BIG REDUCTION SALE -p r. i D. F. Schairer's. In order to Reduce our Summei Stook rapidly and to make room for Fall Goods, we will offer our Entire Stock at a DU! II Low Prices are Winners and We are Always the Cheapest. WashDress Goods at Unheardof Low Prices. 15 Pieces White India Linens at 10c per yard. 25 Pieces White India Linens at 12} and 15 ets. per yard. 20 Pitees Victoria Lawns at 10, 12i and 15 cents per yard 10 Pieces Dotted and Figured Swisa at 25 cents per yard, worth 40 cents. 30 Pieces Figured Lawns at 5 ets. Der yard. 10 Pieces Black Organdy Muslins at 12} cent per yard. 8 Pieces French Striped Chambrays were 25 cents now 14 cents. One Case Choice 121c Ginghams now 8 cents per yard. 25 Pieces Plaid and Check 10c Ginghams now 6 per yard. 18 Pieces loc Crinkles now 30c per yard. One Case Dark Prints at 3c per yard. 30 Pieces White Plaid Nainsook at 6c per yard. 25 Pieces Fine White Plaid Dresa Goods at 10 and 12Í cents per yard. 100 Pieces Embroideries at 5 and 10 cents per yard. 50 Pieces Wide Embroideries at 10, 15 and 20 cents per yard. Closing out Swiss Flouncings at 50. 75 cents and $1.00 per yard. Big Bargains in Black Chantilly and Spanish Guipure Flouncings and Skirtïngs at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. Over 200 Pieces French Lace Edges from 2 to 5 inches wide at 5 cents per yard. 38 Pairs Fine Lace Curtains at $1.50 and $2.00 a pair. 15 Pieces Lace Stripe Curtain Scrim at 6 and 8 cents per yard. 5 Pieces 25c Curtain Scrim at 15 centa per yard. 8 Pieces Nottingham Curtain Laces at 10, m, 16, 18 and 25 cents per yard. DEOIDBD BARGAINS IN DRESS QOODS M SILKS DURING THIS SALE. One Lot $1.00 Colored Silks at 75 cents per yard. One Lot Black and Colored Rhadames at 85 cents per yard. One Lot $1.00 Silk Surahs at 75 cents per yard. One Lot $1,25 Faille Francaises at $1.00 per yard. 4 Pieces 46 inch Rich Heavy 75 cent Black Cashmere at 50 cents per yard. 8 Pieces Fancy Black 42 inch al! wool Dress Goods would be cheap at 75 cents. Our Price only 50 cents per yard. 11 Pieces Silk Warp Henriettas at $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. 7 Pieces 50 cent quality Pink and Light Albatros at 25 cents per yard. 35 8ingle Wool Shawls Worth $1.25 $1.50 and $1.75 all at $1.00 each. BIG OUT IN ÜNDERWEAR One Lot Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests at 25 cent. One Lot Ladies Extra Fine Vests at 25 cents, were 40 cents. One Lot Ladies' Extra Fine Gauze Vests at 35 cents. Ladies You can Save Money this Month buying Muslin Underwear. Corset Covers 19, 25, 35, 40 and 50cts. Cheinises 25, 39, 50 and 75 cents. Night Dresses 39, 50, 75 and $1.00. Drawers 25, 39, 50 and 75 cents. Children's Dresses 25, 39 and 50 cents. Boys' Shirt Waists 25, 50 and 75 cents. 10 D z Gents' Night Shirts at 75 ets worth $1.00 Silk Umbrellas and Pareols all to be Closed out this Month at OOST. 10 Doz. 25c Bustles at 15 cents each. Lovely White Aprons at 25 and 50 cents each. 150 lbs. Oderless Geese Feathers at 50 cents a Ib. 200 lbs. Best Selected Prime Live Geese Feathers at 65 cents a Ib. We can save you money on feathers. We are Positively Giving the 3igsreat Bargrains in Dry Goods to be .ound in Ann Arbor to-day. D. F. SCHAIRER
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