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Reforming Drunkards

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Business men of enterprise frequently have novel ideas, says ■ letter froni ew York, hut probubly the most curious mode of conductlng trede Dial has tome to liirhl even in this city of odd freaks, is tliiit adopted by a Wholesale tlealer in uotions and dry goods on Jiroadway ueai Howard strtct. His name ia kuowu te dealers in that line of goods throughout lie country, and his store is probably one f the largest of this kind, but, as his ccret was confided to me under promise ïot to reveal his ideulily, I feel bouud tu withhold it, at the same tinte voucking 01 the coircciness of the story. My frioud hecame acquainled with this nerchant's peculiar idea tlirough a busiíess hrtercourse. A week ago he entered he store, intending to purchuse sonie dry .joods thftl had beeu advertised vcry cheap. As he siepped over the threshold he was ecosted by a clerk who at ouce attracted lis attentiou. He was a man past uiiddle age, with a shabby genteel air that was verv striking. His "face was rather bloated, lis eyes blmked and were red, his hands rembled, and his breath was redoleut oi trong drink. iMy frieud was ainazej,and ooked aroinul to see if jome salesmau of noro prepossessing appearance would not irusent himselt'. To his intense suaprise, ( the half dozen clerks in sight all had he same air of dilapitated geutility. Beore he could collect his senses the man x'side li i in had begun to inquire as to the larticuliar stvle of goods he desired tosee. lis voice, although harsh and discordant, lad somc pleasing and attractive qualities, and it was evident that his understanding )L the business was thorough. A few days later he met a peison who was Ihoroughly acquaiuted with the prorietoi' of the dry goods store, f rom whoin ie lenrned the secret of the salesman's aDüeaiance. It seeins that the merchaut 'onceived the idea of einploying as salesueu as matay broken-down merchants in lis line of business as he could lind. He liseovered that most of the ex-euiployers who had faüed, and whom he could exicct to secure at such salaries as he was vitliug to pnr, were men whose downfall vas mainly due to intemperance. Ho dischaiged all the sober clerks and employed a new batch of broken down merchanls. Then lic gathered them all ogether and told them the conditions inder which they would have to work. Ie first reminded them of their failing and told them that they would have to urb il. "Xow, gentlemen," he is alleged to ïave said, "it is not to be presumed that, inasmuch as you could not keep sober viten youï own business interests were in volved, you will be able under ordiuary circunislauces to stop drinking because J want you to do so. Kveu if you don't get drunk during business hours your bats at iiight will probably incapacítate you foi work the next day. The only way to pre vent that is to keep you froni temptatioo even wheu you are not actually at work. Thai will be for your interest as well as lor mine. "What i nm goilig to do is this: 1 am going to lix up roomifor j'ou on the top Hoor where you can stay at night and sleep. 1 will have youï meals sent froni a restaurant near by and you will be fed at my expense. Yon mus) not leave this esiablis.luneut except with my pennission, but I will see that you get plenty of fresb air and out-door exerciie. 1 will pay you wcll and will expect j-ou to do your utmost to sell my goods just as though you were yoursel ves the prqprietors. At any time you want to quit, of course you only need gay so. In order to satisfy your cravings lor (hink, you will receive regular rntions of whisky every day. Bv radual dimishioK tlie quanlity, the grip i: ia upon yon will be loosenudf. Yon can save mouey and witli perseveranoe you will be able lo give i) your bad habita and once more become respectable memWrs oi society. Nearly all acceded to the conditfons. Jome have dropped out sinee bj' breaking he rules, for the proprietor is very strict, jut most of thcin have observed tliem faiilifully. A few hnve been able to overeóme their pussiou and iiave starled in bus ness for themselves again. As tliey drop out their places are iilled by new men. as lar as the proprietor is concerned, he is said to have fouud it a protitable plan.


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