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OUR 85 CEKT COLCJHN. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sal and Wants, not exceeding three lines, can b inserted three weeks for 25 cents. ITUATION WANTED in a prívale famUy; ca give reference. Euquire on Fifthst., betwee Huron and Ann. Mrs. ü. Madary. Ü&CA permonUi. Good agents wanted of both qrJV sexes. Business honorable and perma nent. New plan of work. Address with stamp M, Leigh, lock box 321. Jackson, Mich. BOARD AND ROOMS for studente- 83 board for 12. 2 suites and single room heated. La dies preferred. Hrs. J. C. Schryver, 85 E. Wash Ington-st. STATE STREET Wood and Coal Yard. I have opened my new store with a good supply of ilour, graham, oom meal. all kinds of mili feed and grain which 1 wlll sell as low as any Charcoal, coke and klndlings always on hand. Baled hay and straw and linseed meal. All goods promptly dellvered anywhere In city. Telephone 109. J. p. Judson. T OWEST rates on Fire. Life and Accident in.Lsuranee, J. R. Bach, 16 Huron-st. LOST- On Farmers' picnic day at Whltmore lake, a brown Spaniel. Finder please send postal to No. 11 S. División st„ Ann Arbor.B LOST- At Whitmore lake, Aug. 18th, a red crocheted Oape. The finder will please leave at Register Office or at Wines & Wordens or at Vm. Kane's store. Whitmore lake, or at Geo. Wheeler'B, Salem; will be liberally rewarded. LOST- On the pole road between A. A. and Saline, Aug. 27, a ladies silk umbrella with oxidized silver handle. Leav at Rk.;isteb office or Rev. Caldwells, Saline. LOST- Small blue and black checked pocket book, containing about $30.00. Please return same to E. B. Hall's coal otllce and get reward. WHEN Ketting your property insured don't forget to cali on J. R. Bach, 10 Huron-st. FOR SALE- Four building lots on State-st. Inqulre at N. K. corner of State and North-sts. FOR SALE 0R RENT- A good dwelliog. In quire of O. M. Martin. FOR SALE- Household goods, new and nearly new at a bargain. Parties needing such goods should cali. Must be disposed of immediately 45 South Ingalls. ÍfOR SALE- 30 yards new body brussels carpet, a second hand stair earpet, a set of dishes, almost new. and a bedroom set. 13 Bovvery-st f?OR SALE.- House ana lot No. 44 WashingtonJC st. Apply of N. W. Cheever, No. 10 Nortb. 4thst It you have any property to Sell or lieut, cali on J. R. Bach, 16 Huron-st. FOR SALE- Building Lots, fronting west side Mann st. Extra view; Sizes to suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncan, 76 Mlller Ave. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City fesldence, farm of 65 acres, one rnlle south west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Eaquire at 86 South 5th St. S. A. Henion. 65fi-t f. 'T'O RENT- Twofurnished rooms; front p&rlor X and bedroom. For two gentleman or gentleman and wife. Eliquire at Nortk Second-st. FOR SALE OR KENT- No 7 Wilmot-st. house of 9 rooms, 2 aleoves, and 5 closets and city water. Inqulre at 17 Wilmot st. I70R RENT- A House on 16 Volland-st. Apply X1 at Osborne's milis or address H. Osborne, city. FOR RKNT- Two sutes of rooms, with or without board, 57 Anu-st. TO RENT.- After the firat of September, two stores on Statest, Opposlie Untversity. In qulreof JU, Nlckeis. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and totsvahied from S1.000 toíti.uoú-and containlüg flom one-firth oí an acre to iwenty acres- all in the city limit. Housos rei'ted on reasonable term in central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Euquire of J. Q. A.SESSION8, 632tt Attorney and Real Estáte Aeent. Office over Expreas Office. Main St., Anii Arbor. WAXTED- Glrls for general housework at the Women's Emplojment Bureau, No. 88 East Washington-st. WANTED- A Housekeeper with good reference. Apply J. 8 Mann, box 1119. Y17 A NTED- Competent sewing girls at Mrs. T Hewe's dressmaking rooms, 17 S. 5th-st.; ALo two appreutices. WANTED- A good, new Milch Cow; age from 4 to 7 yeara. Must be gentle to lead and give good quantity. J. B., No. 10 Traver st , fifth ward, Ann Arbor. WANTED- A Lady to undertake the matronship of the Pin Kappa Ps.1 House. For information cali at 41 E. Liberty-st. WANTED- A lady of culture and experience will teach childcenin thelr homes preparing them for school and instructlng them in vocal or instrumental muslc. Address, A. Y., Register Office. WANTED- A glrl to learn the Dress Makers trade. Forpartlculars cali at Mrs. B. F. Boylan's, 13 North 5th st. WANTED- Board, with rooms, for family of five. for one month, or would rent a furnlfhed house. Address J. C. Nelson, City Post Office. VT7ANTED- A first class girl at the City LaunT T dry to learu to starch. MONEY to loan on city property. J. B. Bach, 16 Huron-st. LOANING- Money to loan on fint clan rea estáte mortgages at current ratea of Interest iatlsfactory arrangements made with capitalista deairlng such lnvestment. Erery conveyance and transactton in abstracts of Utlea carefuUy exiroined as to legal effect. Zina P. Klnjr. Ann Arbor Mlcli. tf


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