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SCROFULA Is that impurity of the blood which produces unsightly lumps or swellings in the neck; which causes running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which develop3 ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing hl indncss or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. It is the most ancient of all diseascs, and very few persons are entirely free trom it. Too" CU RED By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. If you suffer trom scrofula, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring my wifo and children havo been troubled with scrofula, my little boy, three years oíd, belng a terrible suflerer. Last spring he was one mass of sores trom head to feet. We all took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and all have been cured of the scrofula. My little boy is entirely free from sores, and all four of my children look brlght and healthy." Vf. B. Atkebton, Passaic City, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drnggists. jpi sixíorgí. Propared onlj by C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowoll, Maas. IOO Doses One Dollar C f 7 CD 8 f SA s o SI Si I 51 We can show you in Gents' Fine Corduvan Shoes for $5.00 a perfect Beauty and will wear as long as two pair of Calf Skin Shoes. In Ladies, we have as Fine a Shoe as any dealer can show you in French Kid ; Our Price, $3.00. In Hand Turns, Ladies, we have them from $3.00, upwards. In Machine Sewed Kid Button, we have them from $1.00, upwards. Our Goods are the Latest Styles. Our Gents' Shoes, at $1.75, isa clipper, it is Seamless. Give us a cali, it will pay you. SAMUEL KRAUSE, 48 South Main-st, Ann Aroor. THE UNITARIAN! (Rev. J. T. SUNDERLNI), A. M., Editor) will be sent to new readers for examinatlon, three iiionlh, lor 10 OKNlS. Address, The Unüarian, Ann Arbor, Mich. ' Most excellent," Rev. Dr. Thomas, (Chicago.) " By all odds the best religious monthly in the United States."- Universalist Kecokd. OH, JOHNI Our Furniture looks very shabby, we shall have to get new. Ohl no, Mary, Hayley's Electric Enamel Furmture Polish will make it equal to new, and only Costs 50c and every bottle warranted to giveperlect satisfaction. Agts. wanted Price, 25c, 50c and $1 .00. 34 E. Liberty St. Highest Awards, London, New York, Boston, New Orleans, "THE HAMMOND" TYPU-WRITER! UNKXCELLED FOR SPEED, PERFECT Alignment and Durability ! The Edluon 1H lmooicraph for dupllcating copies, superior to all other methods. Type-Writer supplies etc. for Catalogue and Pnce List, Address W. A. CAMPBELL, Agt., Ann Arbor, Mich. NEW STAR BAKERY 27 E, WASHINGTON ST. Salyer & Son Have opened a New Bakery and Confeetionery, and will henceforth furnish FRESH BEEAD! and Cakes to suit. Fancy Cakes made to order for Weddings, Parties, etc. Try our Frenen Twist and Homemade Brown Bread. SALYER & SON. Hepiic&as! Denocrats! Now is the time to read the great question of the day. Note the following important works: Tanmifi-i Tarlff Hlstory of the U. S. Cohhm- Taxation lts Principies and Methode. Ely- The Labor Movement in America. Ely- Prob emi of To-day. Kl.v - Taxation In American Olties. Htstory ol Presldential Elections. Cox- Frao Land and Free Trade. TmunmIic - Protectlon to Young Industries. JohnNton- American Politics. Public Debte. 1,11 ui - Economie Science. Nctiurz- Honest Money and Labor. Tbe President' Meosago, 1887. Any of the above books can be had at the Bookstore of Gko. Wahbs ; Where also may be found the largest Stock of of Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Fine Stationery, etc. Any work published in this country orabroad.obtained speedily, and reasonably. We invite Book-lovers to examine our large Stock GEO. WAHR. Hickory and Ash Timber I will pay $12.00 per Cord, Cash, for good Second Growth Hickory Butts, suitable for Axe Handles ; delivered at my Shop, or on M. C. R. R. track, Ypsilanti. Good Second Growth White Ash also wanted. C. W. DICKINSON, Ypsilanti, Mich.


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