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The Greatcst Dlscovery. Of the nineteenth century, can truly be gaii ol Papillon ('Xtraet of flux) Skin Ccie. Thousandn testity to i ts wonderful curative po .vers in setningly hopeless cases of Eizjm, Salt Rtieum, Erysipelas and every kind of skin disease. Mr. O. P. Algier, of HarifjrdjOüio, tned everything he heard of or eaw recommended, and suffercd five years with Eczema, until he found Papillou Skiu Cure, whicb oured liiin. Latge hotties oniy $1.00, at E )erbach & Son's Drug Store. The pedagogue is luoby in hot weithei'. He keeps school. - Detroit F ree Pes. Why UMNttd I not have cot)8deice in that which h9 done ma a worlil of g od ? I' you had euffdred veais wi 11 liver cnmplaiat and got curtd by using Silphur Bittt-rs, would nol vou too 1ikv ooofldetioe m them? J. R. Nüli, Ho'el Winthr p, Bcnton. A ilramaiiza'iun ot' "TIih Q lick or tbs Dad ? ' is to be brought out i n the stage, and the critii s a'e al eady specuUting as to huw Q lick it will be Dcarl Hlfer lts initial prjduclion. - Morris town Gaz"t!e. Why doe the' fat. woman wlio snorps al .vays get the benh next to the vicim to iiisomma? - Ucean. lili Snci'l. A young and pretty girl steuped nto a shop where a youngman who had been enamored of heiybut dared notspeak.stood behind the counter. In order to remain as long as possible. she cheapened everything. At last she said : " I beliere you thlnk I ara eheatine." "," said he"tome you are always fair." "Well," whispered the lady, " I would not stay so long bargaining if you were not so dear." She did not have to cheapen when the druggist only charged her 25 cents for " Pomeroy's Petroline Poroused Plaster,"for her mother's Kheumatism; she did not grudge this small sum, for they had found them a sure cure. For Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. forAnn Arbor. Why is the Ie; ter e like deatL? It h at the end of liff. A Blood Tonio - Hiiibard's Rhenmitic is the ineHti t rilo i p'itiricr in the wurld. Rfasni techfs the [ewoa. R-ad their lOMimla, lo.iud in tlifit meuical pain phlet. Whv is the li t--r k like a pig'.-. Uil ? It IS at th end i f nork. C rwvw p Wv p wV an VjV3W.VrVVWV certain in theii results, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. Recommended by physicians and endorsed by all who have used them. The best remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. by John Moork, Druggist. Why is tie letters hk thundet? It onr rreatn sonr cieitn. 1 Simmons I ■ Liver Ui Li i Regulator. II ill till l s-8sis riuisol by !■- rauKin-iif of the l.ivcr, Ullnpyü nnl stomiK li. :ffi;tiii, spkcikic for Constipation. Dyspepsia. Headaclie. Dizziness, Soar Stomach, bal tuste m tlie mou'h, bilious attacks. and despondenry, all oí which are the offspringa ol a diseased Liver. Save Time! Save Health! Save Money! By keeping this valuable medicine always in the house As it is a safe atui thorouüh purgativo is alwaj-3 important and acceptable for use and it caiuioi do harm. orll.; TO KIIIAI, IT. "I have sold Simmmis Liver Regulator for the pastsix years. jy customers pronoiinee it the bestever use i. Uue eustomer wbora health was in a wretched onndlttoo'. irom a vory barl and stubborn case of Dyspepsia. used the Regulator and wasentirely cuwrt. t am using it myself for Torpid Liver, caused by close confinement. I flnd nothing to equal it and highly reeoinmend iis use."- C. P. Hisey, Druggist. Ëdinburg. Va. Who is VEAE, XFJtVOIS, DEBILITATED, who in his FOLLT and 1 n It V i: hasTBIFI.EDaway his VICiOK of BODY, JMIND and MANIIOOn,causing exhauting drains upon the FOI'STAIXN of LIF1), III.VDACIIi:, BACKACHE, Dreadful Dreams, WEAKKKSS of Memory, H VSIÍrtraiHESSln SOÍ'IKTV, PIMPLES upon the 1..4CE, and all tbo EI'FECTS leading to KAKI. Y DECAYand perhaps COXül'MP. TIOSí or ISÍSASÍITY, should consult at once the i:i.l Itlt V TED Dr. Clarke, Established 1851. Dr. Clarke has made KEKVOI'S DEBIL.ITY. (I1KOMC and all Diseasea of the (ÉXITO l'KIAKY Organs a Lifs Study. It makes NO difference WHAT you have taken or WHO has failed to cure you. !9-FEMAIiE8sufleringfrom diseasea peculiar to their sex can consult with the assurance of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your diseasea. 9-8end 4 cents postage for Celebrnted Works on Chronir, Biervons and Delicate Diseases. Consultation, pereonally or by letter, ft-ee. Consult the old Doctor. Thoiisniids i'iiroil. Offices and narlora private. ."Those contemplating Marriage eend for Dr. Clnrke's celebrated guide Male and Female, each 15c., both 25c. (stamps). Before confiding your case, consult Dr. ('LAllliE. A friendly letter or cali may save future suffering and shame, and add golden years to life. .-Book " I.ife's (Secret) Errors," 50c. (stamps). Medicine and writings Bent everywhere, secure from exposure. Hours, 8 to 8 ; Sundays, 9 to 12. Address, P. D. CLAREE, M. D. Merrill Block, Detroit, Mich. Health is Wealthl Va. E. 0. West's Nerve and Brain Tkeat5tKNT, a gnaranteeil speciHc for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration eaused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakefuliiess, Mental Depresslon, Softening of the Braiu resulting in insauity and leading to mlsery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Bárrennos, Loss of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, selfabuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains oue month'a treatmeut. 81.00 a box, or six boxes far $3.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE Gl AKANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accorapanied with $5.00, we will send the puichaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatmeut does not effect acure. Guarantees issued onlyby KHERBACH & SON, Druggists. Sole Agts., Ann Arbor, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Register