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She Was Not Afraid

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R. W. Trussell, of Milán, fractured a bone in one foot by stepping on it with the other foot. Lewis Stoddard, near Milan, will cast his first vote for Harrison and Morton, and has raised a 65 foot pole. The South Lyon Picket has been changed to "Tri-County Picket," and from independent to Republican. Ainswortn & Co., of Ypsilanti, having received a government contract to supply beans, propose to outdo Boston. Minnie Smith, of Ypsilanti, died last weekofdiphtheria. Shehadhad no medical attendance. No one knows exactly when she died, and the neighbors demanded an inquest. The Stockbridge Sun has had its confidence in human natnre rudely shaken. About a year ago Andrew Maitland eecured a job in the Sun office. He was found to be a competent worktnan, and was soon trusted with the_ entire business. Hesoon became chorister in one of the churches, and took to ing church conferences. From one of these conferences he failed to return, and many people who are bis dupes are eighing. The Sun appeared late last week. „j !■■■ i- - i - mum i i urn ii Last week an attempt was made to burglarize the house of Comstock F. Hill, on Lodi Plains. Three men took the front gate off its hinges, and entered the house through the kitchen window. Mrs. Hill was awakened by the noise, and séeing the light from a dark lantern dancing around the walls of the sitting room, she arose and pluckily went out to investígate. She saw the burglars in the kitchen, but refnsed to faint, while the aforesaid burglars didn't wait for a conference. Mr. Hul handles considerable money, but the burglars got none of it. The W. C. T. U. convention, recently heldin Manchester, chose tne loiiowing officers : - President, Mrs. Ann Basset, of Ypsilanti ; Corresponding secretaryand Treasurer, Mrs. Mary J. Warner, of Ypsilanti; tecording secretary, Mrs. Jennie B. Fisher, of Ann Arbor. The appointmentof superintendents of different deparments of work resulted as follows: Evangelistic, Mrs. H. C. Thompson; social purity, Mrs. Rhoda Derbyahire; franchise, Mrs. Jennie B. Fisher; work amongthe Germans, Mrs. P. L. Starks; juvenile work, Mrs. Emma L. Rowe ; superintendent of flower mission, Mrs. A. L. Briggs. The Saline Farmers' club held its October meeting at A. A. Wood's on Friday last. J. Cross opened the discussion, upon the question, "Are the agricultural faire as at present conducted worthy the patronage of our farmers?" Souae good reasons why the faire should be attended by farmers as visitore and exbibitors were eiven by D. Cody, A. A. Wood, G. L. Hoyt, Geo. S. Wood, E. C. Warner and others, all agreeing, however, that the catch-penny shows and games of chance should be kept out. After a most enio'able meeting the club had the pleasure of looking over the fine stock of cattie, sheep and swine which Mr. Wood always has to show. The neit meeting of the club will be held at David Codv's. Nov. 9. Au Awful Explosión. Great excitment was caused on Tuesday at 8 o'clock in the morning, by the explosión of a boiler in the Superior paper mili near Ypsilanti, and about six miles from Ann Arbor. The boiler, after passing through the roof, struck a tree a long distance from the boilerhouse. The south boiler, which was not vet fired up, was thrown through the wall of the room. Frank Sinkurn, a Bohemian, was buried in the debriB made by this boiler. He was dangerously hurt, and will if he dies, leave a large family in pnor circumstances. Jacob Slawson, of Ypsilanti, the engineer was the only man in the boilerroom at the time. One of his legs was blown ofl', and he was instantly killed. The loss on the building is variously estimated, but will probably figure up to $20,000. It was owned by the Ypsilanti Paper company. No cfiuse is known for the explosión. Wtaltmore Labe. Isaac King is clerking for a drug firm in Detroit. Frank Roper and familv will remove from Ann Arbor to the I-ake. Miss Florence Dodge, of Toledo, has been a guest at F. M. Dodge'B. Chas. A. Pray returned from Colorado, last week, unwilling to remain there. John Kane returned thia week from an extended visit in New York Btate. Sam Osborne well encourage enterprise by running a grist mili this winter. .. .,, . . The first quarterly meeting win ue held at the M. E. churcb, Sunday and Monday next. C K Bennett has sold bis house and lot to Will. Spiegelburg. Mr. Bennett will remove to Kalamazoo. Miss Maggie Dodge, of Laingslmrg, visited here last week. F. M. Dodge returned with her to Laingsburg, Saturd&v Samuel Thomas, a former highly-respected citizen of this place, met a terrible death from the kick of a colt at New Hudson, last week. Ypsilanli. Typhoid fever cases are plentiful. Doctor Batwell's wife is dangerously ill with blood poisoning. Cornwell Fire Co will have a oenefit at the opera-house Saturday evening. The stirripg drama, "One of the Bravest,"will be presented by a firat-claes company. The reunión of the 20th Michigan last week was a very pleasant affair in every respect. The streete were thronged with blue-coated veterans who were busy talking over oíd times. Mrs. Margaret Coughlan (or Conklin as she was generally called) committed suicide, last week, by taking rat poiaon. She haa had trouble concerning a oO bill which it was alleged Bhe picked up in a store and subsequently tore up. lt is said that she had not been exactly in her right mind for Bome time past. The front portion of the new Business College is in the hands of a large forcé of Detroit workmen, who will get the floor laid and erect a huge tent over the whole concern. The work will be finished, Saturday, and decorators will begin preparing the big rooms for the banquet next Tuesday eveuing. Manchester. Schneider, Krenkle & Bro. have had the old engine house on Railroad-st. repaired, and have moved their cigar factory there. Our enterprising broom manufacturers, H. E. Bowen & Co., are doing a thriving business. They have since June 28, made and sold over two hundred dozen brooms. The school board has purchased afine biological stand microscope for the high school. The price was $65.00; it is a very fine instrument of 450 diameters. There is also a case of heliotype specimens for use with it. Our next congressman, Mr. Willard 8tearns, of Adrián, gave a rousing speech at the Goodyear hall, last Wednesday evening.- Ann Arbor Argus. This so-called next congressman eipressed his opinions by using the most profane laDguage and vulgar expressions ever before used in Goodyear hall. Several ladies were on the point of leaving the hall, when he cut his speech short. y Saline. Mrs. W. J. Jackson is on the sick list. Mrs. Bugg, of Lodi, was buried Oct. 12. . Mrs. George JohnBon is quite sick with tvohoid fever. ' A. A. Tuttle, of Jackson, died Oct. 12. His remains were brought here for interment. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rouse, of Milán, visited their cbildren, E. B. & P. H., of Pittsfield, last week. Chris. Merrian, formerly aa oíd resident, has returned from Detroit, and 18 working for Fries & Minnett. Eugéne Helbr ba a nice two-seated canopy, and with his imported coach team furnishes a tnrn-out not excelled in our villagè or the county . 'don. S. 8. Babcock, of Detroit, discusses the political questions at the opera house. Monday evening Oct. 22. Mr. Babcock is one of the 8tate board of education and a fine speaker. Milán. Farmers say that a consiaeraDie oí ue wheat sowed this fall bas not come up. Harmon's mustang again come out victorious at our races, Oct. 11, taking tbe thrwe laat heats. The fusión which the Greenbackers have had with the Democrats must have enerafted some Democracy into them. They are now quarreling over the campaign funds disbursement. In talking about the abandonment of their depot in this village by the T. & A. A. B. R. one of our attorneys said that there is a recent law which forbids such abandonment. Don't the law apply to railroads? .... That three-foot eel which has got caught in the wheel of their grist mili over at Manchester, and stopped ït on several occasions, must be a tough old fellow, or the spirit of uome departed Democratie politician. Webater. Lawrence Olsaver has f fine tamerack pole,- Harrison & Morton of course. . , , David Thomas, on old time settler, ol North Webster, is visiting his niece, Mrs. Lowe. Will Barret claims to have struck out 80 bushels of corn, one day this week, and it was not a good day for hnsking elThose intrepid Nimrods.W. E. Boyden Amee Pak, and Fred. M. Starks, beat Gallagher woods, last week, and Will B. carried home 22 pquirrela.


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