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Real Estate Transfers

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The following is a ligt of the real estáte transfers in Washtenaw county, as recorded by the register of deeds, for the week ending Sept. 10, 1888 : A. L. and E. J. Olds to MosesSeabolt, Ann Atbor „ $ 3000 H. F. and 8. D. Allen to Jas. D. Duncan, Aun Arbor xgoo ■ Andrew B. Gardner to Henry Whipple, Salem „.„„ 500 LennisM.Tnatcher toj. D. C!orey, Manchester „ 400 Albert Lutkins to Solomon Tate, Bridgewater _ 350 Solomon Tateto Geo. J. Feldk-amp, Bridgewater 830 Joan J. Johnson to F J. and E. M. Kress Ypsllanti 5000 John Btabler to School District, No. 5 Freedom 47 50 Elvira Abbott to Trustees M. E. church" Dexter ' 10oo Oren Collier by heire to Martha Smith, Ann Arbor 2750 C. R. Pattison to Trustees lst Baptist church, Ypsilantl 75 Ezra D. Lay to Sarah A. Henion, Ann Arbor 2600 Sarah A. Heniou to Ezra . Lay Ann Arbor 2JO0 Hiram Libby to Miranda Libby, York""" üóo Sarah L. Wilson to Miranda A. Lukins Ann Arbor i2ö Spokes and Seabolt to Ernest ëïtërïe Ann Arbor qqq Alonzo Bennet to Parmelia Ben'nêt,' Ypsil lanti 200 Edward T. Harria to Chas. W. Harri's"AÜ8usta ■- . . : 2500