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TIHIIE GREAT RSVOLUTION! (New and Complete Method Of Canning Solelf in Glass o These goods on account of their Excellence, Flavor, and Moderate Price, stand supremo tor all housebold and family consumption. Warranted pure and unadulterated. One Thousand Dollars offered if not found as Advertised. Tolopliono, Ko. 117. Factory, S. State Si. Ann Arbor School of Music (Establintied 1879.) BRANCHES TAÜGHT : Piano, Voice Culture and Stmging, Vinlin, Viola, Orchextral Instruments, Organ, Choral Munic, Harmnny, Cimnterpoint, Cornpnsitúm, Science, and Art of teaching Physical Culture. FACULTY : Albert A. Stanley, Orín Cady, Wm. Luderer, F. L. York, R. H. Kempï, Miss Anna E. Warden, Miss Marian Smith, Miss Ellen Garriguks, Miss Martha E. Tenny, Mrs Juua Van Slykb. Classes in Harmony, Choral Muslc, Recitals and Lectures free to all pupils. Pupils have also access to the University Library. Fall Term begins Sept 27th, 1888. Office houre: 8:30 to 9:3" A. M. to 3 to 4 P. M., University hall, Ante Room. ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director. The Dental College of the Umersity of M The Clinical Rooms of this Department are dow open for the recepiion of' those who desire to avail themselves oí the opportunity of the service here rendered. All operation8 for the preservation of the teeth, treatraent for diseases of the mouth, and the insertion of artificial tt'eth, will rcceive prompt and earelul a'teniion, under the direct and personal bupervision of the Professor in charge. ("hurgcs will be made to cover the expense of material U6ed. Extracti(n and treatment free. The Rooms will be open for the reception of tbose desiring attcntiou each week day, except S i tunlay, from 1:3U P. m. till 4 P. M. Early applicants will secure the more prompt attention. 3STIE W" MILLINERY STORE NO. 7 ANN STREET. :m::r,s. e. .a.. hoyt A full line of Millinery, and a complete stock of Hair Goods. Hair Work Done to Order. We make a specialty of our Trimming Department. Please cali upon us, and see what we can do for vou in Work and Prices. THE I-M ■ilol.l I. CEMÍ4L1 TÏÏE-WH1T1E THE PERFECT TYPE-WRITISG MACHINE. Wrillnic in In plnUn séIiI. v-n to the lnMI l r. a IVallirc Huil n OllMT 1I1UI llllK IO-X. It has the lewest paris of auy stindard Typewriter, maling it loss Hable to get out of ordtr. Alignment is perfect, and the type all beiug on one piece of meta', it can never change. Will manifold three to six copies. See this one before buying any other. Cali on or addrets, J. B. WHïELOl'K, Asent, 26 East Wiluam St. Ann arbor, Mich.


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