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OCR 25 CKHT COLVKJI. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding thrée lines, can be Inserted three weeks lor 35 (■nis. CUTTINü- Every Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Boylan will doCutting by the Ewing tailor system free of charge until further notice. 13 N. r iith St. NURSE- The services of a competent nurse can be had by ad dressing Lizzie J. Paraons Hamilton Block. MR. WM.ÍI. WALKER having taken the Ann Arbor agency 01 the Mutual Benefit Life Insurtince Co. of Newark, one of the oldest and most reliable compauies. will be pleased to show the contract of the company to thnse thinking of taking out policies. Residence, No. 4 N. Ingalls-sl. pRESIDENTIAL Hat Rack now on sale at X Johnson's Bazaar, on Ann-st. DDRESS Isaac N. Aldrlch, 44 Miller Ave., for üie "Dandy Pillow Sham Holder," latest improved ; attached to back of bedstead instead of the front, will not get out of order. MISS BERTHA D. HILL will take a limited numbar of Piano Pupils afier Oct lst Inquire at 51 South Tbayer St. W ANTED.- Teacher or smart business man to Sulieit orders. Good chance for the right man. Addresa W B. ftickney, A. M., Ann Arbor. WORK WANTED - Any kind of employment wanted. ApplyatNo. 65 west Huron et. l ANTED- A competent seamstress and dressTt maker to do family sewing in the house, ofw k lD8alls-st. First three (working) days WANTED.-30 or 35 yards good second-hand carpet; also easy chairs. Address. 42 North Pontiae-st., city. Vy ANTED- A competent Girl for general house■ ""? iu a Private lamily. Enquire at No. '2, Forest St. corner of Washtenaw. WANTED- An Agent to Travel. Liberal commission. Apply to the factory at once. Ann Arbor Preserving Company. Vy ANTED - Immediately. Two Girls - One Y general housework. one second work. 48 State Street. Hallock & Miller. POUND on sidewalk, small amouut of monev The owner can flud ít with J. 8. Hammond' No. 22 (ieddes Ave., Ann Arbor. LOST.- On morning of Oct. 24. POCKET-BOOK containingasmall amount of money and a key. Finder rewarded at 50 S. IngaLs street. LOST.- My vegetable account book. Finder please leave at P. O. box No. 1862, and obliga Stephen Adam. LOST- A roll of Carpet on the road bttween Salem and Ann Arbor. Reward givro to finder. L. C. Thayer. 14 N. Thayer St.. Ann Arbor. On ornear the Campus,a Ladies' Siïver - Chattelatne Watch, with a bow of plaid ribbon tled in the handle. Please leave at University Steward's office. IOST- A Purse, Saturday, Oct. 5th, on State-st .j betwten the Univerelty and Bowery st., contaiDing moncy, a reeeipt, and owner's name Reward, i f property is returned to 1 Jefferson-st. LARM- Anyone wishing to sell. address EuI gene K. Frueanff. 48 S. Main. Ann Arbor. I7qR BALb- y unaivlded one-half of a Farm, situautd three miles E. of Ann Arbor, and known as the Howe and North Farm. Address me at 1223, Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Mrs fcliza North K"9?i 8A?E-- side spring buggy in good conT ditlon. for sale cheapatai 8. Fifth-stT LARGE NEW HOUSE, with o e or two Iota for sale or exehange for smaller propeity If not sold, will be for rent. J. P. Judsón, South University Ave. PIANO KOR SALE.-Students or anyoïïe wlsh'lng a firetclass Piano very cheap should see thls one, at No. 18 Spring street. TTOR SALE.- 1 Estey organ, high case, nearly -T new, Í40 ; 1 Tabor organ, high top, goód 840 1 btandard organ, high top. new, 50; 1 American organ, good. $25. 25 3. Fourth st. A. Wilsey F'OR SALE- A splendid stock of Pianos, Organs, and Sewmg Machines at reduced pricea 25 S Fourth-st, A. Wilsey. F'OK SALË.- ' Standard," rotary shuttle, sewmg machines. The swiftest, quickest best In FonrÁ. WÍfseyObbin' nUn g 8" IOR 8ALE- House and Lot. No. 32 8. Thayer St. In good repair, and a new barn. Terms easy. Enq uire of Judge Harriman. IpOR SALE- Horse Power, suitable for ripping a lumber or sawing wood Inquire at Corner of Church and North Unlverbity Avenue or Box 1243. F'OR SALE.- New house for sale or rent with barn. West Third-st. 3 minutes walk corner Main and Washington st. Apply 48 S. Main-st. FOR SALE-Fruit Farm, 19 acres, at Ann Arbor. Michigan, for sale at a bargaiu. Only reason for selling is unable to tend to H. Choicest land. highest uultivattou. 11 acres in rasj.berries and blackberries M in rapes, pears and;peaches; 2 in grove pla tation two years old. Cash sales this year 1600. AMiudant water; House cost $5,')0O. Elegant lawn, hedges and shade. One mile from Tei ms easy. J. H. Clougb. Ij'OR SALE- A gooii, new Milch Cow. ii mlle 5: north of Dc-lhl Mi)ls. Wi. W. Tubbs. IOR SALE - A first class family Horae. Cali at F schuh & Muehlig s. 31 Somh Main 8t. 1,-OR SALE- A lot. five by four rods, at the I north eaut corner of North and Second Street. Good building lot. D. Cramer. IOR SALE TtA "BARGÁTÑl- A 1094 acre V farm within I miles of Mexico. Mo. Cali on or address Lakenan St Barnes, Mexico, Mo. FOR SALE- A very fine lot of Suffolk Spring Plgs. Wm. W. Tubbs, Delhi Mills. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lotL valued from SI. 000 to $6,u0i and containltjg from oueflfth ol an acre to twenty acres- ali in the city limits. Houses reined on reasonable termB in central loc-nlities. ïarme exchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.6ESSIONS, 632tt Attorney and Real Estáte Agent. Office over Expiess Office, Main St.. Ann Arbor. lyOR SALE OR RENT- No 7 Wilmot-st, house JT ol 9 rooms, 2 alcoves, and 5 closets and city water. Inquire at 17 Wllmot st. rix) RENT - House suitnble for small family. _L No. 11 Tappen St. Iuquire of B. Mouut, No. 66 E. University Ave 1,'OR RET.- A part of a large, convenient F house, also unfuruished rooms, corner of Jefferaon aud División. Inquire at 47 División. ITOR RENT.- Oct. lst. dwelling over Brown & V Cady's store on State st. Inquire of them, or J. D. Baldwin. "PO RENT.- After the first of September, two L stons on Siate-st, Opposiie University. In qu;reof J.H. Nlckels. BRICK HOUSE.- 49 Washington to rent. One thousaud or five-hundred to loan. D. Cramer. U Q per month. Good agente wanted of both 5pOU sexes. Business honorable and permanent. New plan of woik. Address with stamp, M Le gh. lock box 321. Jackson. Mich. ÜÖK LOST.- A volume of Cheever's I róbate U has dinppeared trom the Probate office, containing notes and referenees of vslue mainly to the owner. Anyone finding and returning thi book will be liberally rewarded. W. D. Hamman. FOR SALE OR RENT.- $1400 house. Beven rooms 35 Monroe-st, one biock from campus. Knquire at 90 Washingtoust. S. D. Allen. LiXJR SALE.- House and lot No. 44 Wsshingtonr st. Apply ol N. W. Cheever, No. 10 Nortu 4thst H ■'DR SLE- Building Lots, fronting west side Mann st. Eitra view; Sizes to suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncnn, 76 Miller Ave. IOAN1NÖ- Money to loan on fint class real j estáte mortgages at curren t ratee ef Interest, iatlsfactory arrangements made with capitalista luairiiiK such lnvestment. Every conveyance iad transactlon in abstracts of titles carefully ex'.mlnert as to legal effect. Zlna P. Klng. Ann Arbor Mich. , tf. HYACINTHS and Tulipa for the garden, 30c and 50c per doz. Narcissus, 30c per doz. of Borts. Crocuses of sorts, 3 doz., 25c. Jas. Toms, Hori8t Miller Ave. PIANO TO RENT.- Enquire at 23 North University Ave.


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