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g#jS!CHIGAN I ai ai . tiren " ■ ■■ íaDimv sasssas s sssss =LW aT . " a aiaai H -íusa d5I a; -i-i W V0AM9S Mt)l,00 : : : w „ :gO S áTái "aíaijj cihni : : : o úonm có lili::: A i 2 H-gg ï ; a aS : 1 I iff! [age i! TÏ íS [a 'i; ■ sBPJ -HOSi g ■ igwt " JT5 3 HJ19A-I o, -ooooo a loiggeji-rangjdaoxa fc 4 H T sP!aH Pit) u30Dt-oooe. OD - . , , - - - .- - ■ r-i nrï s h ÏÏSiSa saaas s ! ; sssss i yjjjiiüiijj i s IHB 1 Iliül O. W. RUGGLE8. H. W. HATE8, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Agt, Ann Arbo Toledo, ton Arte & North Michigan R' Time Table going lnto effect Sunday, Sept. SO. '88. Going North. Going South. STATIONS. Pa. A. MI Standard Time. fr p A. M. P. M. A. M. Lv'Ki [ARB P. M. P. M. A. M. 3 25 fi 35 .ToleíO 1 10 11 00 4 05 6 19 Monroe Junctfn 12 24 10 20 _ 4 16 6 27 Dundcc 12 18 10 ÍS .... 4 81 6 46 Milán. 12 00 9 60 4 52 7 08 Pittflfleld 11 40 9 32 7 3ü 5 07 7 20 ..Aun Arbor... 11 25 9 20 9 SO 8 00 5 27 7 3f Leland's 11 10 9 05 9 10 5 45 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 55 8 50 .. 5 52 7 t ...-.Hambure 10 48 8 45 6 S4 8 45 Howel' 10 11 8 13 .... 7 16 9 36 Durand 9 S5 7 30 _ 7 10 00 Corunna. 9 17 6 49 .. 7 55 10 10 0WO880 9 10 6 40 _ 9 18 U 86 -Ithaca 7 50 5 3 9 35 11 56 8t Louis 7 SO 5 15 9 41 12 C2 Alma 7 23 6 10 10 ai 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 40 4 85 p. M. 3 30 Cadillac. - 2 00 A. M P. M A. M P. M A. M All passenger trains run daüy except Sunday. GonnectloiKB at Toledo with railroadsdivergng. At Manhattan Juncüon with Wheeling 4 Lake Ei ie i a. At Alexis Junction witb M. C K. R.. L. 8. k'y and F & P. M RH A' Monroe Jnnctlon iu L. 8. . M. 8. K'y. At Dundee wlth LB4 M.8..andM. 4 0. Ry. AtMtlan wlth W.,8L L. 4 P. Ry. At Pittsfleld wlth L. 8. 4 M. 8. R'J. At AnnArborwlth Michigan Central K.K.,an at Soath Lyon wlth Detroit, Insing and Norti H. W.' AHHLKY. ' W. H.BENNETT. Bupenntondent, Gen. Passeneer Aaent. A. J. PAI8LEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Aehley wlth toe Toledo, tíaginaw & Mus■ kegon raüway. REPORT OP THJfi UONDITION 07 THE AxmÁrbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, July 2d, A. D. 1888, MAD In Arnmlnncr wl th Hert loi" 18, 19 And 7 of the Hrneral Banbinf; Uw m. Amended In 1871. RE8OÜRCRJ. Loans and Discounls f 304,983 76 Bonds and Mortgoge 218,091 69 Overdrafts 158 06 Furniture and Fixtures. _. 1,930 85 Due from National and State Bank.... 74,049 79 Cashonhand - 29,80 86 f 628,554 40 LIABIUTIE8. Capital Stook J 50.000 00 Surplus Fund „ - 60.000 00 Undivided Proflis _ .996 99 July Dividend - - - 2.766 00 Due Deposito 483,803 41 S 628,554 40 I de solemnly Hwer that the aboye utatementi! true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Casbier. Subscribed and sworn to belore me, tais 2d day of July., 1888. ADAM D. SEYLKR, Notary Public. ate,, PENNYROYAL WAFERS PS, Are successiully naed mjnthly by ovor 10,000 BlvLiHwi. Are Kaft., Kffe-tua and PUaaant. tl lar íper box by matl, or at druggista. Sealed far Sf r ticulart 1 postiure stAmps. Address F The Kitukka CniMicii. Compakt, Flshnr Block. ia Woodward ike, Detroit, lilch. s.vl.l by H. BROWW A CO. LAdFesTgENI LEMEN, AND STUDENTS! The Irciil KiiKlish Prenerlption wfll restore th&t lodt Vltality and a Rugged, Healthy Condition follow lts nse. Bny at jour druKRlst's, one package, $1 ; six for Í5. EUREKA CHEMIOAL CO., DETROIT, MlCH. Sold by H. J. Brown & Co. $500 Reward! We wlll pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, Bick headache, iDdlKestion. constipation or oonitivenees we cannot cure with Westfs Vegetable IJver Pllls, when the dlreotions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to elve satiifaction. Large boxes eontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 26c. For sale by all dniggists. Beware of counterfeit and imitations. The gennine manufactured only by JOHN C. WB8T & 862 W, Madison-st, Chicago, ? wbicl1) ie -iímzEs 'ULD MOfJESTY I Qenuinehasa rF(ED H tintagon eVery plug. OLD HONESTYis edqed to be trje puresc ana triost lasting jpiece of Standard Cliewing Tobacco on themarKet. TrxTng it is a better test thanany talK about it. Giveita fair trial. Your dealer has t. m. ñWM A BROS., Louisïille, Ky ■ ■II !■■ CQC 'H GOLD TTiTCHfB M I" I JÖEM3EIS 'c ie Uk wortd. Perl III I MilBMQH - fect ■ ■ ■ IHII rJBBRjWaqlWILMg Jjgfca.r wrrnt'L Hut) KÊPJBffBW -rXtflsol ld Gold UontlniC JhB wflBrM ■ '" JJIWr KiKMil nd EMKnlfieMt. i W &[y S knli(rcuiMcafaa K TV&ttlMflBl S W ftntwfirwa waak on pr■"■ JT1 ff xmlnuchlorlH;. toknf l-rhom,iiJ iioir l thawwbooll, romple o"r SSÜSnarr, MUOUK.MOI.U.MriM. ZTtqX tSTl T0 bom. tor nth O """" Zi mLKi ÜTliom looo to e-ooo In trto fnmi tb. ümSnilnfioonlfr TbU, Ib. nv. won.lrfl o(br r ;„., i, JU o onl lhl oor nmp m7 b plK4 t " vblÁ to wrlt xM bnt 1 cent ui .rtr '"""""'''5 AM c.r. (o ÍO tirtHèr, wb7 no b.rtn U donj. "V'11 md Toar iddrw l traM, yon cao eor FEE oo of in MnáW 8T1K80H 00., B.X U,TOBTLA!D, lunlK lïïmbes LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON 111 YARD! Corner Fourth. and Depot Sta., anö get our figures for all kindw oí LUMBEE We manufacture our o-wrn Lumber and qruarantee VERY LOW PRIOBS mt-ii e m i eall wc wlll mak U in vonr lnr(-it, iw or large and wel Sraded aUtok fally nstatnn m Mronu JAMES TOLBEKT, Pror T. J. KHECH. SPt. _.Mab- i i p r C Dl I CC OCCTS. Reliblï ohuit HU O ■ it oh Potmvt GmmHTH USED ALX THE YEAB ROUND I JOHNSTONS SARSAPARILLA For LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, PÜRIFYIN8 tíis BLOOD. Usad for 3O f Pile and all ieYears. Best 1 eastü tlat arise ProparaÜon BfioaaDisortered for Si„k fMjgU niood. It is a aclae, Pain fJBJBg wwcrful tonic for in tUe 81de ï Hj H the wca]c and fec and Back, ton. WH mc cspeclally ttipation, yj feiuales chilpleH on tbc g&aBtQ rirt-n. Ttrainnoi Face, Skin & Hkit the most Discasc, SaK KSS H delicate constiRbcuin, Boils, Ki tution. It is the Bet Medicina in ue for Ragulitina th Bowols. QUART BOTTLES, $1.00. Thrce Bottlci for K.M. Dellvered freo of any chargv. Sold by all Druggiats. Bend for Circular. W.JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register