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A Maiden's Pocket Money

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"I Lave only an allowanoe of $10 a week for pocket money," said the daughter of a milliormire in a confidential muiuent Ihe otlier day. "Papa lias such an Idea of money, you know, and he thinks I am wildly extravagant to spend that smnll amount on candios, flowers, novéis, and theater tickets. Mamma orders all my clothing, you kuow, and so, of courge, I do not Lave to buy fcnyihiog Ihat I really need." To ímniy a young girl jilOa week would teem sufflcient tor poctel money, and Indeed, how mauy huadreda of pretty and cUvcr gii Ís are tliere wlio can not earn more titán iliai amount even by working hanl eacli day of the week? liut the average fashionable society girl has so niany demanda on her purse tíiat $10 does not go lar. Jt, is gaJ tliat Jay Gonld very generously allovva his pretty daugbter $25, and willi ihis she not only supplics her own litlk' wants, but givesto most of her small charities. Cornelias Vanderbilt and Klliott P. Shcpard allow eacU of tlieir six ci.ildren n ci rlain amount of pocket money eacli nionth. and thev are required to keep cash accounts tmd prcsc'ut thcm to thcii' papas the tirst of iiionih, The amotints are not large and are giveu more lo rnake the litttle millionaires understand the valué of money than ought else. Witlia K. vÜnderbllt'a threkjiildrcn are allowed plenty of pocket nBey, but are lined heavily for all misdemeanors. ïhey dine in a pretty little room adjacent to the great drinking salon, and if a tiuy drop of any colTee or milk or wine is spilled on i lic gnowy clotli the offender is ñned 2ó ocuts for eacli offcBse. A glass ot water knocked over or a dish Iti fall on the íloor bringa a tineof 50 cents to the culprit, and all the lines go to the foreigu and home mission. 'I do net tliink tbat tbc wcaltliiest New Yorkers are more than liberal iu allowiug pocket money for tbeir daugliters," said the principal of a verv fashionable uplowu sthool. "My pupila aro inost of iliem daaghten of niillionaires, and yet they liave seldom enougb for tbeir muny llttle wanls. li is wisdom, not nioiiuness, 011 the purt of Uie párente, I tliink. "


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Ann Arbor Register