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Personal. A yonng lady of seventeen sutnmers, highly educated, reQned, and of prepossessing p; earance, desireB to íorm the ac quaintance ot some nioe young man, whom she would advise, if troubled with dyspepsia, to ue that great blood purifier, Sulphur Bitters. The peac i crup may be djuWful, but the erop will no' fil. "V rtV-o v s. Blood Elixir is tlie only nx.CVv'IOX Blood Remedy guaranteed. It is a positi ve cure for Ulcera, EruptionsorSyphiliticPoisoning. Itpurifiesthe whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it John Moork. Druggist. Some men never tumble, even when an idea Rir kes thm. STATE -F MICHIGAN. "V William H. MATHER.Complainant I vb y J G. TUiLEY. Executor of tliewill of Julia A . Reyuolds. deeeased and Eliza Momgomery, defend; The twenty-second Judicial Circuit in Chancery, Suit pending In the circuit (Jourt lor the County of Wa-.htenaw in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, on the second day of November, A. I). 1888. In this cause it appearing from affidavit on nle that the said (tefeudant, J. G. Bailey, executor of the will of Julia A. Reynolds, deeeaved. is nota resident of this state, but is a resident ot Santa Ana, in Lob Angeles County, in the State ot California On molion of complainant's solicitor, it is ordered that the appearance 01 said non-resident defendant.J G. Bailey, executor as aforesaid be cntered herein within tour months trom the date of this order; and in case of nis appearance he ct. use his auswtr to the bill of compiaint to befiled and a i'opy thereof to be served on the complainant's solicitor within twenty days after service on him of a copy of said bill and notice of tbis order; and in default thereof said bill will taken as co fesed by said nou resident defendant. And it is further ordered that wittun twenty days the complainant cause a notice ot this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Register a newspaper printed, published and circulating in said County and that said publication be continued Ihe ein. once in each week, for slx weeks in succession, or that he cause a copy of this order to be personally ferved on said nonresident delendant at least twenty dayx beiore the tim 2 above prescribnd fnr his appearance. PATRICK McKERNAN. Circuit Court Comlssioner for Wasluenaw County, Michigan. NO VII W. CHEEVEK. Solicitor for Complainant. JÏTO3 G A-IsTX? 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo, Micbigan. Bave always on hand a complete Stock of ee thini GROCERY LM1 Teas, Coffees ana Sugan All prime Artiuies iionght for C&su and can M-i atlow flRares. Our frequeut large invoiceB o Teas Is a tare sigu tüai we Rive barg&inis in QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roast oor own (fices evcry feek, aiw&yi fresh aud guocl . Oui bukery turnt out the veij best of Bread. Oak& iii crackers. Cali ací see Hh. YOU CAN GET IT AT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. INSURANCE, RKAL ESTÁTE AN1 LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, Firet Floor, Hamilton Block. Partios dusiriiig to buy üt sell Keal Estáte wil) flndittotheiradvaiitage to cali ou me. I represent the followini; first-class FIre Insurance Con piules, having an aggTegate capital of over 5S.000.000: Tile ernd Rapio FIre Iiih. to.. Tile Ohio t'nrmer'M lus. Co., (iumires only dwnllimcN). Tile '■'■lian lúa. -. TheCoucordin Flre Ins. o., The ili.ciis" Flre Iiih. .. Tlie Wertchenter Flre ín. C'o., Tbe Milwaukc-e Hccliauic'M Mutual Flre ín. .. The ■ llaiiiitsliire Fire Ins. ., The Aiiiu.on Flre Iuh. . Rates I)w. i.ossas liberallj adlusted Mi4 oromptly pairt 1 alsoiBiuo Life aini invtwmeiit Policieslu tlit Coun. Mutual Uie liuuriuce Compauy. A iets 155,000,00(1. Ponton desirmg Accident Insurance, can have yearly Poilctes wrltten for them 01 Traveler1 Conpon Insurance Ticket lntued t Low Rates in lta Standard Accident InBurauoe Compnut of North America. Money to Loan at Curre Rute. Office boitr from 8 A. K. to 12M. nJ lt' . . ALBX. W. HAMILTON, Hanllton Block ItnTTa TJITTÏ maTT)eronnaonmetaOb Advertlslns Bureau ( lüSprnoe 3t. where adprilulna wuucts Biay U xoaiè i tor lt UT HEIT ÏOttK. I f , wm MiMwMivHfV wtnmr rW VV1U j fj nMJMU UttlK.LtfL itgUff Vtyr O'í'ne BU íJKS'QUIDEls isKtied March and 6ept., ach year. ït is an eneyciopudiu oí usei'ul iniorïr.ation lor all who purchase the luxuries or the neoessities of life. We can olothe you and furnish you with uil the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, liunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, Btyles and quantities. Just figure out what is reqviired to do all these things COMFORTAELÏ, and you can makeafair estiraatrs ut the value of the BUYBH8' GUIDE, which will be sent upon recerot of !0 cents to pay postage, MO3TGOMERYWARD & COU1-U4 TTi-hi' n Avenue, ChicBRO, HL


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Ann Arbor Register