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1A0 FARMERS- We have about 100 lha. stout Twioe, good (or bag sirings, and handy to have around at any time. WiH sell it cheap. Reoisteb Office. 1 HIS PAPEnattlIe A.Wr B '"■ I' "'"■■'■" a „■■-..., „f Besara. N. W. AY ER & SON. our authorteed rat. otlcf to CmMuW. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WASHTKNA W ( ' ' Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Prnbate Court fr the Cuunty of Washtenaw, made on itae Bat day of October, . I). IS8S, six montlis from that daip weru r11owiI fnr crea itors to present their claims against tiie esuite of EHsha Joues Ihip of saiil cimmy. riceeasert. and thai uit creditors of said dwe fed are required to present iheir clulras to sai.l Probate Conrt.atthe Probate offii'i! In üie city of Ai n Arbor for examina ion and ailowauce. 'ii ;r before the secón. t ilay of April uext, and that sui h claims will be heard hefore paid court. on Wednesilay, üie second day of Jannary aad on luesday. the seconrt lav of April m xt. at teu o'cloek in the lorenoon of each of aïd days. WlLLIAM D. HaRRIMAN. Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, Oct. Ist, A. D„ 1888. O-A-LXj O3ST W. B. WARNER, 21 STATS ST. No better place in the city to buy your GROOERIES Business conduuted on CASH basis. No Goods sold 011 credit to anyone, but prices are low enough to rrmke it an object for you to trade with him. Telephone Conneclions. A II Goods delivered. It&s PENNYROYAL WAFFRS f MP. Are Bucuessfully uscd n;nth!y byover 10,(X ■TB,Lallcs. Are Safe. Kff,;iS; and Amt 11 I i1 ?PT I"X by or at iniggists. Stated ftirJa' y itcaiiin i postase tóamps. Aaorsss r TUK El-llKKA CHKMICAL Cü.MPAKY, Fistinr Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Micn. Soll hv . J BiOH'S OO. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENÍS! 'I .r-t PrEweripUu w'll restore ihat 1 ist Vita'ity anrl a RuReert. Heaithy Cunci non follow its usc. Buy ai yuur dniKiff's. one package. 81 ; six for $5 EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, MlCH. Suld by ?f. J.Bnnvn ét i '"■ Mortílnr SlllP. Default havlng been made in the conditiona of a Mortgage executed by Jefferson Lcwis and Rachel Lewis, his wlfe. tn Adella C. cbecver bearin? dnte October 21. 1886, and recnrded Ín Ihe office of Kegister of Peeds for Washtenaw Counu, Michigan, ctoer 91.1M86. in Liber67 of Mortuages. on page 102, vvhirh Mortgajïe was UKitxned by said A del i a C. Cheever tn Le Roy C. Noïil by deed of Kssignni-'nt. daten1 December 6. 18 7. and recordvd in Miirt Fegister' office, in Líber 9, of aisinraents of mongnsces. on pHge 398, by whii'h deí.ult trie pownv of Míe contained in yai'I Mortfcage became operative, atul no suit or procveding in law or equit y having heen instimied to recover the lebt ►ecUTed Dy satd Mangase or ni-y part thereof, amt the sum of two hundrcd álid thirly-ihree and .ri - l'XI dollars 1(283.30] bein.' now claimeil to be duu lipón said Mortgage. Noüce is therefore heroiiy üiven that said MorisaRe wil be foreclosed by a .Ale of the Mortgage.l premlses therein teerilyi or sorae part thereof, to wit: All lollowlng desiTibud lamí Mtunted in the i;ity of Aun Arbor Michigan, viz: Lot No. Three in Bloek No. Fiire Noith of Hition Blreet in Kange No. Fourieon Ka-t aCLOrding to tbe reeorded piat ol ihe Ent.rn 4diüon tosaid city. at public vcndue on tbc ixteeuth day of Novemb. r muxí, at tea o'rlock in the forenooon, at the Hnr n Btreet entrance to Ihe Court House, in the City of Ann Arl or in aid County of Washtenaw, that beine the place of holding the Circuit Court in sala County. Dated AUgust;i4th, 1888. Le Roy C. Noble, Asslgnee. N. W. CHEEVER, Attorney. "CHICAGO TRUSS." jTv New Spiral Spring Trusê. fsii Hard Rubber Pad; Clean, 4i3l3 ( jff&P Durable, Cheap. Approved SCTÍfv b' the DÍKnest Medical AurAiiif' thonty. VVoni day and msht c, V-tJl y an lnfant a week oíd or W''5 an Adult 80 years. Easily s qLW arfjwsted. It meets all forma JJ P B ol Sc.rolal.Fermoral,!UKUiual Ir 6tl and Umbiliral Hernia, in fell?Wi4 both Infants and Adulta. "WiiTiatS. Snii-ifaction guaranteed in all castjtj. Any desirable pressure obtained. If j„u, druggtixdoea uot keep ttiis Tras, enclose iiamiia and.addn.., C1II'AO TBl'SS O., rtilcago, 111. OFFICE AND FITTINO ROOM, i:2 K. Randolph Si . T. Y, KAYNE, Manager. Sold ty Aun Arbor uruggists. onk' Cotton Root Compouní.-Conife posed of Cotton Root. Tansy and PennyMSSBSB royal. Svrcesufullv "-"■'' monthlll. Saté, U f'.rtpi-tuai. Pleasant. M bv malUordrng.y liSddiwa PONO LILV COMPANY, s-,i'.l i!' At-.u Aibor b hu 'JruüRfsts.


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Ann Arbor Register