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One Bottle Cured Htm. a H Thompson, Rockford, 111., writes : I ut have been troubled with Catarrh for I ar nnthing helped me I tried PaIOIon Ci'arrh Cur. I folio wed direction. ■ 'nd with lees than one bottle, lam cured." Ipgpillon (extract of flax) Catarrh Cure I jíj nositively and permanently cure iBronchial Cutarrh, Acure or Chronio CaItarrh iso Rs Cold and Hav Fevt-riW bottles $1.00, for sale hy Eoerb ch I & Son. K a woman seMom preserves her temper [ when she is canning ruit. i thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, Bold on a positive guarantee at 10c, 50c. John Moork, Druptgist. " Dt you believe in love at first sight?'1 "No. I'm near sighted." OH! MY HE AD. The pain from Neuralgia and its companion disease Rheumatism is excruciating. Thousands who could be quickly cured are needlessly suffering. Ath-lo-pho-ros will do for others what it did for the following parties: Williamxport. Ind., Oct. 8. 1887. Having been afflicted with neuralgia tor the past four yeare. and tryinR almost everytliintf but in vain, I tinally neard of Athlophoros Aiter taking one bottle I found it to be helping me, "i & taldne four bottles of Athlophoros and one of Pilis, I f onnd that I wasentirely well. I thmk the medicine is Mxjitively a Bnre cnre. Chaüscey B. Reddick. Mt. Carmel. DI.. Deo 26. 1887. I hsve nsed Athlophoros in my family ana find it to be the greateat medicine for neuralgia in existence and having had lts fangs f artened upon me for the past 30 yeare I know whereof I speak. Mrs Julia Chh,tok. stnd 6 cents for the bcautiful colored picture, " MoorLsh Maiden." THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall Si. N. Y. BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attomey nt Iim . WI11 praoticein botti Siate and üuiteii snti Oourte. Office RoomK, oue and two, l8t floor oi the new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourtli Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. X)E. -A-IRÏsriDT(Office over Kirst Xational Bank.) Hoces: 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:oO io3:30p.m. Can be reached at rei-idenre, West IInron-st., a the "Prof. Nicbol place"; by tclvphone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. ri K. WILLIAMS. Altornry t Uw, Milan, Micb. Money loaned for outside parties. All legal business given prompt attention. C. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Mísonic Block, ROOM 4. Teleilione t'oiineclion, Ann Arbor. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PAELORS over Savings Bank oppoeite Court House Square. Teeth extraoted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜS8. Lpirl Snring vtth praded pre snre 1 1 6 pounda. vvorn day anc niirhtby au Icfaút a week old O' adullofSO years. Ladles' Tniss a biiceialty. Knclose stamp fo Testimoniáis of Cures, meastire menw, etc. EGAN'S IMPERlAi TECSS:O.,Hamiltoii Block, Ann Arbor.Micb. WM. BIGGS. tiÉaster ! Wier And all kinds of work in ooiuiecilon wilh the !■ pronipiljWShop flor. of Cbnrch-st and Uuiversity ave. Telephone 'J ; P. V. Box 14S. Hl ñ FRESCO PAINTING A STECIAI.TY, AT OSCAR O. SOR(iS. DK4LFB IN All Painter's Supplics 70 U. Mitin KI. Plans for Krescolng luinisluil on BpptlcAUon. ÍCLÁRKE : f. {fSSSL1 alba Regalar Old-EstaW Isbed PHYSICIAH AND SÜRGEOH It Ull Tnaflng wlth the Greatwt mLandjDCGESS Me, Nerrons ni Private Diseases. a-NERVOUS DEBILITY, Lost Manhood, Failing Memory, Exhausting Drains, Tembló Dreams, Head and Back Actie and all the effect leading to early decay and perhaps Consumption 01 lnsanity, treated scientifically by new methods witb never-failing success. , _, . .. & SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DU cases permanently cured. 4S-klDNEYandURINARYcomplaints,Gleet. Gooorrhoea, Strictu re, Varicocele and all d"?"?" of the Genito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without injury to Stomach, Kidneys or other Organs. T No experiments. Age andexpenence Important. Consultation free and sacred. -Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Worki 00 Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. ;S-Those contemplating Mamaee send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female, each 15 cenis, both 25 ccots (stamps). Consult the old Doctor. A frienáy letter or cali may save future suffer, ing and shame, and add goldeu years to Me. fJ( "1ife's (Secret) Errors," 50 cents (stamps). MediciM and writings jent everywhere, secure from expoiure. Houre, 8to8. Sundays9 to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE, M. D.. Merrill Block, DETROIT, MIOH.,


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