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Warner's Loo Cahin fê&BÈÊi Remedies - "San-amarilla, " ?Írff . Congrí anJ Consumption SP=SpS " Remedy,"- " and Jffinft 3? Bnohn,"- ' Extrac t," - HitSS "Hair Tonic," - "Livtr SagpREB P,lls."- "Piasters," (Porous-K'ectrical), - "U ?e Cream," for Catrrh. They are, like Warner's "Tippneanoe." the pimple, tffective remedies of the olJ Lig Cib.n dy. Very few peoplereally b.lieve in lortun-) tellers, but almost everbody is iatere;ted to wht the tortune tellers teil.- Sjuierville .lournal. A Fací. Amone iiic. few popular remedies that havesuc cessfullv withfctood the test of a discnminating n,iblic "especially seusitive in mattere of such vital importauce as those whtch concern their daily health, Pomeroy's Piasters rank precminent. For over five yeais this well-known remedy endorsed with the approval of the medical professon, has been in general use amongst the people. with steady increasing favor, lts name is indeed becoming a household word. Beware of counterfeit. Insist on having the genuine article. For Sale py H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. ____ Norwich. Conn., is witnessing a revival i of classic sport. Á cr qnet tournament is the fensation of the sea-on. - ínter Oeean. I)r. KlijiK"s Family Olutment liever tilx to soothe and lieal Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Flesh Wounds, Iwlammation, srrains, plmples. chilblains, Salt Rheum, Chafped Lip or Hand, Fbost Bm:s, Cold Sores, Sore Nipples, and all disfumes and eruptions of the Skin. It make? man piuse and wonder how every brand ot piano cou'd have taken the first prize, wl ea he is listenmg to one in a tbird-rate ecaside botel. - Puck. "XL .. _ . . -svoald eDJoy your dinner J vV and are preven tedbyDyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. They are a posiüve cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and Constipation. We guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents. JonN Moore, Druggist. Some one sys ihat weakh is a s-hadow. Thi i'. perhaps, the reason ihat we all like tosit in the shade. - Bjston Gazitte. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow'g Soothing Syrup sliGu'd always be used for children teething. It i-oothes the child, sni:ens the pump, allays a'l pin, cures wind eolio, and Í9 the best remedy lor diarrhceH. Twentj'-Sve cents bjt'le. A boy's ambition is to go bnek to school in thtí fU ail tanned up. The schoolmastu's smbilion is to tan him up some more. - Boston Transcript. I THE CREAT Germán Remedy. nTRUTHSFORTHESICK.n "TörThrT!raünvl?ÖÖrwï!ri)öT!ïïrtll IllBHioasSpellsdcpena foracasewhere III lllonSlILraiTKBlTTEKS I'IirR BITTERS Willl Uitylllcrcyou. not aspist or cure. 1IJ fa 4, „;„■ ...t,i, cvcrfail3. pi ■nthattiredandallgone Cleansethevitiatedl I Ifeelinp:; if fo, use i,iood when you seclll BIsui.phub BlTCEBS; its impurities tmrst-l II itwill cure you. ing tliroiigh the skin II I "TïrTTTITrTTrïr; In Pimples, BlotchesJII E3the milis and F,1." Hh-ilT fol'Q 8hops;clcrks,wliodo nd hcaltu wlU iolII not procure suffleient 2ill exercise.amlallwho suli'iiuk ISittersIII arcconflnedindoors, „11 rlir„ T ;vl.r mm-Hl should use Sulpiiur n nt nmJt ip rtU II IMsickly. y0"' 'j "tmHÜiïÜ7iiiïl SDUPHÜR BlTTERSill to BuCirom Khmm 11 biüld yon up andl atistn, ubo a bottlc of mako you etrongandl I Sulphur Bitters ; hcaltliy. 111 it never falls torure, sulphuk BittersIII nj Dimt lie without a will make yourblood SS JHbottle. Try it; you pure.richandetrong.M nlwlllnotregretit. md yonr fleah hard. Ij lTa'diê8ïndëÏÏcaTê TrrsÜLPHCRÏT" lllbeaUh, who are all reus to-night, andlll III run down, should use you will sleep welllll lUsn.l'lll l: l'.l l n i:s. :nnt fi'fl In'ttcr for it. Hl Do you want tbe beet Meücal Work publlshed? Rend 3 2-cent Btamps to A. P. Ordway & CO.t Boston, Maas., and reccive a copy, free.


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