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' SLog Cabins have moatiy diíappeared as human habitatious. Many good people have lived happy lives ia f hem, and maoy great meu nave been bom in them. Warner's Los Cabio Sarsaparilla and "Tippecanoe" Stomach Tonic made by Waroer of Sfe Cure fanjp are reproductions of the best of the oíd 'time remedies, with whicn ihe pioneera of America maintained their rugged bea!th. An endorser of a note ia exempt from liabilty il not gerved with notice of Ha difhonor within in twentyfour hours of its non payment. Pradrncc ! Prudente t In medication, as in aught ebe, prudence should be ourguide. Yet thousánd. cast ït. to the wind.. Every new nostrum find8 its patrón, the medical emDirics of every faUe school have their gulls. Erery cbange in the gamut of humbug U rang uceessfully - f,)r a time at least - the notes beinsj furnished by the credaloua. In happy contrast to the macy advertieed imposture of ihe day stands Hostetter's Stomach Bitter?, now ia its third decade of Dcpulatity, upproved and recomtaended by physicians, indorsed by the press of many lands, sought and prized by invalids everywhere. It is an ascertained specific for any preventive of malaria! diseaaes, chronic indigestión, liver implaint and eonstipation, checks the growth Óf rheumatisn. and neuralgia, ig a peeriesa invigorant Rnd iist-ful diuretia Nrvou pecple benefit by it. Eachindivuluul m psrinershipis renponsiblc tor their whole amouot of debt of the fiiin. Bs discreet in all things and so render it unnece-sary to be mysteriou9 about ny. Tn. r is notbintl mypt'-rioii"! aboai the actioo vf VVrner' Log Cabin Hops and Buchu Remedr. It puts the stomacb ia healthy action. Good digestión and health raturally follow. Be discreet nl use this, the hest remedy. If a note be lost or stolen, it does aot release the maker; be munt pav it. thousands sufEering from Asthma, Coq. sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever trr Acker's English Remedyï It is th besi preparation known for all Lung Trooblea, sold on positivo ffuarantee at 10c. 60c. -Iohx Moobk, Oruggiat A note iibrained by fraud, or from one intoxicated, i voirl 'l'lio Pon(a.ter, VPinchenter, Mass., ssys: Tam prstoaily acquRintfd with Mr. and Mrs. Oarleton, ind was astonished at the t-emarkable efects of your Sulpbur Bitters n wiring heir son, ar i ts ]„ri;e sle is uudoubtedly due to the fscl that it is an booeat medicine. I k an of many others who hava been cured by its ue, wad I do not thinlt too rauiiii ca-i be said In it prHise. V urs (ruly, Gio. P. Brown, P. JC Writfn contract eonueruing land taugc I be under seal. ï'lre- lusure Youraelvea. Itissn establiihed fact that the anest flre ienartment in the world is that of New York city Thcir Champion flrc engine eompnny can harneM up and get out of the eutfne house inside of two aud one half seconds. But this record ia Aaw as the vengeaiice of the gods compared to ttw. time made hy Fomeroy' Petrolin Porouaed Plan tere in curing Iíhcu.tLsm and Neuralgia Aflbc tions. 25 ceniti buys it from any druggist. Insurtyourselfatoncebypu ohasing a piaster, have u. ui the house, and " Damp ooltf and storm. „, l''r'n night tilt mom, will not lirinft on Neuralgia. Kor dale r H. 1. Krotvn, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. _B moderate i -i your doRiras. Uon'tet minee pie ooold bickwhoat together. - PittshiKii Chroriiole. SOLD AGAIN ! fÉl But it was my own fault "I wanted a good horse blanket and was told this was 'just a.; ?ood' as a sA Blanket. Next time I won't forget to look for this Si Trade Mark sewed inside. The 5 K Extra Test Horse Blaaket combines in a remarkable mantier warmth, strength and beauty. Ask your dealer for either the 5 Extra Test, or one of the following 5 Horse Blankets : 5A Five Mile. Hm rtn WlH of Wuj nnt&i f" 5A Boss StaWe a lh 5A Electric. ■XB JuttlettdsfforOat-Dorf'u LI 5A Extra Test 30 other styles At primi to at tnrjtoé? For sale by all dealers. [Copyrighted 1888, by W. Ayms & Sow.J


Old News
Ann Arbor Register