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Nlurlliiní Discovery The discovery by the inhabitants of a locality hitherto unvisited by the pestilent scourge of fever and agüe, that it exista in their very midst, is decidedly startling. Sucb discoveries re made at every season, in every part of the Union. Subsequently, when it is ascertained, as it invariably is at such times, through the valuable experience of some one who bas been benefitted and cured, that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a thoroughly effioacious eradicator of the malarial poison, and a meaos of fortifying the systetn against it, a feeling of more security and tranquillity reigns throughout the wholeneighborhood. Bcsides the febrile forms of malarial disease, dumb agüe and agüe oake are removed by the potent aeüon of the Bitters, to whieh science also gives its sanction as a remedy for rheumatism, dyspepsin, constipation, iiver complaint, debility, kidney troubles, and all diseases impairing the organs ot' digestión and assimilation. Surfbathing would be much more enjoyable if it wasn't so wet. - Harper's Bazar. SA Loo Cabin was the biith place of anumberof the best presidents we have had. While without the modern conveniences they were not uncomfortable habitations. They werecertainly heslthy, for ourancestors were rugged and long-lived, and the remedies they used were simple preparationsof roots and herbs. The best blood purifler is again brought into general use In Warner's Log Cibin Sarsaparilla. A new eradle on top of a new coffin was seen the other day in a wagon goicg OJt from Atlanta, Ga. - Cincinnati Times. Habitual onstipatioa dan be entirely cured by the use of Hibbara'a Rheumatic Syrup after all other remedies have failed. The fizzical proportions of a soda fountain are not to be measured by a tape line. - Boston Herald. Piles! Piles! Piles! Dr. William'a Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure cure for Blind, Bleeding or Itohing Piles ever Discovered It never fails to cure oíd chronic cases of long standing. Williams Mfg Co., Cleveland, O. Edward King, the journalist, whom it was feared was lost, is merely in Belgium, "lost" tolvs creditois. - Hartford Port. Headacbk can be cured by Hibbard's Rheumatio Syrup. It removes the cause by regulating the stomach, correcting im proper digestión and general flow of the blood. When should we read" the book of nature'.' When autumn (urns the leaves. - Advlre to Slother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should alwsys be used for children teathing. It soothes the child, sortens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind eolio, and is the best j remedy for diarrhoe. Twenty-five cents bot'le. Wbyis Westminister Abbey like a fireplace? It containa the ashes of the great. CLfv.o the Cliildren. They are ; C5WVTV pecially liable to sudden Colds, Couglis, Croup, Whooping Congh, etc. We guarantee Acker'a English Remedy a positive cure. It savea hoürs of anxious watching. Sold by John Moobe. Druggist Whv is the vowel o the only one sound ed ? Because 11 the others are inaudible BUYITANDTRYIT. Try it for earache, Try it for headache, Try it for toothache, Try it for backache. For an ache or a pain Thomas' Eclectrfc OM is excellent. - Chas. F. Medler,box274, Schenectady. N. Y. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the best thingj going, pa says. Cured him of rheuraatism and me of earache - two drops. - Master Horace Brenizer, Clinton, Iowa. Try it for a'limp, Try it for a lameness, Try it for a pain, Try it for a strain. From shoulder to ankle joint, and for three months, I had rheumatism which yielded to nothing but Thomas' Edeciric Oil. Thomas' Eclectric Oil did what no physician seemed able to accomplish. It cured me.- John N. Gregg, Supt. of Railway Construction, Niágara Falls. Try it for a scald, Try it for a cut, Try it for a bruise, Try it for a buru. Prlce 50 ets and $1.00. FOSTER, MIÏBÜRN& CO.,Prop's. BV r F ALO, X. T. Aun Arlior Iiuil Farm. Pears and grapes a specialty. Seml your orders early and get only first-class nursery stock forfall planting. Raspberrv pyrup and s-hrub. See or addr-ss Emil Baür, West st. MortKWrp Solo. Defaulthaving been made in the conditlons of a Mortgage exeeuted by Jefferson Lewis and Rachel Lewis, his wlfe, to Adelia C. Cheever bearinr date October 21, 1886, and recorded in the office of the Register of Peeds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, October 21, 1886, in Liber67 of Mortgmges, on page 102, which Mortgage was assisned by taid Adelia C. Cheever to Le Roy C. Noble by deed of assignment, dated December 6, 1887, and recorded In satd Pegister's office, in Liber 9, of assignments of mortgages, Bn page 893; by which default the power of sale comained in 8aid Mortgage became operative, and no suit or proceeding in law orequity having been instituted to recover the debt tecured by said Mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of two hundred and' thirty-three and 100 dollars ($233 50) being now claimed to be due upon said Mortgage. Notice ie therefore hereby given that said Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the Mortgaged premises therein described or some part thereof, to wit: All the following described land situated in the City of Ann Arbor. Michigan, viz: Lot No. Three in Block No. Five North of Huron ëtreet in Range No. Fourteen East according to the recorded plat of the Eastern Addition to said city, at public vendue on the Sixteenth day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Huron street entrance to the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor. in said County of Washtenaw, that being the place of bolding the Circuit Court in said County. Dated August Hth.1L88. Le Roy O. Noble, Assignee. N. W. CHEEVER. Attorney. Ia The Greatest Blood PurifieriQ KNOWN. # I This Great Germán Medicine Is the#. 111 cheapest and best. 128 doses of SUL- II PHUHBlïTEILöforil.00,lesstlian# I one cent a dose. It will cure the A III □ worst cases of skin disease, iromM vrj a common pimple on the face Í j{g IHto that awful ilisease Scrofula. W llaSCLPHUR BITTERS la the# III best medicine to use In al III cases of such etubborn andyollr 111 lll'li'i'p seated dlseases. Do#neysai-euutl UI not ever tiike Mot order. Isc III BLUE PILLS J'UKQ Iormercury.they nre ieat!#.„„ „ ' r'Ji(.k no Hl ly. Place your trust in# f"'-lr' .h" kf, 1 1 the purest and besti011' ube meiliclne ever made. WfaUht M'.tXS ! U -.IsyonrTonguoCoatedJf ' ññ tl with.iyellowstïckymDon't walt until yon Eg Isubsta'nce? lsyourMHTC unable to walk, or III breath foul andJfare flat on your back, III offenslve? Your#but get some at once, it III stomach Is out#will cure yuu. Sulhurll of onlcr. VscMDittera is HSLlTisLTte Inralid's Friend.g á iminci liatflyThc younp, the aped and SS Hl Is your l Jftoi ing are soon made wcll by III Hl ine Uiuk.Wi - ;; e. Remembcr what youl III ropj', clo-#rcad here, it may save yourl l udy, 0TM(e, It has eaved hundreds. l MOou't wait until tomorrow, I f Ilry a Bottle To-day! E3 15 m _t? yon Iow-r=pirite(i and wcak.l X #or suffe'Hng frora the excesses otl 4#youth? Il so, SULPHDB BiTTBHSll 'Wwill cure yuu. Send 3 2-cent etamps to A. P. Onlnay & Co., Boston, M:i!6.i for lnat medical work publisheü? pTTTa T rt 'Dü'TÏ v tv en me at Gen. J. liiö i: iiír Üjifc p. Kowell ie (Jo's Newspape ! AdTertistoKPurHaudCSprnceSr.j.ivhprcadvertiBina 'mtntcts may be made tor lt II A'EIT 1UUK, fifi yflPTTOMAKEMNËr? li U I U U lf so. wc run help jou to dolf. W UflllT niakeand sell a lanre lineof houseWflNI hold specialticü that are sold by llHIII AKents, cnnitinit of Kcrlinlni; Tfl Oíairs.SirML-llFilK.('lothwWr:ngI U itv l'lorK.s. l'liotoraph llfjums, iiup liililcs. iiooks, Sniyrua Kuu-s. Lace MflKr ('urtains. llr. 'Ihe l.aru'tst and iiiHiib B(,st i;le of A„pnts. gooát offered UOUC V h) ) h0UK0 in this muntry. fflUnLl SendforCita.ogtu. Address LCVELL HFE, Co, Bos 552, Erie, Fa. He&ÜOB this Paper when you write. ook1 Cotton Root Componnd. - ComMfZaS? posed of Cotton Root, Tiwisy and PennymSlUSa) inval. ;. ' fíiíj. safp, ■ Sfc? Krle, timl, I'leanatit. fl by mail, ordrugM ff c giste. Bealed parttcnlarsSstainiM. I.adieg y Yaddrem POND LU-V COMPANY, IS1 Wuodw ul ave., lk'troit, aik-h. Sold in Anu Arbor b all druïiists. 1 "" rCtüitlslMK At-n.-y of Messra. N. W. AYER SON, our autliorized agenta. lOW TOURiST RATES. For $47.50 a flrst-class ronnd trip ticket, ood tor 00 days, vitii itop-OTer privileges, can ie obtained from St. Paul to Great Falls, Mon&ua, the coming manufacturing centre of the northwest. a stipuul a 0:JyS50.00 Saint Paulll ?L,"LLL' U to ïielena anlretutn.yi AN IT03 r- Similnrreuctiouslwl ftAiLWAx. ifrum (xunts ast and south. -Rates corresf' 'ïingjy as !ow wlll ba named to points in Mil. ... sota aii'1 Pn:ota, or npon Puget Sound ai, ! the 1 n. ■■; 'oast. For further particulars a rlress K. '.. I. Moreland, Trav. Pnssenper Agent, 17D efferson Ave., Detroit. Mich., or C. II. Wiuuen, eueral Passeufci Agent, bt. taalt iliita.


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Ann Arbor Register