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Ol'lt 23 CENT OMtl . Adveitisements, such as To Rent. For Sale, and Want, not exceeding tbree linee, can be inserted three weeks for 25 cenls. CCTTING- Every Wednesday atternoon, Mrs. Boylan will do Cutting by the Ewing tailor systo.m tree oí charge uatü further nolice. 13 N. FiflhJH; NÜRSK- The servires of a competent nurse can be had by addressii.'g Lizzie U. l'arsous, Hamilton Block. HARDY ñowerlng shruhn of various sorts. Strong plante, Mc each. Hardy flower garden mot, 10c and 12c each. Hardy roses of torts. and clematus of aorta Jas. Toms, Florist. Miller Ave. MR. WM. H. WALKER having taken the Ann .Arbor agency of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of Newark, one of the oldest and most reliabte companies. will be pleased to show the contract of the company to those thinking of takiug out policiea. Residence, No. 4 N. IngalLssf. DRESIDENTIAL Hat Rack now on sale at I Johnson's Bazaar, on Aun-st. ADDRES9 Isaac N. Aldrlch, 44 Miller Ave., for the -Dandy Pillow Sham Holder," latest lmproved ; attached to back of bedstead instead of vhe front, will not get out of order. MISS BERTHA D. HÍLL will tak e a limited minibar of Piano Pupils afier Oct lst. Inquire at 51 South Tbayer St. WANTED- A competent seamstress and dressmaker to do family sewing In the house. Apply 44 s. Ingalls-st First three (working) days ol week. WANTED.- 30 or 35 yards good sccond-hand carpet ; also easy chaira. Address. 42 North Pontiac-st., city. WANTED - A competent Girl for general housework in a private family. Énquire at No. 2, Forest St. corner of Wash tenaw. TVTANTED- An Agent to Travel. Liberal comT T missiou. Apply to the factory at once. Ann Arbor Preserviug Company. WANTED - Immediately. Two Girls - One general hoosework. one second work. 48 State Btreet. Uallock & Miller. ANTED- A housekecper with good referV enea. Address J. S. Mann, box 1119, City. PROF. LIVINGSTON'S Frenen system of dresscut ing: also patterns cut to measuremtnts. Maggie L. Norton, No. 14 N. 12th-st. FOUND on sidewalk, small amount of money. The owuer eau fiud it with J. 8. Hammond, No. 'i tíeddes Ave., Ann Albor. rpOUND on the street, a Satchel. Please cali at X1 58 E. North-bt. A. W. Britten. LOáT- Probably on Huron or Ingalls street, two keys tied with a cord. Finder will please leare at Registeb Office. LOST- A roll of Carpet on the road bttween Salem and Ann Arbor. Reward given to finder. L. C. Thayer. 14 N. Thayer St.. Aun Arbor. IO8T- On or near the Campus.a Ladies' Silver J Chattelaine Watch. with a bow of plaid ribbon tied lu the handle. Flease leave at Dnlversity Bteward's office. LOST- A Purse, Satorday, Oct. 5th, on Sta'est., between the Univer&ity and Bowery st , contalning money, a receipt, and owner's name. Reward, If property is returned to 1 1 Jeffereou-st. tf ARM- Anyone wlshing to sell, address Eugene K. Frueaufif. 48 8. Main, Ann Arbor. OK SALE- A y uñdivided oue-hall of a Farm, 1 situattd three miles E. of Anu Arbor, and known as the Howe and North Farm. Address me at 1223, Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Kliia North. Í7OR SALE, CHEAP- Good, stout Pony. Can 1 be seen at 36 3. 12th-st. LOR SALE.- A eide pring buggy ia good conr ditlon. for saleheap at 2i 8. Flfth-st. LARüE NEW HOUSE, with o e or two lots, for sale or exchange for smaller property, If not sold, will be lor ient. J. P. Judson, South Univeisity Aye. ÍJOR SALE- House and Lot. No. 32 8. Thayer St. In good repair, and a new barn. Tur uis easy. Enqulre of Jndge Harrlman. FOR SALE- Horse Power, suitable for rlpping lumber or sawing wood. Inquire at Corner of Church aud North 1'nlvert.ity Avenue or Box 1243. tfOR SALE.- New house for sale or rent, with barn. West Tuird-st. 3 minutes walk corner Main and Washlngtoust. Apply 48 S. Malu-st. 1?OR SALE- Fruit Farm, 19 acres, at Ann Ar" bor, Michigan, for 8ale at a bargain. Only reason for selling is nnable to tend to it. Choicest land, highest cultivation. 11 acres in raspberries and blackberries; 4 in rapes, pears andpeaches; 2 ín grove pía tation two years old. Cash sales this year (tl 000. Abundant water; House cost t5,uOU. Elegant lawn. hedges and shade. One mile from Courthouse. Teims easy. J. H. Clough I70R 8 ALE- A good, new Milcb. Cow. U mile ■T north of Delhi Mills. Wm. W. Tubbs. l?OR SALE.- A flrst clafs family Horse. Cali at r Bchnh & Muehlig's. 31 South Main St. tpOR 8ALE.- A lot, fire by fonr rods, at the north east corner of North and Second Street. Good building Iol D. Cramer. ?OR SALE- A good No. 9 Cook Stove, wood or ■T coal, at 9 E. Huron-st tOR SALE- A good cherry Wrlting Table and BookUase. Euqulre at Kandall's Art Store, or 44 a. Divislou 6t. 1. B. Bent. 1?iOR BALE AT A BAROAJN.- A 1094 acre farm wlthin 3 miles of Mexico, Mo. Cali on or addreea Lakenan & Barnes, Mexico, Mo. FOR SALE- A very flne lot of Suflolk Spring Pigs. Wm. W. Tubba, Delhi Mills. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from f 1,000 to6,uOund containiug from one-fifth oi an acre to iwnty acres - ah in the city limits. Houses rcnied uu reasonable terms in central locallties. Farms eichasged lor city property. Knquire of J. Q. A.SESSION8, 632tl Attorney and Real Esuue Agent. Office over Expiess Office, Mitin St., Ann Arbor. L""OR 8ALE OR RENT- No 7 Wilmot-st, house f of 9 room, 2 alcoves, and 5 doaets and city water. luquire at 17 Wtlmot et. fpuR RENT- Pleasant Suite of Kooms, 65 S. 4th 1 8t. cor, of Packard. IOR RENT- Part of House, at No. 60 S. Flfth F bt Knqulre at 36 S. Main-st. TT'OR RENT.- A part of a large, couvenient " house, also unfurnished rooms, corner of Jefferson and División. Inquire at 47 UlTislon. ÍT'OR RENT.- Oct. lst. dweiling over Brown Se Cady'B store on State st. Inquire of them, or J. D. Baldwln. I7OR REN1- Steinway Piano, good order. 14 J 8. Universlty Ave. ROOMS- One Suite and one single room furnished or unfHrnished, at 35 S. Dlvlgton-st. TTNFURNISHED Suite of Room, at No. 60 8 J Fifth-st Euquire at 36 S. Mainst. TO RENT.- After the flret of September, two storts on Siate-st, Opposiie Uulversity. In quire of J.H. Nickela. BRICK HOUSE.- 49 Washington to rent One üiousaiui or five-hundred to loan. D. Cramer. ÍE ö fl Pcr Good agents wantod of both elöV Kexes. Business honorable and permanent. New plan of woik. Address witb. stamp, M. Le'gh, loeit box 321. Jackson, Mich. 5ÖK LOST.- A volume of Cheever's Frobate has dianppeared trom the Probate office, containing notes and references of value mainly to the owuer. Anyone finding and returning this book will be liberally rewarded. W. D. Harrlman. FOR 8ALE OR RENT.- 1400 house. Beven rooms, 35 Monroe-at, one bioek from campus. Knquire at 90 Washlngton-st. 8. D. Allen. IrOR SALE.- House ana lot No. 44 Washington1 st Apply oí N. W. Cheever, No. 10 North 4thrt_ ltiK 8ALK- Building Lots, frontlag west side V Mann et. Extra view; Sizes to suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncan, 76 Miller Ave. LOANINÜ - Money to loan on flret dia rel entate mortg&gee at currcnt ratea of interest. Batfafactory arrangementa made wlth capitalina desirlng snch lnveetment. Every conveyance and transactlou In abstracts of tltlea carefuüy eiamlned aa to legal effect. Zin F. KIn, Ano Arbor Mich. „ tf.


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