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The Chicago Daily News

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There are Two Distinguishïng Characteristics Which more than anything else, have contributed to the phenomenal growth of The Chicago Daily News, giving t a circulation larger than that of all other Chicago dailies combmed. It seems strange that the first practical, combined application of two such common sense principies in iournalism should have been left to a paper as yet only twelve years old. And yet irue it is that in this fact lies the real secret of the unparalleled success of Bnefly stated these principies are: „rc First THE DAILY NEWS Second. THE DAILY NEWS Is a daily paper for busy people. Is an Independent, truth-telling newspaper. Of all mankind the people of Chicago nd the bsy north. The reader can count on one hand the known newspapers west are the bosiest. AndTet perhaps no equal number of peowhose statements in matter, oi : pohtics can al waysbe acceded plearetobefoundwhoappreciatesokeenlythenecessityofan as at least intentionally tmthful and commonly so m fact LeUigentknowledgeof the world's daily doings. They recogOn the ether hand it is the all-but-umversal nüe to prais nizetlat they more than anyone else, are the world's pnmders one's party and candidate to the daes, and to cry down the in nly of L most imporlnt necedades of Ufe. How in, oppoátíonpaandiUcand,dateto theverge of the d.srepuUblc. portant, then, that theyshould have their daily intelligence of So common have such sdly and reprehensible methods m jour HeTevent the world over. which by any possibüity can affect nalism become that they pas, unnoüced, and are accepted as a divers fied commercial holdings. And in all the higher matter of course-as an ev,l .nseparable from pracüc politics. Prests of Ufe where ca be found a like number of people Bot this U only another mistake of the thoughtless The Amen mLkeenlyappreciativeofaUthat contributes to progress in can people are intelligent enough, thoughtful enough, fa.renough L literature science, religión, poliücs, and the thousand and to appreciate and endorse honest, truth-telhng joumahsm-.n cíe thÏ which ma; up modem civillzation. truthtopreferUtothe misleading.the truth-doscolonng dashonesty And vet, strenge tosay.right here in this great,bnsy northofthe"organ. west in te bmetropote Oiicago, there has taken place the The demand is more and more for the fa, unparUal mdeSou d ÏC of thatlost cnmbrous, unserviceable, pendent newspaper which give the reader nr and pves Te-destroying tbin the " blanket-sheet " newspaper. With the it absolutely free from the tamt of partean bas. Th.s done an blindness orvery fatity this moostrosity of journalism, this breeder expression of opüuon, terf uponfacts, w.U commend se f o of mental dvspepsia has steadfastly imposed its mountain of unthe thoughtful reader even when he may not find h.mself in stoT demand of JpeopTfor the winnowed grain agreement with the conclusions deduced from he prennse, S It was out of the very incongruousness of such a condition Disagreemente are of smaU moment f only cenfidence ia honesty oSgs that THE DAILvKEWShaJitsbirth. People wanted the of purpose remains. With no mere po mcalambon to gratxfy NewTf all the news-but they demanded it apart from the overno ax to grind the impartial and mdependent newspaper may Í,wmÍmas of ThTtóvial L inconsequent It is becae truly be "guide, philosopher and friend to honest men TíTedTily News satisfactorüy meets that demand that its circulaevery shade of political fiuth. And üus why The Daily tion is over " a-miUion a-week. News has to-day a circulation of over " a-rrulhon-a-week. R. M. LAWKEN'CE, WiUiamsville, 111., says: "The 'big daily' is M. WycANT, Sibley, lowa writes: I U , "L too much for me. Kot that a person is obliged to read everyTHE Dailv News, although I am a bred-in-the-bone Rething printed in the blanket-sheets,' but one having anything pubUcan with a carfiet èag exfenence in the Sou h endmg m So do doesnÏ have time to huni through the long-drawn 872. The extreme fairness of The Daily News, givmt , twlddle for a few grains of digesüble food? credit where due regardless of party, meets my approval." When to two such comprehensive elements of popularity THE DAILY NEWS now adds a third in its unparalleled price reduction to One Cent a day, it offers a combmat.on of aSractionsatonce unique and unapproachable by any other Amencan newspaper, and one which will surely multiply its friends throughout the Northwest by the thousands. The Chicago Daily News is for sale by all newsdealers at One Cent per copy, or w.ll be mailed postage paid, for xx per year, or 2S cents per month. The farmer and méchame can now afferd as well as the merchant and professional man to have lus metropolitan daily. atterd as wen as VIC0R F LAWSON, Publisher The Daily News, Chicago


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