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GO TO MONTANA VIA THE { ,h , Itaapolis lïuk RAILWAY. A MAGNIFICENT Daily Train Service! "The Montana Ezpress," WILL BE INAUGURATED NOVEMBER 10, 1888 Elegant Dining Cars, Drawing Room Sleepers, Handsome Day Doaches, AND FREE Colonist Sleepers WITH KITCHEN AND LAVATORY THE ONLY LINE TO THE THREE GREAT CITIES OF MONTANA, GREAT FALLS, HELENA AND BUTTE. For Maps and general information inquire of your own f icket Agent, or F. I. WHITNEY, Gen"l Pass. and Tk't Agt., St. Paul, ïlinn. lew Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS AlistoflOOO newspapers (iivided into STATES AND SECTIONS will be sent on applicatlon - FREK. To those who want their advertising to pay, we can offer no better medium for thorougn and efl'ective work than the various sections of our Scliif liooal GEO. P ROWELL A (O., Xewspaper Advertising Buresn. 10 Spruce street, New York. g-% A TkT'i L? U "■ 1w Cure comes IjGLJI KjjtáSXi from China. Queens mlm,mmmmi Hospital and London Cáncer Hospital report cures."- N. Y. Express. Endorsed hy Medical .Tournals. Cu re ariiarnleeU. Circulara free ÜVS WA CO., Box 4, Pueblo, Coló. A DVERTISERS by addressing EO. P. iV ROWEI.L & CO. 10 Spruce St., New York, in good faith, can obtain all needed information about any proposed line of AD BRTlsing n American Newspapers. 176-pase Pamphlet, 8Oc. -xook'a Cotlo Boot Componnd.- CoroXacJ poïe" of Cotton Root. Tansy and PennyJ W Wondward ave. . Detroit, nicn. Sold in Ann Arbor bv all drueslMs. Dr.SAWYER'S Uteríne Pastilles. s ÍPaid Doctors '. [I Rastilles I Hundredsof Vsffj and Dollars _jruj II I anl -'urP'' ftm no bettír. "■ rij iCs tilr:'- Áfter suíferlng four years wlth female weakness I wa3 pursuaded by a frlend to try jour Pa.stllles, and after uslng tbem one year, I can say I am entlrelí well. I can not recomim;nd tlieu too blKbly. MRS. M. b. BKUliK, Bronson, Betlil Branch Co., Mlcb. Dr. Sawyer:- I had not used half a box bef ore I was relleved, and am now well; soreness, paln, discharge, all In this particular, gone, only uslng one box. I was astonlshed. I make the statement hoping lt may be of use to some poor sufferlog femala H-oectfully, tbink your medicine one of the grandest dlscoverles that was ever made for wonien. We can aever tnkenough.petfun _ "üeïï'stn-HaTlng used your Pastilles, I can recommend them to the public. I have been attended bv four different doctors, but one and a half boxes of your medicine has done me mote good than all of them hÓN, Bronson, Branch Co., Mlch. Posltive cure for all Female ,DIee. Kvprr lady can trent hereelf. A ampie and circular iving full partícula can be had of any Brum. Dr. A. P. SAWYER MEDICINE CO., Chicago. jt (JO OSE MONTH'8 TKBATMEST Mortgage Sale. Defaulthaving been made in the conditfoas of a Mortgage executed bf Jeffenion Lewis at(l Rachel Lewie, his wife, to Adelia C. Cheev bearin dnte October 21, 1886. and recorded ie the office of the Register of Peeds for Washtenws Counn, Michigan, JCtober 21, 1886. in LiberGT of Mortgages, on page 102, which Mortgage ws assisned by taid Adelia C. Cheever to I Rof C. Noble by deed of assignment. dated December?. 18 7, and rtcorded in said Pegister's office, i Liber 9, of asisignments of mortgages. on page 39Ï, by which default the power of sale contained in said Mortgage became operative, nd no suit or proceeding in law or equily haviug been laBtituted to recover the debí fcecured by t&M Mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum ét two hundred and thirty-three and 50-1ÜO dollar (S233.50) beiiiü now claimed to be due upon saifl Mortgage. Notice is therefore hereby given UuÜ said Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale Of the Mortgaged prcmises thereiu detcrib"d or some part thereof, to wil: A)l the following describe.d land situated in the City of Ann Arbr Michigan, viz : Lot No. Three in Block No. Fije North of Huron Street in Range No. Fourtetn East aciordmg to the recorded plat of ifce Eastern Addition tosaid city, at public vendue o the Sixteenth day of November next, at te o'clock In the forencoon, at the Huron street entrance to the Court House, In the City of Au Arhor in taid Couuty of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in saifi County. Dated August llth, 1888. Le Roy C. Xorle, Afsigoee. N. W. CHEEVER, Attorney. OA.Xj3L. O3ST W. B. WARNER, '.Zi STATE 3T. No better place in tlie city to buy your GROOBRIES Business conjucted on CASH basi. No Goods sold on credit to myone, bnt prices are low euongb. to umfcii t tm object for you to trade with bit. Telephone Connections. All Goods delivered. flfife PENNYROYAL WAFERS BR Ato successtully used niTithly by over 10.0W) IHlLadies. Are Safe, Kffeitual and Pleasant. tl f ïtw bo y maí or nt JruBKlta. Sealed Pur. Jf licula ra '2 postale stamp. Addjress r The Eukeka Chkmical Compjnt, Flshnr Block. 191 Woodward ave.. Detroit, Mich. si.l.l by II. J. BKUWÜ . OO. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS ! 'I h 4-i:K Kim 1 i sil Frecrltlon will restore that lt Vita'ity and a Ruged, Healthy üonditloa lollow its use. Buy at your druggist's, one package, 81 ; fix for 85. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., DETROIT, Mío. Sold by H. J. Brown & Co. "CHICAGO TRUSS." rNewSpiral Spring Truss. Hard liubher Pad ; Clean, Uurable, Cheap. Appravei uy the higliest Medical AuIhority. Worn day and night oy an Infant a week old er an Adiilt 80 years. Eastty mljusttd. It mcete all forma ot Miotnl.FiTmorM, Inguinal and Umbilical Hernia, 1 ixith Infants and Adulta. Satisfaction guaranteed i all cases. Any ilesirable pressure obtalned. If your druggisit does noti keep this Tiuds, enclose stamps and atidress, UI'XAGO TRISS :O., 4 liicnu. 111. OFFICE ASB FITTING ROOM, l:- E. Handiilph St , T. Y. KAYNE. Managkr. Sold by Ann Arbor Drugglsie. IHIS PAPER attheNewsPap?r AÍverM. W. AYER ON. our anthortoed agente. THEMARCH OF PROGRESSï OUR LATESTIMPROVEMENTS "Competltlonlthollfeoftrad-,"andlfyoti have not een our latest improveu goods, you canaot imagine how Uvely tradc i, or liow hard oiir compeuturs have to work to keep withm sijjlit of ua. Ask vour retailer for the Jamos Means' $8 Shoe, or ttie Jaiues Meaus' $4 Shoe, according to your needs. Posldvcly none genuine unless ijpvlng our namo and?r"e fslamped plainly on the soleT Your re aller w U supply you with shoes so Btamped if you lnsit pon hS lïliig so; If you do not iiulst, some rela.lor will coax you Tinto bujing Inferior hoes upon wtuc tueymake a larger pruilt. TKUC ' iTWu5Om... $3 SHOE fN ■í'VfíUNEX CELLED IN W C YfvSTYLE uneoüallm . vUjnDURABILITIT MQAfAj PERFECTIOK JAMES MEANS' fi mpft Snch has been the recent progrem In oor branch or industrv that we are now abie to afflrm that the Jame M.ans''$4 Shoe ia In every reipect equal to the hoes nieh only a few yfar ago were retailed I at elght or ten doüars. If you will try on a pair you will be conTiOCu?. reofciSriïshoes. and thosewh. hnitate onrsystein of business are unaUlö to competo with us in (luaüty of factory products. In our Unes we are the largest manufacturen In the 1TSh'from ourcelebrate d ftrtory are 1-J by wiile-awake retailer In all parts or tl u tè. ritni r, 8 S. Jlaln St.


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Ann Arbor Register