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I SJÏ ■ia 4 o:ii: ssaiuxg; ot-cH o i-Qo.g 1 JJEilV ( - " Ö -"TJ5O C Tl 3t - 1O iC " tD H-(DOO Isa i.ri, xaanuïuv S8SS2KS S SSSSS i ás iragiflsixa j pad8HPU i"10"""1 i " 10"'0 N 7 S K 5 Ana 'dr:T o; ;■■ psitraiq pu ooonat : : : - co:TOm W VOA Aii '- :::-■" :fo-. co to oo : : : ei oiiowsto O 5 sa sss 2 ang jdaoxa i.- 'isaidxa Xa 8SS2 j : -t 8 5SSSS -is- : : : o ioo(occ " ! 'j nng jdaoxa i ■ 1 lii i ! ! ! f : ! j i ] e 1 1 i i = i i i i y i fe Sá?g3 g iliá g.esiM pooi j pull . .ei tft o 'inr-iijii ■O " a hhooh .- : : :ejorS X X i ■"'sSÍIaíj s Í8gS 3 Í38SS8S angjdaora fc B98JCXH -IB3 w : = o C4OSO!NO OT O :--fiO O iOiOOIODO)0 w 3 L K M 5 wdrjl icc-o ■# -t-aoino XX BK ats IDxa ■ e.' ssaidia ia SSSSS S ; ! 1S8SS i ansidaox fc iraw :&SS3 S SSSSS2S g [jljí J I ! ! M M i I iíii! i lililí 0. W. RUGGLE8. H. W. HAYE8, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local AgH, Aun Arbor. Toledo, Ana Arbor & Nortü Micliigaa R'? Time Tabie going into effect Sonday, 8ept. 30, '88. Going North. Going South. STATIONS. pL. eL. M2a"il Standard Time. _ „„ A. M. P. M. A. II. LVEl [AKK P. M P. M. A. M. 3 25 .-35 .Toledo 1 10 11 00 i 6 19 Monroe Janct'u 12 24 10 20 4 15 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 13 4 31 6 46 Milán. 12 00 9 50 4 52 7 08 Pittsfleld 11 40 9 3 7 3li 5 07 7 20 ..Aun Arlior... 11 25 9 20 9 30 8 00 5 27 7 3 Leland's 1110 Oft 9 10 5 46 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 5Í 8 50 .. 5 62 7 5 Hambun 10 48 8 45 6 34 8 46 Howel'. ín 11 8 13 7 16 9 BS Duraiid 9 &= 7 80 - 7 4: 10 00 Cornnna. 9 17 6 49 7 55 10 10 Owoxo 9 10 6 40 .. 9 1 1 86 _Ithaca._ 7 60 5 32 _ 9 35 U 55 8t Louis 7 30 5 16 9 41 12(2 ..Alma 7 28 5 10 0 2 12 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 40 4 Sñ p. M 3 30 Cadillac. 2 00 - P. M. A. M. F. M. A M. All passenger tratns run daily except Sunday. Connectiouis at Toledo witii rallroaosdívergii-g, At Manhattan Junction with Wheeiing & Lake K:.e E. &. At AlexlB Junciinn with y.C R E L. tí. tí'j and F St P. M K K A' Monroe Junctinr wicn L. 8. et. M. tí. K'y. At Dundee with L. 8 & M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán with W., St. L. & P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. 8. & M. 8. R'j. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., rní at South Lyon with Detroit, iAnsing and North ern R. R., and Q. T. Ry. H. W. ASHl KV. W. H.BKNNKTT, Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toledo, aginaw & Mus tegon railway. REPORT 0P TMJS üoNDITION OFTHB Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., OH MONDAY, July 2d, A. D. 1888, MADS ín Aeeordanec witta Neetlons 18,19 and 67 f tbe iciieriil Ituukiiiu u as AmenilMl in 1871. BESOURCKS. Loans and Discounm. i 304,983 76 Bonds and Mortg&geg.. ....... '.!18,09L 69 Overdrafte 158 os Furniture and Fixtures. „ 1,980 85 Due from National and State Bank.... 74.W9 79 Caishonhand 2S.840 85 f 628,564 40 LIABILITIBE. Capital Stock t 50,000 00 Rurplns Fund 60.U0B 00 Unáivided ProSts. 41,995 99 July Dividend. „_ 2,755 00 Doe Depositéis. 483,808 41 f L8,564 40 I do soleranly swetar that tke abcive statementlf true, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Ctshicr. Hubscrtbod and Bwor.i to belore me, this 2d day of July., 188. ADAM D. 8EYLRR, NotaryPablie, fffe. PENNYROYAL WAFERS 1K3 Are BoeceHBfally nsoa irtLnthry by over 10,000 Jï I,att. AreSafe, F.fftZul and FUatant. %l J jf. ÍV b hy mail. or at druggtet. &afed Jürf i"" linearé Tmeuso sUisj. Addraw f Tbs Kmmi Chuhtal Coxpakt. Ftsbw Block. EOWoodwsrd e, Detroit, Mlch. Sld v BKOWR A CO. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! The Jr.-t IiikIO-Ii ■'rMrlptlon wtll restore that 1 wt Vitaiity aod s Ragged, Healthy Onditloa fbllow its use. Baj al yunr dnnof'i"'s, one packtge, $1 ; sizforK IEUKEKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, IIich. Boia by H. J. Brgiw Go. $500 Reward! We will pay tbe aboTe reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia. siek headitche, indigestión. cunslipatioD or oonBtlveness we cannot enre with Weet s Vegetable Ijver Pilis, when the dirertlons are ctricüy complled with. They are purely vegetable and never fail to giye satkfüition. Large boxes containlng 30 sugar coated pills, 20. For sfile b? all druvitR. Beware of counterfetts and Imitatlons. The gennine manufacturad only by JOHN C. WB8T & CX).. 862 W, Madisoo-st, Chicago, 111. f(oMBiy OBflCCO Ot#f uil föozjblu fye most conenenf fo cut for boeket or fo carry vljole, Insist on fjavng tfie QENUINE wíth 1he red H tin teg ; made onjy ty# Obhn 'fínzer Bro'57LouisWllef WJHÜO VQCMIM60LDWATCHHB%BaBa linr!SBrnSV wö Jsoi i for o un i iJwífíffitSftB111 ïatflly. Best 8Hr.llril 1 ÍE&8ÍXJFrÍ&% Wfttcb a the wortct. Ter-I J JYPwau x fcet tlme-fl ■■■■■■ l'KjteSoltti Go 1.1 UuotlocCAet. fSÜw5lBBL-, zfirJiím JI Both iftdfea'kadCAuU'ttut RrPr equalnloe-ONEPERSOII i B HK KRKE. How lathlipOMiWel ■" 5üiüËÜ!ËnSw Wc an9Wer - wa Wfint one perfTTyyJi'' Bon In ench lomllty, lo keep In 3Mtr hornea, mt bow lo thote who cali, complet Hne of oor nloAbleDd very oneful HOI SKIIOIli NAWPIKS. TheM ampies, well a the wtch,wiencl free.mnd ftryoa 3v kept them In yoar home for S monthn and ibown them 4o ibose wbo my bv cHed,they become yoar own propert y ; 1 Ib poBBlble to mke thla irreal ofTer, eendlog tbe HOUD OLD watcb and COSTT samples Tree, as tbe showinu of ■Ui samples In any loraüty, alwaya resnlts in & largelrade for c, fterour saniplt hvO been lna local tty fora moDtbortwo ■ nsaally (et from SlOOO to güOOO In trade from the nrmaodlng country. Th Is, the most wonderful offer ever made (n order that onr sampta may be plaomJ at ont rhr they can be geen, all over América. Write at onc, and taake'vura of the chance. Readrlt wlll bebardlyany trouble m yoo to show thesamplea to thoMVho may cali at yoar hom nd yoar reward will b moot saUtfactory. A portal card on vhich to wrlteiucostt bntl cent and afteryonknowall.lf yoo 4o tut care to go fnrUier, why no harm Is don. But If yon do tnd yoar addresa at once, yon can arcare FREE one ofthe acal aotld gold watches In the world and our largo Hoe oí COSTLV HAHPLES. W pay all eïpreas, frelfihl, etc. AáArailQEO. STIKEJON CO., Bol 612, VUUTLANU, UaINH LUMBER LTJMBERÏ LUMBER! If you contémplate building caü a FERBON LDHBKRTARDI Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., anti get our figures for all kinds ot LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumber and qruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES nrii i o as cali nd we i II nsk i tn . our interest, as oer larjce and weli graded Kturk luliy sustains our amortlon. JAMES TOLBIBT, Pn. T. J. BKKCH. 8npt. WjJ jj, jw S A LT RHEUM, ASOO'CS&r'SksCAl.OS. SORES. QfíjáiílTWFOR CATARRH. QCCTS. WRelublc druooist tti CJ ' ' ITON PosITIVE GuRaTEt USBD ALL THE YEAB ROUND I JOHNSTQNS SARSAPARÍLLA For LIVER COMPLAIHT, DYSPEPSIA, PÜRIFYIHB the BLOOD. Used for 3O - Pile ana all DlsYears. Best 3 eaücá tliat arlse Preparatton a from a Dlsonlered In the World li)- i-tver, 8tomdi, oche, rain ÏÊÊÊi Blo.' . " V In the Slde VM H powerful tonic for nd Back, y 1 b]e „gpiaUj. üp.tion, Pim. VBR fcmale. A chilples on Uie gmÊfSk dren. Itcannoi Face, Skin HHÉH ■ hurt the moet Diseases, Sii f ÍSS? H delicate consti Rhenm, Boils, BSÍSSSSKS tution. H is thc Beit Medicine in ue for Reaoliling the Bowel. Qu ART BOTTLES, $1.00. Thrw Bottlcs for S2..")0. Ijelivcreil free of any charge. Sold by all Druggist. Send (or Circular. W.JOHNSTON ACÓ., Dotroit.Mich


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