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Chlldren often ne;-d some safa cathartic and tonio 10 avert approa:hing sickness or to relieve Cdlic, headache, sick stomnch, indiuestion dysen'ery and the complaints incident io childhood. Let the ciildren kf Simmons Liver Regulator and keep el). Tt is purely vegetable, not un -ft8int to the taste snd safe to take alone -r ia connection with othrfr medicine. Man's houor meana armor, and carries a maoe _ woman's hoQor has only soft brefzes at,d perfumes. X O o. Blood Elixir is the only VCLtLv ï Blood Remedy guaranteed. It is a positi ve cure f or ülcers, Erupons or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the whole system, and banishes all Kheamatic and Neuralgio pains. We guarantee it. Johi Moorf, Druggist. Animáis are tree in tbeir own element; os our slavery arise írom our being so arely ir. our clement ? For Over Ibree Months my eon suffered nifjht and dy with rheumatinm; so mu"b so that he was unab'.e to aed hiinslr: Your eulpbur Bitters cured him, niid I am truly ihankful to bbv they are n houest medicine.- Mis Vt . H. Ortton, wite of Descon Cirletoa, IMrst B ptist Cbnrnh, Winchester, M188. TheBe word of the Bible are often quot.'d: 'Put not your trust in princes," but the end of the sentence is forgotten - " lor they are but men. " Piles! Piles! Itchlng Pile. Stmptoms - Moisture ; intense itching and inging; most at right; worse by scratehing. If allowed to continue, tumors forro, wh'ch otten blerd and ulcérate, becomina very sore. 8waynk's Ointmknt stops the itehing and bk-eding, tieals ulceration, and n m 8t cases removes the tumors. At druggist?, or by mil tor 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. One needs a knowledge of mankind before one can be timply and wnolly of one's self. _______ If we are created afW the image of G 'd we must in our turn be creators. 'thTgreaTregulator. ■_m No medicine is so ?5Sm taining do dangerou8 'lïllfJ'JJliïllJ qualit'es, but purely actlon and can be safely glven to any person no matter what age. WORKING PEOPLE can take Simmons Liver Reznlator without loss of time or danger from exposupre, and the System will be built up and invigorated ?■" pmmotes dicestion. dissipates siek headaehejind ive a rtrong mil tone 10 the Iilmjo equal as a preparalory medicine, ai d can bTsafely el i" any sickness. It acts gcntly on ühe Bowels and Kidneys and correcta the action of the Liver. Indorsed by persous of the nlghest character and eminence as The BE3T Family Medicine. If aChildhasthe colic it is a sure and safe remedy It will restore strength to the overwked faiher and relieve the wife from low mtnu. headache, dyBptpi, constipation and like 111. BfflSEY & BSABOM 35TO3. 6 A.HTT2 8 ■Washington Street, Ann Arbo Michigan. H&ve alwayï on haDd a complete Stock of eveij thineli.tiie 6R0CERY LIP! Teas, Coffees and Sugart Tes i8 B sure sien th&t we Rive bargalne Ín QUALITY AND PRIOE. Werostour otra ooBees every week,alw&n ftcBh aud good. Oui baiery turas out Üieveij best of BiSad, Ctïai aul orackons. C&ll sní ■eeas. Health is Wealthl W aEB LH Ja UtíI F ATM f HT" ' De E. C. West'3 NLRVE and Beain Trkatment, a guaranteed Bpeciflc for Hyrteria, nizzluess Convulsión, Fita, Kervous Neuralgia, Headache. Norvoua Proetration caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakelulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resultine ín ínsanity and leading to mistry, decay and death, Premature Oíd A(?e, Barrenness, Loss of power in either ser, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhrea caused hy over-exertion of the brain. senabuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains I oue month'8 treatment. Ï1.00 a box, or six I boxes fr $5.00, ent by mail prepaid on receipt of I price. WE UARANTEK SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order reccived bv ub for six boxea, aceompanied with $5.00, we will send th i purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment doef i not effect I a rare. Guáranteos Issued only by EBEBB ACH I & 8ON, Druggists. Sole Agts., Ann Aibor, MIch. Dr.SAWYER'SS Uterina Pastilles. Vs ÍPald Doctors 1 'A III pastilles 1 Hundredsot I VAg H j and I Dollars LiL 11 am eaie1I am no bettórJ" f - 4 Poltive cure for all Female BUease. Kn I lady can treat heraelf. A sample and circular eivI iag full partlculars can be had of nj Drult. Dr. A. P. SAWYER MEDICINE CO., Chicago. 11.00 ON MONTH'B TBÏATMENT 1.00.


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