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Mr. Levy, proprietor of tho Lonlon Daily Telegraph, died on Friday. Tbe publication of morning papers in )onstantnople has been forbidden. J. M. Lañe, a well-known lumberman of Grand Kapid's, íailed on Tueaday for 100,000. Floods in Abruzzo, Italy, have causcd enormous damage aod the loss of muiiy ives. Hog cholera is making serious ravages n tbe stock of farmers in the vicinity of -lima, O. The new gunboat Petrei was launched on Saturday from the ship yards at Loc#st Point, Md. Coffee advanced one-half cent in tha Jew York market Friday, influenced by higher prices abroad. The Ida County Bank, at Ida Grove, Ia., ïas been sold to the First National Bank of that place for $200,000. A block of seven-story buildings was urnod at Glasgow, Bcotland, on Saturday, causing a loss of (500,000 The British expedition in the Black mountains of India has burned up four vilages and killed the inhabitants. Miss Carrie Miller, of Lexington, S. O., died recently from the effects of lye drank jy accident nearly a year ago. Claronce K. Reeves, District Superintendent of the United States Secret Sorvce, died Friday night at CincinnatL Burglars on Saturday robbed the resilence of William McCoombs, Columbus, !nd., of $400 and then burned the house. One of the historie buildings of the Baptist community at Ephrata, Pa , erected 150 years ago, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday. The Cornwall canal in Canada burst its anks on Friday, completely stopping traffic. Repairs would continue three weeks. Charles C. Marsh & Co., the insolvent ■okers of No. 15 Broad street, New York, have assets of $62,000, with Habilities of $119,500. John M. Barrett, a veteran journalist, br some years an editorial writer on tho San Francisco fJiamitier, died Monday in St. Paul. Joseph Joiner, a negro, was lynched at ïulto, Tex., on Monday for an attempted assault upon a twelve-year-old white girL A fortune teller named Jeanette Willams while intoxicated on Tuesday set fire o her clothes and was burned to death at 3enver, Col. r George Rumford Baldwin, an eminent civil engineer, died at his home in North Woburn, Mass., on Fri'Jay, aged 96 years and 6 months. The American Society of ' echan ical En;ineers in session on Tuesday at Stanton, Pa., elected Heury R. Town, of Stamford, Pa., president. Hon. James Patton, Collector of Customs at Toronto, Ont., was fouud dead in his private office on Friday. Ueart-disease was the cause. Jonathan Robie, a pensioner of the war of 1812, died on Monday at Bradford, Vt., aged S5 years. He leaves a widow and eight children. TheHouston (Tex. )post-o2ice was robbed on Friday, and it was estiniated that the thieves secured fully $0,000 in money, cheoks and drafts. The Farmers' & Meclianics' Bank, of Pittsburgh, Pa., closed its doors on Saturday. Liabüitios over $300,000. Depositors would be paid in full. Hon. Samuel Anderson, member of the Illinois General Assembly irom Belleville in 1844, died Monday at his home in Docatur, 111., asred 86 years. John C. Davis, reoectly pardoned from the Columbus (O.) penitentiary, has admitted that he forged the signatures on his petition to the Governor. Scott Wülard, a wealthy farmer living near Lima, O., shot and instantly killed his wife on Saturday. They quarreled and separated a few days before. GSome malieious person put poison in the food at the South Hotel in Johnson City, Tenn., on Saturday, and fourteen guests were poisoced, three haring died. At Youngstown, O., Friday, a cave-in buried four workmen who were digging a trencb. for a water main, and all were badly injured, Thomas Obyne fatally. The French Government has issued an order forbidding the reception of foreign offleers in the military colleges, and also forbidding their service in the army. Two thousand minors employed by the Conola Coal and Mining Company at Blocton, Ala., struck on Saturday against a reduction from üfty to forty-flve cents per ton. In the circuit court at Adrián, Mich., five girls, inmates of the Industrial Home, pleaded guilty to a charge of arson, bavIng tried to burn Croswell Cottage Septena berSO. Le wis Edwards, a negro hotel porter whokilled Robert Smith, a hotel propriotor, was taken from the jail at Jessup, lia, on ruesday by a mob and shot to death. J. M. Champleau, Secretary of State of Canada, says the Dominion is satisfled with the present condition of things and does not desire annexation to the United States. John Chaffoe, one of the largest coVton planters in tho United States, and who was fuudiug agent for Jeft Davls' govern ment, diert at New Orleans Slonday, aged 73year3. An explosión of gas Tuesday morning caused a fire which destroyed the Cameron Colliery at Shamokin, Pa. The loss ia placed at Í75.000, and 1,000 men are rendered idle. A dozen women of Thompson. D. T., who made a raid on the saloons of that place, spiHing the liquor on the ground, were arreated on Tuesday and takon to Grand Forks. HM W. W. Bcott, a real-estate dealor of Decatur, Als., whose death f rom y ello w fever was reported by the pres sereral days ago, surprised his friends on Monday by returning home. Fire at Valentine, Neb., Friday, destroyed the finast block in the town, at a loss of 30,000; insurance small. The United States Signal Office was in tho burned building. A company to publish a newspaper in the Ioelandic language has boen inoorporated in Pembina, a city in the extreme northern part of Dakota which has a largo leelandie population. Sir Richard Uartwright, in a speeoh at Ingersoll, Ont, said he beüoved a policy of unrestricted reciprocity to be for the interests of Canada, and said that would probably be tho result. TbeNew York Produce Exchangeon Monday reported the visibla supply of wheat at 82,260,201 bushels- incroase, 733,316; corn, 10.461,176 bushels- increase. 447,823; oats, 7,737,778 bushels- incroase, 328,854. The Toledo, Columbus & Southern road was sold at Toledo Tuesday under foreclosure of the flrst-mortgage bondï for $600.000, and was bid in at that figure for Judge Btevenson Barke ond the other flrstmortgase bondholders.


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