saturday, 2:3O. At the Wednesday Matinee, each lady will he presented with a handsome souvenir palette of Nellie. Reception by all the horses on the stage after the performance, to which ladies aud childreu are specially iuvited. SPECIAL PRICES: Oallery - . 35 Adraissinn - . - 35 Re-rved Seatft - 50 For Sale for all the 8 Performances at Wahr's Bookstore on and after Saturday Aug 18. Matinee's doors open 1:30. Commence at 2:30 Evening doore open at 7:1!. (1a1mcnoe at 8. Performance over at ten. Alternoon (lerlörmance ame na eveninif. The hnrses will mke a parade ov r the principal etreets. leaviuR the Equink Palace CARSut 12 0'cioik. Monday. Should the weath r be unfavorable t' e i'arede will be made Tuetiday. The public are iiivind to Iinpect ihe largest, mout contly and most complete care ever bailt for horses, between 2 and 4 r. m., Tuesday and Thuredny.


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