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? leo gtf b dimzEF(s ÜOLD I Qenuinehasa rFED H tintagon eVery plug. OLD HONESTYisacKnowtedqed to be te purest ana niost lastinq jpiece op Standard Chewing Tobacco onthemarKet.Trxing itis a better test thanany talK aboat t. Giveitafair trial. Your dealer has t. ffiO. F1MER ft BROS., LonisviUe, Ky LUMBIS LTJMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building cali a FERDON uu! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., anf get our figures for all kinds ot LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumbei and Tuarantee VERY LOW PRIOBS 4S-Glve iis a ill i ml we will mnke n io vvnr interest, as r large and wel grncled stock fu lly sust iiins our nsser Ion. J A MKN TOLBE8T, Pror r. J . R K.E1H. Hupt. ■UHBUMtAUhas revolutionized the workdurTHuPllTinNiag the last half ceutury. Not 111 lUfl èiUflleast among the wondere of in■n i ■ ■■"ventive progresa is a method and system of work that eau De performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work; eithersex, youngorold; no special aDüity required. Capital not needed ; you are started free. Cut this out aud return to us and we will send you free, somethlng of great value and ïmportance to you, ihat will start you in business, which will bring you in more money right away than anythingelse in the world. Grandoutfit tree. Address Trtjï & Co.. Augusta, Maine. ■ U-iw CURES PILES, jÁbRi aU 7 m y SALT RHlU M , J5"5r'áTETTEH. BURNS ORCTS. ReuHELE OñUGOISTS SÉLl y3 IT ON A PosiTIVE GuRHTtt ■.■■■l ■■ Rewarded are those who read this U TPhT Yand then act; they will find honorable illUUU 1 employmeut that will nottake thom ■ " from their homes and families. The profits are lftrge and sure for every industriou8person,many havo made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It ia easy for any one to make 15 and upwards per day, who is willing to work. Elther sex, young erold; capital uot needed ; we start you. Everything new. No special abiltty required; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write lo us at once for full particolars, which we mail free. Address Stinson & Cío.. Portland. Maine. For Diseasesof the KIDNEYS aCY DR. HILL'S x JÊh R0YAl ENCLISH jHESBÍI w? Klit j H IJ ISViU cnre all diseases of the KidmWÊmmÊl eys. Bladder, Irritation of the meimKÊwl Neck of the Bladder, Burning üfSHW Urine, (Heet, Gonorrhoeain all lts BWlMVnHr 8tacl9, Mucous Discharges, ConJKÊÊSim Bestión of the Kidueya, Brick Dust HMli ÏVposit, Diabetes, inflammation BHHT of the Kidneys and Bladder, HPm Droiwy of Kidneys, Acid Urine "i, & Bloodr Urine, PAIN IN TUK Sik Sk BACK, Retention of Urine, Fre■V1 ciuent t:rination,.Gravel In all lts Wl Ki forms, Inabi'.ity to Retain the ffitt Hl Water, partirularlv in pereons adRSJP'K vaneed in life. ITÏSAKIDNKY =3JJOT ;. INVESTIGATOR tht restore ==8L HS the irrine to its natural color, reSÜmHÍS moven the acid and burning, ann H the effect of the excessive use of J!c intoxicatinfí drink. PRICE. SI: Three Bottles for S2.50. Deli?-ereI free oTany charges. WSend fnr Circular. Ppld by all Druggiüt. w.johnstondtcoYmich


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